Babies born on days of eclipses, named Eclipse

Lunar eclipse (Dec. 2011)
Lunar eclipse

This Saturday’s lunar eclipse will be the last total lunar eclipse until 2014, so today is a good day to post about people who have been named Eclipse!

Below are people with Eclipse as either a first or a middle name. I’ve even matched a few with specific historical solar eclipses listed on NASA’s website.


  • Maria Eclipse Moor, born in England on September 5, 1793, the day of a partial solar eclipse.


  • Emma Eclipse Earl, born in England on September 7, 1820, the day of a partial solar eclipse.
  • William Moore Eclipse Reddall, born in England in 1820.
  • Eclipse Mitchell, born in South Carolina circa 1828.
  • Eclipse Sabourin, born in Quebec circa 1823.
  • Eclipse Thomas, born in North Carolina in 1829. (Father of Eclipse J. Thomas, below.)
  • Eclipse Northeast, born in England circa 1831.
  • Charles Eclipse Bennett, born in England in 1836.
  • Maria Eclipse Wilson, born in England in 1836.
  • Augusta Caroline Eclipse Golden, born in England in 1837.
  • Eclipse Scott, born in Virginia on May 26, 1854, the day of a partial solar eclipse.
  • Eclipse Hilsden, born in England circa 1862.
  • Eclipse J. Thomas, born in Georgia in 1867. (Son of Eclipse Thomas, above.)
  • Eclipse Smith, born in Kentucky circa 1869.
  • Eclipse Newton, born in Missouri circa 1871.
  • Nina Eclipse Gain, born in Canada circa 1873.
  • Luna Eclipse Hill, born in Texas on October 24, 1874. (Daughter of Luna Eclipse Weaver, birth date unknown.)
  • Ida/Ada Eclipse Wade, born in Massachusetts in 1874. (I found records for both Ida and Ada — could be a misspelling, or could mean twins.)
  • Eclipse Green, born in Mississippi in 1877.
  • Lily Eclipse Monks, born in England circa 1878.
  • Henry Eclipse Monheim, born in Utah on July 29, 1878, the day of a partial solar eclipse.
  • Marvin Eclipse Wallace, born in Texas on July 29, 1878, the day of total solar eclipse.
  • Sanford Eclipse Gantt, born in Texas on July 29, 1878, the day of a total solar eclipse.
  • May Eclipse Glass, born in England circa 1890.
  • Essie Eclipse McGill, born in Tennessee on January 29, 1892.
  • Eclipse Blackman, born in Georgia circa 1898.


  • Eclipse Eley, born in Georgia circa 1900.
  • Eclipse Ruth Green, born in Mississippi circa 1914.
  • Vivian Eclipse Cubine, born in Oklahoma on May 2, 1920.
  • Eclipse Deutschman, born in New York circa 1925.
  • Eclipse De Marco, born in Rhode Island circa 1925.
  • Angelina Eclipse Ramos, born in Hawaii on May 5, 1941.
  • Jennifer Eclipse Kerr, born in Texas on July 6, 1982, the day of a total lunar eclipse.
  • Kathleen Eclipse Hernandez, born in Texas on July 11, 1991, the day of a partial solar eclipse.
  • Kathleen Eclipse Long, born in Texas on June 12, 1992.

And, in June of 2001, at least a few kids in southern Africa were given eclipse-related names (like Eclipse Glasses, Annular and Totality) around the time of the total solar eclipse.


Image: Adapted from December 10th Lunar Eclipse by SteveB under CC BY 2.0.

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