According to data released NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, the most popular baby names in New South Wales, Australia, in 2017 were Charlotte and Oliver.
Here are NSW’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2017:
Girl Names
1. Charlotte, 482 baby girls
2. Olivia, 463
3. Ava, 379
4. Amelia, 374
5. Mia, 338
6. Isla, 329
7. Chloe, 301
8. Zoe, 295
9. Ella, 291
10. Grace, 285
Boy Names
1. Oliver, 556 baby boys
2. William, 456
3. Noah, 432
4. Jack, 398
5. Henry, 336
6. James, 335
7. Thomas, 330
8. Lucas, 325
9. Ethan, 302
10. Alexander, 296
In the girls’ top 10, Zoe and Ella replaced Emily (now 14th) and Ruby (now 15th).
In the boys’ top 10, Henry replaced Leo (now 13th).
In 2016, the top two names were Olivia and Oliver.
And to follow up on the Maddison/Madison thing from last year: Maddison is now ranked 61st in NSW, while Maddison is ranked 76th. In the U.S., in contrast, the double-D version is 357th and the single-D version ranks 17th.
Source: Facts & Statistics – Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages – Department of Justice NSW