According to data from the Western Australia Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, the most popular baby names in Western Australia in 2016 were Charlotte and Jack.
Here are WA’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2016:
Girl Names
1. Charlotte, 127 baby girls
2. Ava, 120
3. Mia, 113
4. Isla, 109
5. Amelia, 107
6. Olivia, 93
7. Ella, 91
8. Harper, 82
9. Grace, 79
10. Evie, 78
Boy Names
1. Jack, 159 baby boys
2. Oliver, 158
3. Noah, 123
4. William, 114
5. Lucas, 100
6. Ethan + James, 98 each (tie)
7. Thomas + Liam, 88 each (tie)
8. Charlie, 85
9. Jacob, 80
10. Mason, 79
In 2015, the top names were Olivia and Oliver.
New to the girls’ list are Ella, Harper and Evie. They replaced Sophie, Ruby, and Chloe.
New to the boys’ list are Lucas, Charlie, and Jacob. Gone from the boys’ list is Lachlan.
Source: Popular Baby Names (Births, Deaths and Marriages)