We recently looked at the top baby names in Houston, so today let’s check out some of the unusual baby names that were bestowed in Harris County (where Houston is located) from 1926 to 1934.
Why 1926 to 1934? Because the USGenWeb Archives website for Texas happens to host complete, digitized sets of Harris County birth records for those particular years. :)
For onomastic context: The top five girl names in Texas in 1930 were Mary, Betty, Dorothy, Maria, and Billie; the top five boy names were James, Billy, Robert, John, and Charles.
And now, here are some of the unusual-but-real baby names that were being used in Harris County in the late ’20s and early ’30s…
- Girl names: Amfueretta, Autra, Clemmine, Dura, Eldoria, Fayetla, Faylese, Georgesther, Iantha, Inry, Jimize, Joshlie, Martimana, Mervelin, Philogonius, Ruberly, Symova, Veloria, Ventruda, Zenola
- Boy names: Batrio, Clardy, Clavy, Durward, Fayne, Galvino, Horathel, Jallus, Komello, Lomas, Ludwell, Nonis, Octamis, Searcy, Stayden, Talbert, Thadid, Waldo, Wiltz, Zocheryer
- Girl names: Azerlene, Crespina, Davalene, Diluvina, Flumencia, Glissie, Haldora, Hinda, Isiola, Lapia, Mardry, Maxteen, Nicolasa, Orea, Revoydia, Ruvellee, Sidnorry, Versa, Vreenta, Willia & Nillia (twins)
- Boy names: Alzie, Arno, Buckney, Clovis, Donley, Gasdan, Greensoile, Herndon, Iron, Jappa, Kemper, Kinnie, Mynatt, Narmon, Osby, Risco, Ronickey, Schallie, Tevan, Tollie
- Girl names: Alcada, Ayda, Bitovia, Clydine, Flavilla, Glordia, Hisidra, Inola, Juvene, Leonicia, Mattilene, Oresa, Relda, Sinella, Thaylia, Throsula, Valmarie, Willoise, Zelphia, Zolita
- Boy names: Aninas, Asriah, Calby, Cleophua, Delery, Derwent, Elivorio, Enimuson, Galo, Hartsell, Jurinous, Kermit, Kissel, Lassiter, Mcclare, Monteith, Ole, Pantaleon, Plymton, Surgossa
- Girl names: Arthia, Bifiana, Clemensia, Dinazar, Elmorene, Evima, Ferenita, Glennella, Gusstelle, Hughleen, Jaquamina, Lunetta, Mildra, Olilathe, Raydel, Seropia, Starley, Treassa, Yachitl, Ysrosa
- Boy names: Boysen, Dreabon, Exalton, Hennone, Hulan, Jolari, Kezakiah, Laddie, Melbert, Monsie, Narcief, Primitivo, Renick, Ruffin, Schley, Tagaro, Tawsen, Valdellaro, Vesome, Zannie
- Girl names: Arlisia, Azo, Binji, Chavara, Cleoneta, Elzunnette, Faydell, Floryana, Jazzella, Junetenth,* Librada, Marginelle, Nezzell, Olgria, Omandy, Pura, Rahubie, Tanua, Trellis, Wiltessa
- Boy names: Atenojenes, Beeler, Boza, Charna, Clausiel, Donniehue, Doulthitt, Eluterio, Galvesto, Kirkland, Landrum, Larough, Marvis, Mcclora, Neilo, Oliner, Scherrell, Sunary, Telesmar, Trossie
*In other records, she’s listed as “Juneteena.” As per Ellyn’s comment, the name may actually be “Juneteenth,” in honor of the holiday that celebrates the end of slavery.
- Girl names: Artsie, Auba, Cloredia, Docsha, Febuncia, Gladia, Jettie, Lithia, Lorinza, Mozelle, Ocinia, Orfa, Phadalia, Ria, Rovell, Sasvilla, Snobia,* Tala, Teula, Verlia
- Boy names: Arvel, Cloy, Duffie, Elry, Fitzhugh, Galen, Ingram, Jeptha, Jerah, Khleber, Mirlo, Orlo, Ozell, Roswald, Sebie, Thano, Tosker, Velton, Vyron, Worley
*Snobby-looking Snobia is probably just an altered form of Zenobia.
- Girl names: Brenotte, Cesoria, Elydia, Eola, Glennia, Hannora, Idanel, Josener, Laquita, Liligene, Minta, Nelva, Ninfa, Oradola, Ouida, Renoma, Rosarine, Velosa, Willette, Zol
- Boy names: Bincy, Brozy, Clymer, Cullis, Esker, Ferris, Hurnden, Izria, Kaywood, Latham, Nemensio, Odis, Orville, Ramia, Shedrick, Streeter, Theophilus, Vernest, Wayaland, Zeff
- Girl names: Annarene, Bittie, Clista, Darristine, Esobello, Exenia, Genoria, Gwilda, Idella, Jemanne, Kleanthe, Leska, Mattiegene, Mercidee, Reheba, Rocksie, Trudell, Valmia, Velta, Yerula
- Boy names: Armogene, Artis, Claydorn, Cromwell, Deckman, Envon, Hildo, Judges, Leotis, Linlou, Millus, Ninary, Olinthas, Pelton, Phineas, Rianaldo, Ringling, Thurlo, Trezevant, Verzel
- Girl names: Armandina, Athydell, Berklyn, Clois, Cova, Dazerine, Elzie, Enla, Flonia, Hybernia, Isadoranne, Lemabel, Marzie, Mavolen, Oralina, Roxelyn, Sedonia, Thala, Valanie, Zeolia
- Boy names: Boyce, Bunard, Dolph, Eurshell, Foy, Heyburn, Jessia, Jock, Kermit, Kernin, Lorvell, Melescio, Numa, Rhomey, Rusperto, Sneed, Travino, Treldon, Ulmer, Venard
Have any thoughts about the names above?