In his book The American Language, writer Henry Louis Mencken used the phrase “feminine blend” to describe a female name created by blending two other names together.
Here are the feminine blends he lists:
- Adelloyd (Addie + Lloyd)
- Adnelle (Addison + Nellie)
- Adrielle (Adrienne + Belle)
- Armina (Ardelia + Wilhelmina)
- Bethene (Elizabeth + Christine)
- Birdene (Birdie + Pauline)
- Charline (Charles + Pauline)
- Leilabeth (Leila + Elizabeth)
- Lunette (Luna + Nettie)
- Marjette (Marjorie + Henrietta)
- Maybeth (May + Elizabeth)
- Olabelle (Ola + Isabel)
- Olouise (Olive + Louise)
- Romiette (Romeo + Juliette)
- Rosella (Rose + Bella)
If you had to use one of the above in real life, which one would you choose?
Source: Mencken, H. L. The American Language. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1919.
Found it tough to pick between Lunette and Adrielle, especially as Luna and Adria are both favourites of mine! Adrielle won though as I already named my cat Luna ;)
I’ve never seen Maybeth before, but it reminds me of ladies I’ve known named Maybelle and Raebelle!