Popular baby names in Sweden, 2014

Flag of Sweden
Flag of Sweden

According to data from Statistics Sweden, the most popular baby names in Sweden in 2014 were Elsa and Lucas.

Here are Sweden’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2014:

Girl namesBoy names
1. Elsa, 850 baby girls
2. Alice, 806
3. Maja, 732
4. Agnes, 673
5. Lilly, 646
6. Olivia, 626
7. Julia, 610
8. Ebba, 603
9. Linnea, 594
10. Molly, 579
1. Lucas, 860 baby boys
2. William, 851
3. Oscar, 805
4. Oliver, 754
5. Liam, 728
6. Elias, 721
7. Hugo, 696
8. Vincent, 641
9. Charlie, 634
10. Alexander, 630

Though they didn’t make it obvious, the names above actually represent combined spellings.

So do you think Elsa, which ranked 3rd in 2013, hit #1 last year thanks to the movie Frozen? Here are the numbers for Elsa (that spelling only) over the last 5 years:

  • 2014: 841 babies named Elsa in Sweden
  • 2013: 762
  • 2012: 750
  • 2011: 716
  • 2010: 719

Sweden also puts out lists of baby names that are rising the fastest…

Rising girl namesRising boy names
1. Luna
2. Elisa
3. Celine
4. Elise
5. Amelia
1. Ebbe
2. Harry
3. Loui
4. Dante
5. Otto

…and falling the fastest.

Falling girl namesFalling boy names
1. Minna
2. Ronja
3. Emma
4. Svea
5. Ella
1. Simon
2. Olle
3. Anton
4. Jonathan
5. Milo

Could the rise of Elisa and Elise be attributable to Elsa?

Source: Name Statistics – Statistics Sweden

Image: Adapted from Flag of Sweden (public domain)

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