What were the most popular first letters for baby names in 2014?
For girl names, the top first letter was A:

Of all the baby girls accounted for on the SSA’s 2014 baby name list, 18.41% were given a name that starts with the letter A. The next most popular letters were M (9.39%), E (8.03%), S (7.57%) and K (7.02%).
(The letter E has become has been on the rise for girl names lately! From 5th most popular in 2012, to 4th in 2013, and now 3rd in 2014. No doubt thanks to popular girl names like Emma, Emily, Elizabeth, Evelyn, and Ella.)
The least popular first letter for girl names was U (0.03%), followed by Q (0.19%), X (0.20%), W (0.38%) and Y (0.50%).
For boy names, the top first letter was J:

Of all the baby boys accounted for on the SSA’s 2014 list, 14.44% were given a name that starts with the letter J. The next most popular letters were A (10.11%), C (8.31%), M (6.94%) and L (6.36%).
The least popular first letter for boy names was U (0.14%), followed by Q (0.18%), X (0.42%), Y (0.42%) and V (0.63%).
The top first letter for all baby names (girls and boys combined) was A:

Of all the babies accounted for on the SSA’s 2014 list, 14.11% were given a name that starts with the letter A. The next most popular letters were J (10.04%), M (8.12%), C (7.08%) and E (6.78%).
The least popular first letter for baby names was U (0.09%), followed by Q (0.19%), X (0.31%), Y (0.46%) and F (0.95%).
The top letters were also A (for girls), J (for boys), and A (overall) in 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009.
U.S. Baby Names 2014: Most popular names, Top girl-name debuts, Top boy-name debuts, Biggest girl-name changes, Biggest boy-name changes, Top first letters, Top lengths
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