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Name needed: Baby girl, initially named Lumi, needs to be renamed

I was contacted recently by a reader who needs to find a new name for a baby girl. The baby was formerly called Lumi.

The reader sent me a lot of helpful information about the situation, so I’m simply going to quote the bulk of what was written below. I’ve boldfaced all the first names mentioned, for easier scanning.

Here’s the request:

Basically, without getting into too much detail, we are going to be renaming our child. What happened is that we chose the name Lumi, which I have loved since the moment I heard it, since I think the sound is beautiful and uplifting, it’s unique, but not so out there as to be hard to understand, and we also thought of it as short for luminescent or luminous–something that brings light, which I love. Also, we often call her Lulu, and liked that Lumi seemed a bit more interesting and maybe even more formal (at least to us!) for when she is in school or at a job. But, after choosing that name, we were informed that the word lumi actually is slang for prostitute in Spanish. If Spanish were a very uncommon language, we might have just accepted it, but seeing as we have some Spanish speaking family and both of us already speak some Spanish and live in a place with a lot of Spanish speakers, it seemed impossible to keep the name. So we changed it. The change was awful for me, since I was not happy with the new name, but couldn’t think of another and thought I would grow to like it. But I haven’t. I will not tell you the “new” name or how long it has been, since I don’t think it matters as we will be changing it no matter what. What matters most to me is that we find another name that suits her, doesn’t mean prostitute (or anything like it) in any language, and isn’t tied to so much negativity and stress. And, just to say, we do currently still call her Lulu, so variations on that (so long as they fit other criteria) are welcome! 

Ideally, we would like the name to be unique, but also easy to relate to an existing word so that we can easily anchor people when we introduce her, since we know how complicated having a “unique” name can be for introductions, spellings, pronunciation, etc. So, for example, one name I also really liked was Deli, since I like that someone could say, “Deli, like delight.” Or even “Deli, like delicatessen.” The problem there, of course, is that when you say “Deli,” people will hear the city in India, so that was off the list, since neither of us have any connection to that place. We also liked the name Euphie, as in euphoria, but I found out that that’s the name of a vacuum, so I wasn’t sure if that might be a mistake to choose that one. We also like Jovie (for jovial?), but this is also a bit too popular at the moment. But, if this makes sense, we’d like something unique that can even sound like a nickname, but it would be a short version of an existing word that is easy to understand and helps people quickly make the connection and has a positive meaning–or relates in some way to food (for example, Romy, for rosemary). I hope this is clear, isn’t too much to ask, and also gives you some ideas of the kind of thing we are after.
We really want a name that has a positive meaning or is related to food or cooking in some way. The best name in terms of meanings that I can think of is Beatrice, which, as you know, means brings joy, since that’s how we feel about our sweet girl. She is an absolute ray of sunshine, always smiling, and brings us all joy. Of course, Beatrice itself is too popular for our tastes, but if you can think of another name that means brings joy (or peace or some such) but that is much less common or a “made up” name that seems to fit this, we’d love to hear it! Otherwise, names that mean things that are positive, uplifting, or peaceful are all great. Also, we are a food-loving family, so something that has a relationship to food or cooking would also be great, especially something like an edible plant or something on the healthier or more natural side. Another name that was at the top of our lists at some point was Romy (which, again, works as short for rosemary and easy to say/spell, but it is currently much too popular for our liking).

And, finally, the name must not translate to something negative or offensive in another language (especially Spanish!). 

As for last names, to protect our privacy, I will just say her last name is Rose, which is almost exactly her actual last name and will help with those looking to create alliterations, which are fine with us. We actually considered Rosie and, as I mentioned, Romy, but they’re both a bit too popular.

I’ll start with a few quick thoughts, then move on to the names.

First, I can’t imagine the stress of trying to re-name a baby a second time. I’m so sorry that the first two names didn’t work out.

Second, regarding baby names that happen to be brand names (like Euphie/Eufy): I think this is just the new norm. So many start-ups are being given human names (e.g., Casper, Cora, Oscar, Clio, Albert, Roman, Dave) that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a name that is not also a brand. So this doesn’t necessarily have to be a deal-breaker.

Third, for those who want to comment with name suggestions, here are the names that were mentioned as being “too popular” above and where they currently sit in the girls’ rankings, just for reference:

  • Jovie ranks 763rd
  • Beatrice ranks 565th
  • Romy ranks 1,452nd (given to 147 baby girls in 2021)
  • Rosie ranks 461st

Name Ideas


  • Saffy is a nickname for Saffron, a noun-name inspired by the name of the spice (which is made from crocus flowers).
  • Recent usage: Saffy has never appeared in the data.

Tashi (tah-shee)

  • Tashi is a Tibetan word (and personal name) meaning “auspicious.” Tashi delek, often translated as “blessings and good luck,” is a common greeting in Tibet. Tashi could also be a nickname for Natasha.
  • Recent usage: Tashi is given to a handful of babies (both genders) per year.

Meli (meh-lee)

  • Meli corresponds to the ancient Greek word méli, meaning “honey” — and, by extension, anything sweet. It could also be a nickname for the related name Melissa (“honeybee”).
  • Recent usage: Meli is given to a handful of baby girls per year.


  • Revi is reminiscent of the words revelry (“merrymaking”) and reverie (“daydream”). It also corresponds to the Esperanto verb revi, which similarly means “to daydream.”
  • Recent usage: Revi has appeared in the data just twice so far.

Ceres (see-reez)

  • Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture and grain crops (e.g., wheat, barley). Her name is the root of the word cereal. Ceres is a homophone of series, and also sounds similar to Siri (which could be a pro or a con, depending).
  • Recent usage: Ceres has appeared in the data five times so far.

Hebe (hee-bee)

  • Hebe was the Greek goddess of youth (hebe meant “youth” in ancient Greek). More importantly, she was the cup-bearer for the gods of Mount Olympus. She served them both nectar and ambrosia — so, food as well as drink. Hebe rhymes with Phoebe.
  • Recent usage: Hebe is given to a handful of baby girls per year.


  • Minta is a nickname for Araminta, an English name of obscure origin. Minta sounds similar to the word mint (which refers to edible plants in the genus Mentha).
  • Recent usage: Minta hasn’t appeared in the data since the 1990s.


  • Speaking of mint…Rilla could be short for Perilla, a genus of edible plants also in the mint family (Lamiaceae).
  • Recent usage: Rilla is given to a handful of baby girls per year.


  • Liati is a vaguely Italian-sounding acronym that stands for the phrase: “Love is all there is.” (I discovered Liati in a news article several years ago.)
  • Recent usage: Liati has never appeared in the data.


  • Ovi is reminiscent of two food-related Latin words: ovum, meaning “egg,” and ovis, meaning “sheep.”
  • Recent usage: Ovi is given to a handful of babies, mostly girls, per year.

Ridi (ree-dee)

  • Ridi corresponds to the Esperanto verb ridi, meaning “to laugh.” (The idea of the baby “always smiling” made me want to include at least one option linked to smiling/laughing.) Ridi rhymes with reedy.
  • Recent usage: Ridi has never appeared in the data.


  • Pomi is a form of the Latin word pomus, meaning “fruit” or “fruit tree.” Pomona was the Roman goddess of fruit trees.
  • Recent usage: Pomi has never appeared in the data.

Suvi (soo-vee)

  • Suvi is a Finnish word (and personal name) meaning “summer.” It sounds a lot like the French term sous vide (“under vacuum”), which refers to a cooking technique. That said, a start-up with a similar name (Suvie) does exist.
  • Recent usage: Suvi is given to a handful of baby girls per year.


  • Kezi is a short form of the Hebrew name Keziah, meaning “cassia tree.” The bark of the cassia tree (Cinnamomum cassia) is one of the sources of cinnamon.
  • Recent usage: Kezi has never appeared in the data.


  • Ravi corresponds to both the Esperanto verb ravi, meaning “to delight,” and the French adjective ravi, meaning “thrilled, ravished.” It’s also a Hindi male name meaning “sun” (which reminded me of the baby being a “ray of sunshine”).
  • Recent usage: Ravi is given to a moderate number of baby boys per year, but has appeared in the data as a girl name just once so far.


  • Rava corresponds to the Esperanto word rava, meaning “delightful, ravishing.” It’s the adjectival form of ravi.
  • Recent usage: Rava has appeared in the data just twice so far.

Libi (lee-bee)

  • Libi is a modern Hebrew name based on the word libbi, meaning “my heart.” It also happens to be a form of the Latin word libum, which referred to a type of cake in ancient Rome.
  • Recent usage: Libi is given to a handful of baby girls per year.


  • Pemma corresponds to the ancient Greek word pemma, which referred to a type of cake in ancient Greece. It’s similar to both Emma and Pema (the Tibetan form of Padma, meaning “lotus”).
  • Recent usage: Pemma has never appeared in the data.

(Just wanted to note: Ancient cakes were made with ingredients like fruits, nuts, eggs, cheese, honey, flour, and olive oil. They were often prepared as offerings to the gods.)


  • Juni is a nickname for Juniper, a noun-name inspired by the coniferous plant, which produces “berries” (actually seed cones) that are used as a spice. It also means “June” in several European languages, and corresponds to the Esperanto verb juni (yoo-nee), meaning “to be young.”
  • Recent usage: Juni is given to a couple dozen babies, mostly girls, per year.

Rafi (rah-fee)

  • Rafi corresponds to the Sámi word ráfi, meaning “peace.” It’s also a nickname for the Spanish name Rafaela.
  • Recent usage: Rafi is given to a couple dozen baby boys per year, but has appeared in the data as a girl name just once so far.

Baya (bay-uh)

  • Baya is reminiscent of the word bay, as in the bay leaf (which comes from the bay laurel and is used in cooking). It also happens to correspond to the Spanish noun baya (pronounced bah-yah), meaning “berry.”
  • Recent usage: Baya is given to a handful of baby girls per year.

Tilia (til-ee-uh)

  • Tilia corresponds to the Latin word tilia, meaning “linden tree.” Most linden trees (genus Tilia) have multiple edible parts (e.g., leaves, flowers). Tilia is also a short form of Ottilia.
  • Recent usage: Tilia is given to a handful of baby girls per year.

Yumi (yoo-mee)

  • Yumi is a Japanese name that rhymes with Lumi and happens to contain the word yum. :) It has various potential definitions, including “archery bow.”
  • Recent usage: Yumi is given to a moderate number of baby girls per year.

Because so many of these are informal/invented, the spellings aren’t set in stone. Saffy could be Saffi, Juni could be Junie, Revi could be Revy, etc. Likewise, the names themselves are malleable: Pomi could be changed to Poma, Tilia could be shortened to Tili, Ovi could be lengthened Ovia (almost like a condensed Olivia?).

(Also, in case anyone was wondering: Esperanto is a man-made language that dates back to the 1880s.)

Now it’s your turn. Do you like any of the above suggestions? What other baby names would you suggest to this reader?

Babies named for the ships they were born on (A to L)

SS Earl Dalhousie
SS Earl Dalhousie

Back when sea voyages were the only way to reach distant lands, many babies ended up being born aboard ships. And many of these ship-born babies were given names that reflected the circumstances of their birth. A good portion of them, for instance, were named after the ships upon which they were born.

I’ve gathered hundreds of these ship-inspired baby names over the years, and I think it’s finally time to post what I’ve found. You’ll find the first half of the list below. (Here’s the second half.)


  • Abergeldie:
    • Emma Abergeldie Walsh, born in 1884
  • Abernyte:
    • Eva Abernyte Congdon, born in 1875
  • Abington:
    • Herbert Bealie Abington Tait, born in 1884
  • Abyssinia:
    • Abyssinia Louise Juhansen, born in 1870
    • Abyssinia Elfkin, born in 1872
    • Louise Abyssinia Bellanger, born in 1874
  • Achilles:
    • John Achilles Denchey, born in 1871
  • Actoea:
    • U. Actoea Jones, born in 1868
  • Adriatic:
    • John Adriatic Gateley Collins, born in 1879
    • Adriatic O’Loghlin Gould, born in 1880
    • Agnes Adriatic Cook, born in 1880
  • Agamemnon:
    • Frederick Agamemnon Dingly, born in 1876
  • Alaska:
    • Mary Alaska Magee, born in 1884
  • Alcester:
    • Gertrude Alcester Dart, born in 1884
  • Alcinous:
    • Mary Duncan Alcinosa Greenwood, born in 1887
  • Aldergrove:
    • Aldergrove Andrew Fullarton Feathers, born in 1875
    • Ethel Aldergrove Winning, born in 1883
  • Aleppo:
    • Rosalia Aleppo Rosenthal, born in 1866
    • Aleppo Atalanta Boardsen, born in 1883
  • Alexandrina:
    • Caroline Alexandrina Phillips, born in 1873
    • Mary Alexandrina Hedges, born in 1874
    • Alexandrina Horsnell, born in 1874
  • Algeria:
    • Louis Algeria Noizet, born in 1872
  • Aliquin:
    • Edward Aliquin Poley, born in 1860
  • Allanshaw:
    • Joseph Allanshaw Moss, born in 1883
    • Frederick Allanshaw Shields, born in 1883
  • Almora:
    • Almora May Leech, born in 1856
    • Emily Almora Hamper, born in 1883
    • Joseph Henry Almora Alford, born in 1883
    • Mary Almora Clothier, born in 1887
    • Almora Merten, born in 1887
  • Alnwick Castle:
    • William Alnwick Bull, born in 1861
  • Alpheta:
    • Mary Alpheta Stone, born in 1877
  • Alsatia:
    • Alsatia Campbell Carnalian, born in 1877
  • Altmore:
    • Eliza Altmore Harris, born in 1883
  • Alumbagh:
    • Alumbagh Eleanor Bright, born in 1868
    • Sarah Louise Alumbagh Hancock, born in 1868
  • Alvington:
    • Alvington Oak Silvester, born in 1879
  • Amoor:
    • William Amoor Walker, born in 1864
  • Anchoria:
    • Anchoria Adelaide Williams, born in 1890
  • Angerona:
    • Mary Angerona Harwood, born in 1875
  • Anglesey:
    • Clara Anglesey Oakley, born in 1859
    • Emma Jane Anglesey Conbrough, born in 1874
  • Anglia:
    • James Craig Anglia Watt, born in 1871
    • Emma Anglia Hewitt, born in 1873
    • Margaret Anglia Smith Mulholland, born in 1874
  • Anglo Saxon:
    • Mary Saxon Copeland, born in 1860
  • Antiope:
    • Lilias Antiope Carrick, born in 1884
  • Aorangi:
    • Arthur Aorangi Burrow, born in 1884
    • Aorangi Millar, born in 1885
    • Ellen Corbet Aorangi Browne, born in 1891
    • Aorangi Townsend, born in 1934
  • Arabic:
    • Isabella Arabic East, born in 1887
  • Arcadia:
    • Arcadia Herbert, born in 1877
  • Archer:
    • Archer Grainger Bryans, born in 1883
    • Beatrice Archer Shambers, born in 1885
  • Argo:
    • Sigri Argo Larsen, born in 1877
  • Arica:
    • Aricania Pereg, born in 1883
  • Arizona:
    • Helen Arizona Erickson, born in 1881
    • Sarah Arizona Duggan, born in 1881
    • Ole Arizona Melting, born in 1881
    • Agnes Arizona Kane, born in 1884
    • Elenor Arizona Poulteny, born in 1884
    • Elizabeth Arizona Harvey, born in 1887
    • Marie Arizona Malm, born in 1887
  • Arundel Castle:
    • Arundal Sheal Davis, born in 1870
    • Leopold Arundel Hofmeyer, born in 1876
    • George Arundel Baylis, born in 1876
    • Charles Arundel Holden, born in 1876
  • Arvonia:
    • Herbert John Arvon Hughes, born in 1881
  • Ashmore:
    • James Alfred George Henry Ashmore Curtis, born in 1882
  • Astria:
    • Jessie Astria Santon, born in 1875
  • Atalanta:
    • Anne Atalanta McCormack, born in 1861
  • Atlanta:
    • Elizabeth Atlanta Harrington, born in 1871
    • Elizabeth Atlanta Earp, born in 1871
  • Auckland:
    • Jane Auckland Peacock, born in 1872
  • Australia:
    • Australia Dominica Scioli, born in 1880
  • Avalanche:
    • Avalanche Isaac Hughes, born in 1874
    • Gabrielle Stella Avalanche Newson, born in 1876
  • Avoca:
    • Margaret Avoca Randall, born in 1878
  • Avonmore:
    • Gwendoline Avonmore Corfield, born in 1876


  • Baltic:
    • Annie Baltic Jones, born in 1880
  • Bard of Avon:
    • William Avon Clifford, born in 1864
  • Baron Blantyre:
    • Mary Blantyre Philbrook, born in 1887
  • Batavia:
    • Batavia Svensen, born in 1877
  • Beemah:
    • Miriam Beemah Pickerwell, born in 1856
    • Catharine Mary Beemah Dooney, born in 1879
  • Belair:
    • Mary Louise Belair Wright, born in 1882
  • Belle Alliance:
    • Dora Belle Howat, born in 1876
  • Belle Wood:
    • Joseph Bellewood Richards, born in 1864
  • Ben Nevis:
    • Ben Nevis Amoorthum, born in 1878
  • Benan:
    • Edward Benan Davies, born in 1877
  • Berar:
    • Berar Oceana Cunningham Firth, born in 1873
    • Berar Clark, born in 1885
  • Berlin:
    • Elizabeth Berlina Glaser, born in 1881
  • Blair Athole:
    • Athole Taylor Bartley Butler, born in 1878
  • Blue Jacket:
    • William Blue Jacket Afflech, born in 1864
    • Julia Blue Jacket Shaw, born in 1864
  • Bolivia:
    • Bolivia Alexandra Anderson, born in 1884
  • Bombay:
    • Mary Bombay Wareing, born in 1883
  • Boyne:
    • William Boyne Brooks, born in 1874
    • Mabel Boyne Roberts, born in 1878
    • Whiteoak Boyne Stokes, born in 1878
  • Brittania:
    • Annie Britannia Johnson, born in 1873
    • Columbia Britannia Rosenberg, born in 1881
    • Britannia Hafner, born in 1883
  • Britannic:
    • Brita Annica Hellgren, born in 1876
    • Robert Britannic Bowen, born in 1877
    • Bernard Britannic Traynor, born in 1882
    • Margaret Britannic McCracken, born in 1886
  • British King:
    • British King Frank, born in 1886
    • British King Johann, born in 1886, who made the news:
British King Johann
  • British Prince:
    • Patrick Prince McShane, born in 1887
  • Brooklyn:
    • Marina Brooklyn Neilstather, born in 1882
  • Broughton:
    • Annie Broughton Hutchinson, born in 1877
    • Margaret Broughton Edkin, born in 1878
  • Bula:
    • David Bula Newman Watson, born in 1878
  • Bulimba:
    • Moses Bulimba Williams, born in 1883
    • Annie Bulimba Burstow, born in 1883
    • Bulimba Skow, born in 1886
    • William Bulimba Elgar, born in 1886
    • Alice Bulimba Bevis, born in 1887
    • Bulimba Elizabeth Ufer, born in 1887
    • John Bulimba Nott, born in 1887


  • Caduceus:
    • John Caduceus Mason, born in 1869
    • Pauline Caduceus Pyne, born in 1871
    • Amy Caduceus Ward, born in 1871
  • Calabria:
    • Sarah Elizabeth Calabria Marsden, born in 1874
  • Caledonia:
    • William Caledonia Lowe, born in 1870
    • Jane Caledonia Morrison, born in 1870
    • James Caledonia Terrie, born in 1871
    • Muhelina Caledonia Cardone, born in 1888
  • California:
    • Craig California McGinley, born in 1872
    • Sarah California Boettcher, born in 1877
  • Calliance:
    • William James Calliance Potter, born in 1861
  • Cambodia:
    • Mary Cambodia Pocock, born in 1884
    • Ellen Cambodia Goldthorp, born in 1884
    • Emma Cambodia Gascoigne, born in 1884
  • Cambria:
    • Cambria Wallace Milne, born in 1880
  • Cambrian:
    • Henry Cambrian Bouchier, born in 1863
  • Camorta:
    • John Camorta Bleney, born in 1882
  • Camperdown:
    • Ellen Duncan Camperdown Woods, born in 1876
  • Canada:
    • Amelia Canada Scrivens, born in 1857
    • Mary Canada Furlong, born in 1883
  • Canara:
    • Canara Iunatum, born in 1880
  • Canterbury:
    • Canterbury C. Purdon, born in 1863
  • Cardigan Castle:
    • Cardigan Petersen, born in 1873
  • Carisbrooke Castle:
    • Ellen Carisbrooke Haslett, born in 1875
    • Phoebe Carisbrooke Fleming, born in 1875
  • Carnatic:
    • Elizabeth Ann Carnatic Bowler, born in 1873
    • Agnes Carnatic Keen, born in 1875
    • Maria Carnatic Gauser, born in 1880
    • Amy Carnatic Collins, born in 1880
    • David Carnatic Robinson, born in 1880
  • Carrick Castle:
    • Carrick Beatrix Hagerty, born in 1874
  • Cartrale:
    • Arthur Taylor Cartrale Smith, born in 1874
  • Cartsburn:
    • M. B. Cartsburn Watt, born in 1874
    • Cartsburn Baxter, born in 1874
    • A. C. Cartsburn Sloan, born in 1874
  • Caspian:
    • William Caspian Downham, born in 1877
  • Castalia:
    • Castalia Marchesa, born in 1879
  • Catalonia:
    • Gurnod Catalonius Sjoberg, born in 1886
  • Cedric the Saxon:
    • Frank Cedric McNair, born in 1885
  • Cephalonia:
    • Cephalonia Charles Jones, born in 1883
    • Henrietta Cephalonia Colman, born in 1885
    • Cephalonia Brook, born in 1886
  • Ceylon:
    • Archie Ceylon Randle, born in 1885
  • Chalmers:
    • Henry Richard Chalmers Charles Bainton, born in 1859
  • Charles Cox:
    • Carlotta Graham Cox, born in 1878
  • Charlwood:
    • Bertram Charlwood Hiscocks, born in 1881
  • Cheops:
    • Cheops Garthwaite, born in 1874
  • Chimborazo:
    • Daniel Chimborazo Dineen, born in 1879
  • China:
    • George China Ward, born in 1876
  • Chollerton:
    • Robert Chollerton Shepherd, born in 1887
    • Ellen Chollerton Blackwell, born in 1887
    • Gertrude Chollerton Archer, born in 1887
  • Christian McAusland:
    • William Taylor McAusland Nelson, born in 1875
  • Chyebassa:
    • Chyebassa Best, born in 1881
    • Chybasse Pettitgean, born in 1884
    • Godfrey Chyebassa Svensson, born in 1885
    • Chyebassa Lowe, born in 1887
  • Cilla:
    • Cillarius Gustav Guttinger, born in 1865
  • Circassia:
    • Circassia Wray Barrett, born in 1880
  • Cissy:
    • Cisseillia Naughton, born in 1867
  • City of Agra:
    • Marie Florence Agra Tyrell, born in 1876
    • Samson Agra Hay, born in 1877
  • City of Auckland:
    • Jane Auckland Pearce, born in 1872
    • Harry Auckland Wood, born in 1872
  • City of Baltimore:
    • Charlotte Baltimore Hadfield, born in 1856
  • City of Benares:
    • Fanny Benares Casson, born in 1874
  • City of Berlin:
    • James Berlin Felix Gerola, born in 1881
    • Adelaide Berlina Mathews, born in 1881
  • City of Brussels:
    • Timothy Brussels Hogan, born in 1880
    • Charles Brussels Arthur, born in 1880
  • City of Chester:
    • Wilhilmene Lewis Chester Andersson, born in 1887
  • City of Durham:
    • Patrick Durham Hickey, born in 1868
  • City of Montreal:
    • Fanny Lund Montreal Massey, born in 1881
  • City of Nankin:
    • Christina Nankin McLean, born in 1880
  • City of Rome:
    • Rose Roma Monro Colman, born in 1884
    • Romulus Johnson, born in 1884
    • Kate Roma Oliver, born in 1885
  • Clairellen:
    • Clairellen Ada Shepherd, born in 1873
  • Clara:
    • Deliela Clara Wright, born in 1875
  • Clara Mærsk:
    • Clara (surname unknown), born in 1975
  • Clarence:
    • Fanny Clarence Murray, born in 1861
    • Eliza Clarence Cox, born in 1861
  • Claverhouse:
    • Frank Claverhouse Parsons, born in 1879
  • Clio:
    • Charles Clio Greening, born in 1856
  • Clyde:
    • Veronica Clyde Gray, born in 1876
    • Richard Clyde Bordlace, born in 1878
    • George Clyde Baker, born in 1878
    • Louisa Teasdel Clyde Lancaster, born in 1879
    • Agnes Clyde Robertson, born in 1879
    • Alice Maria Clyde Crup, born in 1881
    • Venezia Clyde Mackenzie, born in 1884
  • Collingrove:
    • Isabelle Hope Collingrove Benson, born in 1870
  • Columbia:
    • Nora Columbia Needham, born in 1861
  • Colombo:
    • Robert Colombo Sharp, born in 1885
  • Colorado:
    • Colorado Harris, born in 1868
  • Compta:
    • Rose Compta August Kerutz, born in 1881
    • James Compta Burrows, born in 1882
  • Copenhagen:
    • Copenhagen G. Williams, born in 1862
  • Corean:
    • Corea Catherine Cosgrove, born in 1888
  • Corinthian:
    • Corinthian Macnicol McAtee, born in 1880
  • Corlic:
    • Minnie Corlic Collins, born in 1874
  • Coromandel:
    • Nellie Coromandel Brookes, born in 1880
  • Cotopaxi:
    • Herminia Angela Cotopaxi Shertzer, born in 1886
  • Countess of Galloway:
    • Galloway Nicholson, born in 1878
  • Countess of Kintore:
    • Thomas Kintore Buer, born in 1871
  • Countess of Seafield:
    • Catherine Horton Seafield Danvers, born in 1864
  • Crusader:
    • Robert Alexander Crusader Rodgers, born in 1879
  • Cuba:
    • Rosetta Cuba Burke, born in 1869
  • Culzean:
    • Culzean Pernie Ryan, born in 1874
  • Cuzco:
    • Agnes Cuzco Johnstone, born in 1878
    • John Cuzco Parker, born in 1883
    • James Ridler Cuzco Hartley, born in 1886
    • Margaret Albany Cuzco Walsh, born in 1888


  • Dacca:
    • William Adlard Dacca Dillon, born in 1884
    • Alfred Dacca Taylor, born in 1886
    • Janet Kate Dacca Ingles, born in 1889
  • Danube:
    • Charles Danube Candvon, born in 1876
    • Ada Danube Horner, born in 1877
  • Darling Downs:
    • Grace Darling Graham, born in 1874
  • Darra:
    • Lillian Darunda Smith, born in 1883
  • Denmark:
    • Gertrude Denmark Hibbett, born in 1877
  • Devon:
    • Jeffrey Devon Connell, born in 1878
    • Charlotte Devon Jones, born in 1878
    • Emily Devon Robinson, born in 1879
    • Annie Devon Napier, born in 1879
  • Devonia:
    • John Young Devonia McLeod, born in 1881
    • James Devonia Young Turney, born in 1881
    • Devonia Young Dunbar, born in 1882
    • Alexander Devonia Brown McNaught, born in 1887
  • Dilharree:
    • Elizabeth Dilharree Morgans, born in 1876
  • Dominion:
    • Margaret Dominion Lee, born in 1879
    • Charles Christie Dominion Trevaskis, born in 1879
  • Domino:
    • Berta Domino Larsen, born in 1881
  • Doric:
    • Doric Peck, born in 1883
    • Mary Doric De Forder, born in 1886
  • Dorrette:
    • Elizabeth Dorrette Diver, born in 1874
    • James Dorrette Rose, born in 1874
  • Dorunda:
    • Dorunda McKee, born in 1882
    • William Russell Dorunda Skinner, born in 1882
    • Dorunda Parker, born in 1885
    • Lilly Dorunda Gronow, born in 1887
    • Ada Dorunda Wiekes, born in 1890
  • Dresden:
    • Frida Dresden Essai, born in 1889
  • Drummond:
    • Jessie Drummond Gillespie, born in 1882
  • Dudbrook:
    • Mary Deacon Dudbrook Bradshaw, born in 1862
    • Florence Dudbrook Grumbey, born in 1862
  • Duke of Argyll:
    • Annie Argyll Camfield, born in 1887
    • Elizabeth Argyll Loder, born in 1888
    • Kate Argyll Chapman, born in 1888
  • Duke of Buccleuch:
    • Alice Buccleuch Lake, born in 1883
    • Samuel Buccleuch Shipstone, born in 1883
    • Elizabeth Buccleuch Sherratt, born in 1884
    • Albert Buccleuch Dawn, born in 1884
    • Buccleuch Davis, born in 1885
    • Ivy Buccleuch Scott, born in 1885
    • Buccleuch Davis, born in 1885
  • Duke of Edinburgh:
    • Edith Edinburgh Marriott, born in 1875
    • Elizabeth Edinburgh Cockayne, born in 1875
  • Dunbar Castle:
    • Emily Dunbar Keilly, born in 1878
    • Robert Dunbar Castle Holland, born in 1878
    • Charles Dunbar Finch, born in 1880
  • Dundee:
    • Thomas Dundee Dobson, born in 1883
  • Dunfallen:
    • Margaret Dunfallan McKenzie, born in 1870
  • Dunmore:
    • Henry Dunmore Richard, born in 1879
    • John Edgar Dunmore McCanley, born in 1881


  • Earl Dalhousie:
    • Lydia Dalhousie Woodhard, born in 1873
    • Sydney Dalhousie Smith, born in 1873
    • Ellen Dalhousie Gare, born in 1874
    • Selina Dalhousie Baker, born in 1875
    • Emily Dalhousie Hunter, born in 1875
    • Francis Louisa Dalhousie Reed, born in 1878
    • Percy Dalhousie Wiltshire, born in 1878
    • Matilda Dalhousie Cormie, born in 1879
  • Earl Derby:
    • William Earl Derby Rimmington, born in 1879
  • Earl Granville:
    • Granville Campbell Speed, born in 1879
    • William John Granville Cathrope, born in 1880
    • Granville Williams, born in 1881
    • John Granville Tymms, born in 1883
    • John Granville Richards, born in 1883
    • John Granville Flint, born in 1883
  • Earl of Zetland:
    • Helen Zetland Clark, born in 1875
    • John Whiting Zetland Hamilton, born in 1875
  • Earl Percy:
    • Florence Percy Jarrold, born in 1876
  • Edward Oliver:
    • Edward Neptune White, born in 1858
  • Elderslie:
    • Josephine Elderslie McGrath, born in 1887
  • Ellen Stuart:
    • John Calvert Stuart Defries, born in 1870
  • Elliot:
    • James Lyle Elliot Mackay, born in 1879
  • Ellora:
    • Mary Ellora McEwan, born in 1879
    • Ellora Mary Little, born in 1883
  • Elysia:
    • Catello Elisio Martingano, born in 1886
  • Erin:
    • Erine Andersen, born in 1881
  • Essex:
    • John Essex McQueen, born in 1863
    • Charlotte Essex Mead, born in 1863
    • Henry Essex Hamilton, born in 1863
    • Helen Essex Percy, born in 1863
    • Sarah Essex Mulholland, born in 1869
    • Wilhelmina Essex, born in 1870
    • Alfred Essex Jackson, born in 1874
  • Ethiopia:
    • Ethiopia M. Prokop, born in 1880
    • Ethiopia Murray Drabeck, born in 1883
  • Etna:
    • Margaret Etna Hugg, born in 1865
  • Euterpe:
    • Minnie McGahey Euterpe Pearson, born in 1874
    • Selina Euterpe Robinson, born in 1874


  • Falkland:
    • Falkland James Macfarlane, born in 1859
  • Famenoth:
    • Famenoth Bradley, born in 1876
  • Far East:
    • Horace Far East Guest, born in 1866
  • Fernglen:
    • James Fernglen Power, born in 1876
    • Minnie Fernglen Morrell, born in 1878
  • Feronia:
    • Ada Feronia Hutchinson, born in 1863
  • Fitzroy:
    • William Fitzroy Beck, born in 1882
  • Florence:
    • Florence Harding Campbell, born in 1884
  • Fontabelle:
    • Minnie Fontabelle Nixon, born in 1866
  • Forfarshire:
    • Mary Forfarshire Khrupp, born in 1872
    • Joseph Forfarshire Hughes, born in 1872
    • Hannah Forfarshire Hill, born in 1873
  • France:
    • France Atlantic Amsen, born in 1871
  • Furnessia:
    • Margaret Furnessia Breen, born in 1884
    • Sarah Furnessia Johnstone, born in 1888


  • Gainsborough:
    • John Gainsboro Hunt Beaumont, born in 1877
  • Galileo:
    • Esther Galileo Jones, born in 1875
  • Gallia:
    • Alfred Gallia Hall, born in 1882
  • Gananoque:
    • Norris Gananoque Green, born in 1860
  • Ganges:
    • Hedley Theodore Ganges Kempthorne, born in 1886
  • Garonne:
    • Jane Garonne Sparkes, born in 1882
    • Alexander Garonne Bendiksen, born in 1886
  • Gartmore:
    • Cecil Gartmore Ritchie, born in 1889
  • Germanic:
    • Mary Germanic Phillips, born in 1881
  • Gilmore:
    • Rose Gilmore Hallet, born in 1857
  • Gladstone:
    • Sydney Gladstone Myers, born in 1883
    • Mary Elizabeth Gladstone Jackson, born in 1884
  • Glamorgan:
    • Glamorgan Wallace, born in 1875
  • Glenallan:
    • Prince Glenallan Shilston, born in 1870
  • Glenavon:
    • Daniel Glenavon Clinton, born in 1885
  • Glenlora:
    • Mary Glenlora Green, born in 1879
  • Glenmark:
    • Margaret Glenmark McKinley, born in 1864
  • Glen Osmond:
    • Glen Osmond Thomas, born in 1883
  • Goorkha:
    • John Sharp Teele Goorkha Cloquet, born in 1882
  • Gosforth:
    • Gosforth Williamson, born in 1856
  • Granton:
    • John Burns Granton Grundell, born in 1870
  • Grasmere:
    • Caroline Grasmere Hastings, born in 1876
  • Gulf of St. Vincent:
    • Emma St. Vincent McClellan, born in 1886


  • Hahnemann:
    • Sydney Hahnemann Vanstone, born in 1886
  • Halcione:
    • William Halcione Jardine, born in 1874
    • Fanny Halcione Taylor, born in 1875
    • Halcione M. Forsythe, born in 1878
  • Hannoria:
    • Hannoria Manson, born in 1872
  • Harbinger:
    • Florence Harbinger Jackson, born in 1886
  • Harriet Mcgregor:
    • Alexander Mcgregor Stewart, born in 1875
  • Hastings:
    • George Carren Hastings Wishart, born in 1856
    • George Hastings Elson, born in 1877
  • Helen Demry:
    • Helen Demry Wood, born in 1874
  • Helvetia:
    • Helvetia Mary Prewer, born in 1869
    • Helvetia Fay Allen, born in 1870
  • Hermione:
    • Beatrice Hermione Cotterell, born in 1882
    • Hermione Davidson, born in 1884
  • Hibernian:
    • Anna Hibernian Maria Kaagu, born in 1883
  • Hindostan:
    • Hindolina Dewson, born in 1875
  • Holland:
    • Thomas Holland Barns, born in 1870
    • Margaret Holland McAline, born in 1870
  • Hornet:
    • George Hornet Cotter, born in 1866
    • Charles Hornet Perry, born in 1866
  • Howrah:
    • Elizabeth Howrah Paully, born in 1874
    • Edward Howrah Leaman, born in 1875
  • Huntress:
    • Laura Huntress Jeffreys, born in 1863
  • Hydaspes:
    • Hydaspes Sarah Gardner, born in 1865
  • Hydrabad:
    • Elizabeth Hydrabad Jarrad, born in 1878


  • Iberia:
    • Iberian Sey, born in 1883
    • Iberia Sealby, born in 1885
    • Gerald Iberia Crisp, born in 1886
  • India:
    • Maria Annajata India Cocchiavano, born in 1882
  • Indus:
    • William Indus Laudeis, born in 1857
    • Esther Indus Graves, born in 1870
    • Henry William Indus Peacock, born in 1870
    • James Indus Stanley, born in 1870
    • Robert Indus Kalterns, born in 1871
    • Phoebe Indus Smith, born in 1871
    • Harry Indus Rolling, born in 1873
    • William Indus Key, born in 1874
  • Intrinsic:
    • Elizabeth Intrinsic Kidd, born in 1841
  • Invererne:
    • Fanny Invererne Harrison, born in 1874
    • Jane Campbell Invererne Hetherington, born in 1874
    • Invererne Wilkinson, born in 1875
    • Florence Invererne Boston, born in 1875
  • Inverness:
    • George Inverness Durrant, born in 1876
  • Ionic:
    • James Ionic Carter, born in 1883
    • Katie Ionica Selenia Lear, born in 1885
  • Iowa:
    • Iowa Chesworth, born in 1886
  • Islay:
    • Georgiana Islay Mathewson, born in 1876
  • Ismalia:
    • Lillian Ismalia Sherwood, born in 1875
  • Italia:
    • Frederica Hassenstein Italia Bertol, born in 1884
  • Italy:
    • Agnes Italy Newton, born in 1879
  • Ivanhoe:
    • Ethel Ivanhoe Matthews, born in 1886
    • Alfred George Ivanhoe Chisholm, born in 1890


  • James Nicol Fleming:
    • Amelia Fleming Barnett, born in 1875
    • James Fleming Page, born in 1875
  • James Wishart:
    • E. E. Wishart Farrans, born in 1874
    • Emma Wishart Willard, born in 1874
    • Emma Edith Wishart Brown, born in 1874
    • Daisy Constance Wishart Layard, born in 1874
    • Edward James Wishart Jones, born in 1878
  • J. C. Robertson:
    • Zenas Robertson Sutton, born in 1879
  • Jessie Osborne:
    • Hugh Osborne Bowden, born in 1876
  • John Duncan:
    • Mary Elizabeth Duncan Jolly, born in 1862
  • John Knox:
    • James John Knox Carr, born in 1858
  • Jura:
    • Jura Ann Farquharson, born in 1858


  • Kapunda:
    • Mary Kapunda McGrath, born in 1875
  • Kedar:
    • Heinreich Kedar Wurdler, born in 1869
  • Kenilworth:
    • Amy Kenilworth Jaques, born in 1873
  • Kinfauns Castle:
    • Kinfauns Halbeth, born in 1882
  • King Cerdic:
    • John Cerdic Shields, born in 1875


  • La Hogue:
    • George La Hogue Douglas, born in 1860
    • Emily Goddard La Hogue Willingale, born in 1869
    • Thomas La Hogue Law, born in 1872
    • Jane La Hogue Smith, born in 1874
    • Lizzie La Hogue Grestidge, born in 1874
    • Violet La Hogue Duffield, born in 1874
    • Olive Lizzie La Houge Stayte, born in 1883
    • Thomas James La Hogue Goodman, born in 1883
  • Lady Jocelyn:
    • Ada Lady Jocelyn Goodger, born in 1872
    • Elizabeth Jocelyn Caswell, born in 1874
    • Alfred Jocelyn Ashford Vaughan, born in 1874
    • George Jocelyn Ward, born in 1875
    • George Jenkins Jocelyn Lennox, born in 1875
    • Mary Ann Jenkins Jocelyn Wilcocks, born in 1875
    • Ann Jenkins Jocelyn Plutom, born in 1875
    • James Jane Jocelyn Boughton, born in 1876
    • R. R. Jocelyn Pascol, born in 1876
    • John William Jocelyn Hickman, born in 1876
    • Thomas Jocelyn Williams, born in 1876
    • Maria Jocelyn Louring, born in 1876
    • Emily Jane Jocelyn Inge, born in 1877
    • Octavius Jocelyn Carr, born in 1880
    • Jocelyn Boorman Trigg, born in 1880
    • Agnes Jocelyn Smith, born in 1880
    • Alice Jocelyn Edwards, born in 1881
    • Jocelyn Jenkins Swarbrick, born in 1881
    • Beatrice Jocelyn Isaac, born in 1883
    • Mary Jocelyn Wrigley, born in 1883
    • Beatrice Jocelyn Isaac, born in 1883
  • Lady Melville:
    • Margaret Evelyn Melville Wiltshire, born in 1870
  • Lady Wodehouse:
    • Thomas Wodehouse Hayden, born in 1880
  • Lake Winnipeg:
    • Ellen Winnipeg Raymond, born in 1879
  • Leicester:
    • Leicester Jane Smith, born in 1876
    • Annie Rebecca Leicester Drewery, born in 1877
  • Leitrim:
    • Lizzie Leitrim Jones, born in 1885
  • Liguria:
    • Sidney Liguria Halcombe, born in 1882
    • Adelaide Liguria Gledhill, born in 1890
  • Lincolnshire:
    • Agnes Victoria Lincolnshire Longbottom, born in 1873
    • Ellen Maud Lincolnshire Murdock, born in 1874
  • Lismore:
    • Sydney Lismore Smith, born in 1888
  • Loch Eck:
    • Agnes Loch Eck Thomson, born in 1882
  • Lochee:
    • Lizzie Lochee Stead, born in 1883
    • Alice Lochee Strafford, born in 1883
    • James Lochee Barker, born in 1883
  • Lord Clive:
    • Samuel Clive Greenwood, born in 1887
    • Rakel Clive Anderson, born in 1888
    • Clive Nesbitt, born in 1889
  • Lord Gough:
    • Deborah Lordine Gough Gardarwkn, born in 1882
    • Lord Gough Fritz Jagodizinski, born in 1886
    • James Gough Gay, born in 1887
    • Jemima Gough Mullins, born in 1887
  • Lord Raglan:
    • Oliver Raglan Montague Campbell, born in 1886
  • Lord Rannoch:
    • William Rannoch McDonald Johnston, born in 1886
  • Lucibelle:
    • Lucibelle Taylor, born in 1865

Do you think any of the ship names above work particularly well as human names?


Image: Adapted from Earl Dalhousie (public domain)

[Latest update: Jan. 2025]

Quotes about animal and pet names


From an article about a baby two-toed sloth at the London Zoo:

Keepers have named the young male Edward after Johnny Depp’s famous character, Edward Scissorhands, due to his impressive claws – which will grow up to four inches in length and enable him to cling on and climb easily through the tree-top branches of his Rainforest Life home.

From an Orion Magazine article about an octopus named Athena:

I was struck by this, since Murphy and others had first described Athena’s personality to me as “feisty.” “They earn their names,” Murphy had told me. Athena is named for the Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and strategy. She is not usually a laid-back octopus, like George had been. “Athena could pull you into the tank,” Murphy had warned. “She’s curious about what you are.”

From a LIFE article about Ham, the First Chimpanzee in Space:

The most famous of all the Mercury chimps, due to his landmark January 1961 flight, Ham was actually not publicly called Ham until after the flight succeeded. The name by which he’s now known — an acronym for Holloman Aerospace Medical Center at the Air Force base — was only widely used when he returned safely to earth; NASA reportedly wanted to avoid bad publicity should a named (and thus a known, publicly embraced) animal be killed; all the Mercury chimps were known by numbers.

From “Maine”s GOP governor, veto record-holder, names new dog Veto” in The Seattle Times:

Republican Gov. Paul LePage, the state’s all-time veto champion, has named his new dog Veto.

LePage, who has earned renown for exercising his veto pen on bills he didn’t like, adopted a Jack Russell terrier mix from a shelter.


LePage chose the name Veto because his pet “is the mascot of good public policy, defender of the Maine people and protector of hardworking taxpayers from bad legislation,” his spokesman Peter Steele said.

Steele joked that the governor is going to train the dog to deliver vetoes from his office to legislative leaders.

From an AP News article about a baby deer named after a K-pop star:

Fans of the K-pop group NCT 127 donated money in January to name a baby pudu at the Los Angeles Zoo after one of its members, Haechan (HECH’-ehn). This week, the human Haechan got to meet his namesake, snapping selfies with the little deer at his enclosure.

From an article about the trendiness of giving human names to pets in The Atlantic:

Long, long ago — five years, to be precise — Jeff Owens accepted that his calls to the vet would tax his fortitude. When the person on the other end asks his name, Owens, a test scorer in Albuquerque, says, “Jeff.” When they ask for his cat’s name, he has to tell them, “Baby Jeff.” The black exotic shorthair, a wheezy female with a squashed face and soulful orange eyes, is named for Owens, says his partner, Brittany Means, whose tweet about Jeff and Baby Jeff went viral this past spring. The whole thing started as a joke several years ago, when Means started calling every newcomer to their home — the car, the couch — “Baby Jeff.” Faced with blank adoption paperwork in 2017, the couple realized that only one name would do.

Flag of California
Flag of California

From an article about the bear on the California state flag:

Hearst put the bear on display [in 1889] in Golden Gate Park and named him Monarch. At more than 1,200 pounds, Monarch was the largest bear ever held captive.


Taking a cue from the Sonoma revolt in 1846 [after which a flag featuring a bear was created to represent the captured region], the state again decided to make the California Grizzly the flag’s focal point. Only this time they wanted a bear that actually looked like a bear.

Illustrators used the recently deceased Monarch as the model for the bear on our state flag.

(Newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst took the name “Monarch” from the tagline of the San Francisco Examiner, the “Monarch of the Dailies.”)

About Pigcasso, a 450-pound painting pig in South Africa with a great name:

She’s fat, friendly and fabulous! Meet Pigcasso – the fine swine who was rescued from the brink of extinction at a South African pig ‘farm’. From pork chop to hog heaven, she loves the sweet things in life: Eat. Sleep. Eat. Repeat. She also loves to paint – and that’s no hogwash! Pigcasso’s primary purpose? To paint a better picture for farm animals.

(Titles of Pigcasso’s paintings include Grin, Vitality, Rockstar, and Brexit.)

From the description of a mid-2020 video released by the Australian Reptile Park of New South Wales:

We have a very special announcement… Our very first koala of the season has popped out of Mums pouch to say hello!

Keepers have decided to name her Ash! Ash is the first koala born at the park since the tragic Australian bushfires and is a sign of hope for the future of Australia’s native wildlife.

From an article about dog names in New Orleans:

New Orleans dogs are often the namesakes of the cuisine (Gumbo, Roux, Beignet, Po-Boy, Boudin); the Saints (Brees, Payton, Deuce); music (Toussaint, Jazz, Satchmo); streets (Clio, Tchoupitoulas, Calliope); neighborhoods (Pearl, Touro, Gert) and Mardi Gras krewes (Zulu, Rex, Bacchus).

From Tropic Thunder: Making of a War Movie Satire by Emanuel Levy:

One cast member had very few complaints about shooting in Hawaii, never letting it get in the way of her own agenda on the set. The filmmakers found Bertha, the water buffalo that [Jack] Black’s character rides, in Texas and flew her to Kauai on a special plane. But about midway through filming, everyone was in for a big surprise. One day the trainer called us and said, Oh, by the way, Bertha can’t work because when we showed up at the corral this morning, she had a calf, recalls producer McLeod. We didn’t know she was pregnant. No one knew she was pregnant. Bertha having this baby was definitely kind of a humorous morale booster for everyone. In honor of Jack Black, the animal trainer named Bertha’s baby Little Jack.

(Here’s a video of Jack Black talking about getting bucked off Bertha during filming.)

From a 2022 National Park Service Instagram post:

Fun fact: The actual number of bobcats named Bob is fairly small.

Many actually prefer Robert.

Katmai bear "Walker" (NPS)
Katmai bear #151, a.k.a. “Walker”

From the Katmai National Park booklet Bears of Brooks River 2018 (PDF):

Bears at Brooks River are assigned numbers for monitoring, management, and identification purposes. Inevitably, some bears acquire nicknames from staff and these nicknames are included in this book, but naming wild animals is not without controversy. Is it appropriate to name wild animals?


Names also carry meaning, intentionally or not. What stigmas would you attach to a young bear nicknamed Fluffy versus a large male bear named Killer? How would those stigmas alter your experience when watching that animal?

(The booklet also included the nicknames of various Katmai brown bears. For example, “Walker” had “large dark eye rings” reminiscent of zombie eyes, and “Evander” was missing part of an ear — much like Evander Holyfield after his 1997 fight with Mike Tyson.)

From an article about medieval pet names at

In England we find dogs that were named Sturdy, Whitefoot, Hardy, Jakke, Bo and Terri. Anne Boleyn, one of the wives of King Henry VIII, had a dog named Purkoy, who got its name from the French ‘pourquoi’ because it was very inquisitive.

From “A Puppy Called Marvin” by Julie Lasky in the New York Times:

Clara is my 2-year-old Wheaten terrier and one of several dogs in my neighborhood with a name that sounds as if it came from a shuffleboard tournament on a golden-years cruise. Among her pals, Fern is red-nose pit bull, Alfie is (mostly) a black lab and Eleanor is a mix of Bernese mountain dog and poodle.

This pack has led me to conclude that whereas we look back to remote centuries when giving children trendy names like Emma, Sebastian, Julian or Charlotte, we name our dogs after our grandparents.


This means that future generations of dogs should be prepared to be called the mom-and-dad names of today. Names like Kimberly, Jason and Heather.

From a 2019 video of Vogue editor Anna Wintour talking about her new puppy, named Finch:

She’s called Finch because we call all of our dogs after characters in To Kill a Mockingbird. So we have had a Scout, a Radley, and a Harper. And let me tell you, they are not happy about Finch’s arrival.

DRAM's album "Big Baby DRAM" (2016)
DRAM album

From a video in which rapper DRAM talks about his goldendoodle named Idnit [vid]:

So, Idnit — as in, idn’t it so cute.

From a Mental Floss article about why we call parrots Polly by Kara Kovalchik:

The generic name “Pol” for a parrot can be traced back to England since at least the early 1600s. In his 1606 comedy Volpone, Renaissance playwright — and close friend of William Shakespeare — Ben Jonson assigned many of the characters animal personas which reflected their true nature.


Two comic relief-type characters, Sir Politic Would-Be (“Sir Pol” for short) and his wife, are visitors from England who are trying to ingratiate themselves into Venetian society, and they do so by simply mimicking the words and behavior of Volpone and his associates. Because of their endearing ignorance of what they are actually saying when they repeat phrases they’ve learned, Jonson describes them as parrots.

It is unclear whether Jonson actually coined the term “Pol” as a catch-all moniker for parrots, or if he simply popularized it. In any case, indulgent British pet owners eventually turned “Pol” into the much cutesier diminutive “Polly,” and both names made their way across the Atlantic.

From a article about a bright orange seagull with a fitting name:

Staff at the Buckinghamshire, England [animal] hospital say the gull somehow got curry or turmeric all over his feathers, which prevented him from flying properly. The bird, named Vinny after the popular Indian dish Vindaloo curry, put up a fight but eventually let the staff scrub his feathers.

From a late 2020 Zoological Society of London news release:

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo’s giraffe herd welcomed a giant six-foot-tall new arrival this week — on what has been dubbed ‘the day of hope’ by staff at the UK’s largest zoo.

The female calf was born at the same time [that] the first COVID-19 vaccine was given to 90-year-old Margaret Keenan, during the early hours of Tuesday 8 December — and in recognition of the poignant moment, the infant has been named Margaret.

From a late 2023 BBC article about a rescued turtle:

The tiny turtle was found in a pretty bad condition off the Scottish island of Iona – which she was named after – in January 2022.

Her rescuers weren’t sure if she was going to make it at first, as she is a loggerhead turtle, a tropical species that needs warm temperatures to survive.

But after almost two years of recovery in the UK and Portugal, Iona has now been released back into the ocean by marine scientists.


[Latest update: Oct. 2023]

Prytania: Possible baby name?

My husband and I found ourselves in New Orleans again recently, but only for a matter of hours, so we weren’t able to have as many adventures as last time. While taking a Lyft through an uptown area of the city, though, I did spot an intriguing street name: Prytania.

Had any NOLA residents ever been named Prytania? I did some research, but couldn’t find any. In fact, the only Prytania I managed to track down was a 12-year-old Texas girl named Prytania Chambers on the 1880 U.S. Census:

Prytania isn’t even as common as Atchafalaya!

The street itself has an interesting name-story, though.

Not long after the sale of New Orleans to the United States in 1803 — part of the massive Louisiana Purchase* — some residents of the city devised an ambitious plan to construct a Roman-style collesée (colisseum) that would host public games and assemblies. It was never built, but the name lives in “Coliseum Street” and ” Coliseum Square.”

Similarly, these residents also wanted to establish a prytanée — a sort of people’s university — based on like-named schools in France. The French schools had been named after the ancient Greek prytaneum, or town hall. The university was going to be located on what was originally called the Rue des Prytanées. But, like the coliseum, the school was never built, and the street name eventually evoled to become “Prytania.”

The first syllable of prytaneum is based on the ancient Greek word pur, meaning “fire.” Ancient Greek prytaneums were dedicated to Hestia, goddess of the hearth, and within each one a perpetual fire was kept burning.

Coliseum and Prytania Streets run parallel to one another, and, in the area where the collesée and the prytanée were going to be built, the cross streets are named after the nine Greek muses: Urania, Thalia, Euterpe, Calliope, Clio, Erato, Melpomene, Terpsichore, and Polyhymnia. (Here’s a WGNO video about the pronunciations of several of these muse/road names.)

What are your thoughts on “Prytania” as a potential baby name? Usable?


*Also a baby name! Here’s more about Louisiana Purchase O’Leary.