How popular is the baby name Renesmee in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Renesmee.

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Popularity of the baby name Renesmee

Posts that mention the name Renesmee

Babies named after Katniss from “Hunger Games”?

"The Hunger Games" (2008)
The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is a young adult science-fiction trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The last of the three books, Mockingjay, was released a few weeks ago.

At the moment, Mockingjay is #5 on the Bestseller List. Catching Fire, the second book, is #13. Hunger Games, the first, is #16.

Movies based on the books are in the works.

What interests me about the series is that most of the Hunger Games characters have odd names. The young female protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, was named after an edible plant called katniss. She has a younger sister named Primrose, a male friend named Peeta, and lives in a world where people are named anything from Glimmer to Plutarch.

We all know that popular books and movies have the potential to affect baby name trends–even create brand new baby names. Babies have been named Renesmee thanks to Twilight, Neytiri thanks to Avatar, Galadriel thanks to The Lord of the Rings…the list goes on.

Could you see Katniss crossing over into the real world as a baby name? How about any of the other Hunger Games names?

(I first learned about these books in a video by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn, which is a great blog/site/podcast for writers.)

Update, March 26, 2012: As you know, the trilogy is now a movie. And, last weekend, Hunger Games (the film) had the 3rd-best opening weekend of all time (after The Dark Knight and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2). So…Katniss is pretty much a sure thing at this point. If it doesn’t debut in 2011 for the books, it’s bound to debut in 2012 for the movie.

Update, July 21, 2020: The name Katniss did indeed debut in 2012, as did Finnick. Primrose made a return that year as well, as did Gale for baby boys. Two more Hunger Games names affected by subsequent movies include Everdeen (debuted in 2014) and Cressida (re-emerged in 2014). And, going back to the books, the name Rue returned in 2010.

Where did the baby name Renesmee come from in 2009?

The character Renesmee Cullen from "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" (2016).
Renesmee from “Breaking Dawn – Part 2

Stephenie Meyer’s four Twilight books (published yearly from 2005 from 2008) chronicled the romance of teenager Bella Swan and vampire Edward Cullen. The books proved so popular that were turned into a series of five films (released yearly from 2008 to 2012).

In the world of Twilight, Renesmee is the half-human, half-vampire child of Bella and Edward. She was born in the middle of the final book of the series, Breaking Dawn (2008). On the big screen, Renesmee’s birth was depicted in the fourth film, Breaking Dawn – Part 1 (2011).

According to Bella herself, the name is pronounced “Ruh-nez-may.” It’s a combination of Renée (the name of Bella’s mother) and Esme (the name of Edward’s adoptive mother).

The first real-life Renesmee I spotted was born in Scotland in 2009. But in mid-2010, when the SSA’s 2009 data was released, we all discovered that more than a dozen U.S. baby girls had been named Renesmee the same year:

  • 2021: 161 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2020: 155 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2019: 143 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2018: 147 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2017: 129 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2016: 154 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2015: 129 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2014: 135 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2013: 135 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2012: 60 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2011: 33 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2010: 47 baby girls named Renesmee
  • 2009: 18 baby girls named Renesmee [debut]
  • 2008: unlisted

Total count so far? 1,446.

The name has never cracked the girls’ top 1,000, but usage remains weirdly strong (given the fact that the Twilight craze has passed), so perhaps it will in the future.

That jump in the usage between 2012 and 2013 was due to the final movie of the series, Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (2012), in which Renesmee was a young child (as opposed to a newborn).

But that’s not all. A slew of Renesmee variants have cropped up over the years:

Putting all the various spellings together, the grand total is well over than 2,300.

What are your thoughts on the baby name Renesmee?

P.S. The French names Renée and Esmé mean “born again” and “loved,” respectively.

Sources: Wikipedia, SSA
Image: Screenshot of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 (2012)

[Latest update: April 2023]

Popular and unique baby names in Scotland (UK), 2009

Flag of the United Kingdom
Flag of the United Kingdom

Scotland’s most popular baby names of 2009 have been released. The top five boy names are Jack, Lewis, James, Liam and Logan. The top five girl names are Sophie, Olivia, Ava, Emily and Lucy. The biggest climbers since last year are Owen and Miley.

And here are some baby names that were used just once:


Didn’t take long for a version of Renesmee to pop up on a birth certificate somewhere, did it?

Demi-Star made me think of bras. Like, Demi-Star must be the sexier version of regular Star. (There was only one baby girl named Star, by the way, but four baby girls named Starr. I wonder why the double-R version is more popular.)

Source: GRO Scotland

Image: Adapted from Flag of the United Kingdom (public domain)