Bulgaria’s top baby names of 2013 were released last month.
According to preliminary data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI), the most popular baby names last year were Viktoria and Georgi.
Here are Bulgaria’s top 19 girl names and top 19 boy names of 2013:
Girl Names
- Viktoria (2.9% of baby girls)
- Nikol (2.7%)
- Maria (2.4%)
- Alexandra (1.7%)
- Gabriela (1.5%)
- Raya (1.2%)
- Yoana (1.2%)
- Simona
- Elena
- Dariya
- Teodora
- Siyana
- Mihaela
- Gergana
- Magdalena
- Bozhidara
- Monika
- Ivayla
- Karina
Boy Names
- Georgi (3.55% of baby boys)
- Alexandar (3.1%)
- Martin (2.9%)
- Ivan (2.4%)
- Dimitar (2.1%)
- Nikola (2.1%)
- Nikolay (2.0%)
- Viktor
- Kristiyan
- Kaloyan
- Boris
- Teordor
- Bozhidar
- Petar
- Stefan
- Alex
- Ivaylo
- Mihail
- Angel
Source: Most popular baby names in Bulgaria – Georgi, Viktoria
Image: Adapted from Flag of Bulgaria (public domain)
I like Kaloyan. It derives from the Greek Kaloi?ann?s, meaning “handsome John”.
Love that definition!
And that one is legit, which is rare. So many people, when defining baby names, throw in complimentary words that aren’t supposed to be there. Handsome, beautiful, enlightened, etc. Irks me to see that.
Thanks for stopping by Maarten!
At last, a list without Sophia/Sofia at the top. Wonder why. ;)
Good point! Not even on the list…