How popular is the baby name Meredith in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Meredith.

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Popularity of the baby name Meredith

Posts that mention the name Meredith

Popular male names in England, 1560-1621

Merton College (University of Oxford)
Merton College (University of Oxford)

A while back, I stumbled upon a register of people associated with Oxford University from the mid-16th century to the early 17th century.

Interestingly, the editor of the register decided to include a section dedicated to first names and surnames. That section included a long list of male forenames and their frequency of occurrence from 1560 to 1621.

The editor claimed that, for several reasons, these rankings were “probably…more representative of English names than any list yet published” for that span of time. One reason was that the names represented men from “different grades of English society” — including peers, scholars, tradesmen, and servants.

So, are you ready for the list?

Here’s the top 100:

  1. John, 3,826 individuals
  2. Thomas, 2,777
  3. William, 2,546
  4. Richard, 1,691
  5. Robert, 1,222
  6. Edward, 957
  7. Henry, 908
  8. George, 647
  9. Francis, 447
  10. James, 424
  11. Nicholas, 326
  12. Edmund, 298
  13. Anthony, 262
  14. Hugh, 257
  15. Christopher, 243
  16. Samuel, 227
  17. Walter, 207
  18. Roger, 195
  19. Ralph, 182
  20. Peter (and Peirs/Pers), 175
  21. Humphrey, 168
  22. Charles, 139
  23. Philip, 137
  24. David, 129
  25. Matthew, 116
  26. Nathaniel, 112
  27. Michael, 103
  28. Alexander, 98 (tie)
  29. Arthur, 98 (tie)
  30. Laurence, 90
  31. Giles, 88
  32. Stephen, 86
  33. Simon, 83
  34. Daniel, 79
  35. Joseph, 78 (tie)
  36. Lewis, 78 (tie)
  37. Andrew, 69
  38. Roland, 65
  39. Griffith (and Griffin), 60
  40. Evan, 55
  41. Abraham, 54 (tie)
  42. Leonard, 54 (tie)
  43. Owen, 53
  44. Gilbert, 52
  45. Morris (and Maurice), 51
  46. Bartholomew, 46 (3-way tie)
  47. Oliver, 46 (3-way tie)
  48. Timothy, 46 (3-way tie)
  49. Morgan, 45
  50. Martin, 44 (tie)
  51. Rice, 44 (tie)
  52. Gabriel, 41
  53. Benjamin, 40
  54. Jeffrey/Geoffrey, 38
  55. Ambrose, 36
  56. Adam, 35
  57. Toby (and Tobias), 34
  58. Jerome, 33
  59. Ellis, 30
  60. Paul, 29
  61. Bernard, 28 (3-way tie)
  62. Gregory, 28 (3-way tie)
  63. Isaac, 28 (3-way tie)
  64. Jasper (and Gaspar), 26 (3-way tie)
  65. Josiah (and Josias), 26 (3-way tie)
  66. Randall (and Randolph), 26 (3-way tie)
  67. Miles, 24
  68. Lancelot, 23
  69. Austin (and Augustine), 22 (tie)
  70. Jarvis (and Gervase), 22 (tie)
  71. Brian, 21
  72. Matthias, 20 (tie)
  73. Reginald (and Reynold), 20 (tie)
  74. Jeremy, 19
  75. Theophilus, 19
  76. Joshua 18 (3-way tie)
  77. Marmaduke, 18 (3-way tie)
  78. Valentine, 18 (3-way tie)
  79. Fulke, 17 (tie)
  80. Sampson (and Samson), 17 (tie)
  81. Clement, 16 (4-way tie)
  82. Ferdinando, 16 (4-way tie)
  83. Herbert, 16 (4-way tie)
  84. Zachary, 16 (4-way tie)
  85. Cuthbert, 15 (3-way tie)
  86. Emanuel, 15 (3-way tie)
  87. Vincent, 15 (3-way tie)
  88. Adrian, 14 (3-way tie)
  89. Elias, 14 (3-way tie)
  90. Jonah (and Jonas), 14 (3-way tie)
  91. Tristram, 13
  92. Allan, 12 (6-way tie)
  93. Ames, 12 (6-way tie)
  94. Barnaby (and Barnabas), 12 (6-way tie)
  95. Gerard (and Garret), 12 (6-way tie)
  96. Lionel, 12 (6-way tie)
  97. Mark, 12 (6-way tie)
  98. Abel, 11 (3-way tie)
  99. Erasmus, 11 (3-way tie)
  100. Roderic, 11 (3-way tie)

Did the relative popularity of any of these names surprise you?

The editor did note that “the more common names occur more frequently than they ought to…from the tendency to confuse less common names with them.”

For example, a person called ‘Edmund,’ if he is frequently mentioned in the Register, is almost certain to be somewhere quoted as ‘Edward,’ ‘Gregory’ as ‘George,’ ‘Randall’ or ‘Raphael’ as ‘Ralph,’ ‘Gilbert’ as ‘William,’ and so on.

Now here are some of the less-common names, grouped by number of appearances in the register:

10 appearancesIsrael, Luke
9 appearancesCadwalader, Jenkin, Percival
8 appearancesBennet/Benedict, Godfrey, Howell, Jonathan, Raphael, Theodore
7 appearancesBaldwin, Gawen/Gavin, Hercules, Job, Kenelm, Meredith, Silvester, Solomon, Watkin
6 appearancesAlban, Basil, Caleb, Cornelius, Dennis, Guy, Jacob, Patrick
5 appearancesDudley, Edwin, Eustace, Ezechias/Hezekiah, Ezekiel, Hannibal, Joel, Moses, Peregrine, Simeon, Thurstan, Zacchaeus
4 appearancesFelix, Maximilian, Phineas
3 appearancesAaron, Abdias, Amos, Arnold, Baptist, Barten, Devereux, Diggory, Eleazer, Elisha, Ely, Ephraim, Euseby, German, Hamnet, Hilary, Hopkin, Jevan (“a form for Evan”), Justinian, Lemuel, Osmund, Pexall, Shakerley, Swithin
2 appearancesAngell, Audley, Avery, Bruin, Caesar, Calcot, Carew, Carr, Cecil, Cheyney, Clare, Collingwood, Conon/Conan, Darcy, Dominic, Elkanah, Emor, Ethelbert, Fitz-William, Frederic, Gamaliel, Gideon, Gifford, Goddard, Gray, Hamlet, Hammond, Harvey, Hastings, Hatton, Hector, Isaiah, Jethro, Joscelyn, Julius, Knightley, Mordecai, Morton, Nathan, Nevell, Obadiah, Otho, Pascho, Philemon, Polydor, Price, Raleigh, Raymond, Reuben, Rouse, Sabaoth, Sebastian, Seth, Silas, Silvanus, Tertullian, Umpton, Warren, Wortley, Zouch

Finally, lets check out some of the single-appearance names.

Over 250 names were in the register just once. I won’t include all of them, but here are about half:

  • Accepted, Aegeon, Albinus, Alford, Algernon, Ammiel, Arcadius, Arundel, Atherton, Aubrey, Aunstey, Aymondesham*
  • Bamfield, Beauforus, Bezaliel, Blaise, Bulstrod, Burgetius
  • Cadoc, Calvin, Candish, Cannanuel, Chiddiock, Chilston, Chrysostom, Conrad (“probably a foreigner”), Cosowarth, Creswell, Cyprian
  • Dabridgcourt, Darby, Delvus, Deodatus, Dier, Donwald, Dunstan
  • Elihu, Erisy, Esdras, Everard
  • Fernand, Fettiplace, Fines, Florice, Fogge, Fulbert
  • Geraint, Gerald, Glidd, Gourneus, Granado, Grange, Gratian
  • Hattil, Haut, Hercius, Hodges
  • Jarniot, Jephson, Jerameel, Jeremoth, Jolliffe
  • Kelamus, Killingworth, Kingsmell
  • Lambard, Leoline, Levinus, Leyson, Livewell
  • Maior, Maniewe, Marchadine, Mardocheus, Mattathias, Moyle
  • Nargia, Nizael, Norwich, Noye
  • Ogier, Olliph, Otwell
  • Pancras, Peleger, Periam, Person, Phatnell, Poynings, Purify
  • Renewed, Rheseus (“a Latinism for Rice”), Rimprum, Rollesley, Rotheram, Rumbold
  • Sabinus, Scipio, Sefton, Slaney, Snappe, Southcot, St. John, Stockett, Stukeley
  • Tanfield, Thekeston, Thrasibulus, Timoleon, Tournie, Tupper
  • Ulpian, Utred
  • Wallop, Walsingham, Warian, Warnecombe, Whorwood, Willgent
  • Yeldard
  • Zorobabel

*Could “Aymondesham” be a typo for Agmondesham?

Which of these uncommon names do you find the most intriguing?

Source: Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2, part 4, edited by Andrew Clark, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889.

Image: Merton College from Merton Field by Jonas Magnus Lystad under CC BY-SA 4.0.

[Latest update: Dec. 2022]

Numerology: Baby names with a value of 1

Baby names with a numerological value of 1

If you’re on the hunt for baby names with a numerological value of 1, you’re in luck! Because today’s post features hundreds of 1-names.

Before we get to the names, though — how do we know that they’re “ones” in numerology?

Turning names into numbers

Here’s how to calculate the numerological value of a name.

First, for each letter, come up with a number to represent that letter’s position in the alphabet. (Letter A would be number 1, letter B would be number 2, and so forth.) Then, add all the numbers together. If the sum has two or more digits, add the digits together recursively until the result is a single digit. That single digit is the name’s numerological value.

For instance, the letters in the name Taylor correspond to the numbers 20, 1, 25, 12, 15, and 18. The sum of these numbers is 91. The digits of 91 added together equal 10, and the digits of 10 added together equal 1 — the numerological value of Taylor.

Baby names with a value of 1

Below you’ll find the most popular 1-names per gender, according to the latest U.S. baby name data. I’ve further sub-categorized them by total sums — just in case any of those larger numbers are significant to anyone.

1 via 10

The letters in the following baby names add up to 10, which reduces to one (1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 10)Boy name (1 via 10)
Eda, Dea, Ebba, Adda, AdeAde

1 via 19

The letters in the following baby names add up to 19, which reduces to one (1+9=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 19)Boy names (1 via 19)
Mae, Ema, Abbie, Alea, AelaAdam, Jace, Dan, Jed, Jah

1 via 28

The letters in the following baby names add up to 28, which reduces to one (2+8=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 28)Boy names (1 via 28)
Eva, Eden, Lana, Ari, Adalee, Dani, Andi, Nala, Vada, Aleia, Dina, Ira, Jael, Adalia, Ria, Ciana, FiadhAlan, Ari, Eden, Mack, Case, Ira, Ash, Jael, Deen, Adin, Cy, Om

1 via 37

The letters in the following baby names add up to 37, which reduces to one (3+7=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 37)Boy names (1 via 37)
Elena, Cora, Alina, Alani, Rebecca, Liana, Kate, Ariah, Faye, Amalia, Mina, India, Elsa, Leena, Kya, Elara, Isha, Aiza, Naila, Iman, Jaleah, Legaci, Nami, Anali, Shai, Alanah, Baker, Laina, Ilana, Ren, Jaya, Luca, Manha, Kobi, Adelaida, Aleen, Gabby, Aveah, BlimaLuca, Baker, Axl, Van, Coen, Shai, Jamal, Ren, Azai, Shia, Nick, Niam, Eiden, Amin, Ajay, Iman, Naim, Kobi, Brice, Enoc, Maceo, Alain, Buck, Abhay

1 via 46

The letters in the following baby names add up to 46, which reduces to one (4+6=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 46)Boy names (1 via 46)
Gianna, Zoe, Hannah, Maeve, Lucia, Reagan, Zara, Vera, Adaline, Daniela, Raegan, Aitana, Adelina, Azalea, Elisa, Ailani, Elaine, Imani, Edith, Dayana, Katie, Marie, Dior, Erin, Aileen, Sol, Iliana, Lacey, Salma, Araya, Etta, Aminah, Agnes, Colbie, Aarya, Noel, Ariela, Carina, Navi, Isela, Jamila, Cienna, Lenna, Lula, Melek, Arlo, Zena, Dove, Avalee, Sabina, Malena, Tate, Analiah, Ily, Lainee, Adleigh, Raelee, Azra, Kiya, Reva, Meira, Avni, Anvi, Orla, Randi, Cairo, FabiolaElias, Juan, Leon, Ivan, Arlo, Tate, Zane, Damien, Cairo, Erick, Cesar, Malik, Pablo, Noel, Blaze, Dior, Alfred, Damari, Mekhi, Decker, Bobby, Dereck, Link, Elon, Azaiah, Isael, Sol, Ender, Reagan, Isiah, Ammar, Jahir, Boyd, Jacobo, Sir, Ciaran, Lando, Hero, Demian, Devan, Asiel, Locke, Branch, Dandre, Jaheim, Neev, Pete, Ward, Emari, Jedediah, Deluca, Kayde, Imani, Navi, Esau, Rehan

1 via 55

The letters in the following baby names add up to 55, which reduces to one (5+5=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 55)Boy names (1 via 55)
Iris, Nevaeh, Hadley, Freya, Aspen, Camille, Joanna, Gabriela, Heaven, Mariam, Emerie, Leyla, Kyra, Sky, Monica, Zaria, Averi, Lexie, Kamilah, Neriah, Jewel, Zahara, Zoie, Zaira, Neveah, Azari, Asiya, Joey, Melania, Kapri, Linnea, Romi, Breanna, Lois, Aviva, Arlene, Maven, Samadhi, Marin, Cindy, Izabel, Maelani, Iylah, Lumi, Liora, Junia, Jayne, Miabella, Shira, Joella, Analaya, Grey, Kaiyah, Liyah, Nashla, LilliaJett, Edward, Jorge, Edwin, Grady, Conrad, Davis, Grey, Kellan, Joey, Vihaan, Imran, Aspen, Aizen, Danilo, Kody, Ralph, Malakhi, Krue, Kallen, Rogan, Ezio, Aariz, Sky, Azari, Holt, Miran, Armin, Edmond, Zaine, Maddix, Jaziah, Jaydan, Caelum, Mohamad, Josef, Namir, Haris, Jariel, Kadyn, Mikail, Blaize, Cloud, Kanon, Tafari, Amadou, Saleem

1 via 64

The letters in the following baby names add up to 64, which reduces to one (6+4=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 64)Boy names (1 via 64)
Emily, Piper, Tessa, Makayla, Sabrina, Frankie, Azariah, Arleth, Mavis, Miley, Mercy, Natasha, Emiliana, Zyla, True, Jubilee, Campbell, Moriah, Emmarie, Iyanna, Zion, Cirilla, Abrielle, Angely, Evalina, Lucinda, Lindy, Marbella, Carley, Loren, Chosen, Posie, Marlena, Cailyn, Yohana, Catalaya, Israel, MayteJaxon, Zion, Knox, Brody, Peter, Israel, Lukas, Ronald, Arjun, Roland, Azariah, Kyree, Yehuda, Avyaan, Titan, Chosen, Campbell, Frankie, Lucien, True, Avraham, Draven, Oskar, Anton, Barry, Arnold, Evren, Kaidyn, Levy, Zohan, Jaquan, Klaus, Vander, Arvin, Camron, Ryu, Kyair, Amadeus, Bryar, Lavon, Marcell, Safwan, Loren, Riggin, Jakoby, Nikita, Amenadiel, Bradyn, Bruin, Ayoub, Deontae, Kendric, Milano, Keyden

1 via 73

The letters in the following baby names add up to 73, which reduces to one (7+3=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 73)Boy names (1 via 73)
Kaylani, Brynn, Carolina, Calliope, Jazmin, Marleigh, Elliot, Baylor, Karter, Bexley, Egypt, Nataly, Kailany, Patience, Lesly, Yuri, Zinnia, Serafina, Elinor, Jurnee, Kayleen, Dottie, Rhylee, Devorah, Ridley, Lynlee, Roxana, Susie, Kyomi, Mirabella, Stacey, ZaylahJackson, Joseph, Ezekiel, Elliot, Nicolas, Karter, Sergio, Baylor, Colter, Sincere, Jayceon, Hezekiah, Alberto, Ambrose, Jiraiya, Kelvin, Gordon, Stone, Marlon, Dhruv, Josias, Bronx, Vaughn, Harris, Giannis, Gilbert, Clifford, Kyren, Tyree, Kymani, Uziel, Lazaro, Zavian, Yuri, Egypt, Ridley, Kairos, Xayden, Jaxsen, Devansh, Antwan, Antoni, Eythan, Cruze, Dmitri, Zuko, Saxon, Ripken, Vedansh, Astro, Kingdom, Tidus, Weldon

1 via 82

The letters in the following baby names add up to 82, which reduces to one (8+2=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 82)Boy names (1 via 82)
Allison, Julianna, Kamryn, Meredith, Wrenlee, Zhuri, Kaisley, Clarissa, Lizbeth, Arisbeth, Addyson, Kiyomi, Jersey, Kaelynn, Letty, Sunnie, Marlow, Blakelyn, Lillith, Perry, Kinzlee, Maverick, Arianny, Eowyn, Yasmeen, Charlize, Yasmina, Minerva, Harlowe, Karmyn, Zaliyah, Rosanna, Hendrix, Kynnedi, Maddilyn, Sonora, ReverieMaverick, Zachary, Hendrix, Phillip, Thaddeus, Mitchell, Kartier, Alfonso, Kamryn, Crosby, Dimitri, Kross, Shlomo, Perry, Kamarion, Quest, Jersey, Zenith, Jayvian, Marlow, Sholom, Yannis

1 via 91

The letters in the following baby names add up to 91, which reduces to one (9+1=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 91)Boy names (1 via 91)
Everleigh, Katherine, Taylor, Sawyer, Payton, Phoenix, Braelynn, Kensley, Liberty, Loretta, Angelique, Scottie, Lauryn, Julissa, Seraphina, Xochitl, Roxanne, Zeynep, Kynslee, Daenerys, Madyson, Yehudis, Taelynn, Mariajose, Lovely, Olympia, Kynleigh, Brexley, HudsynGiovanni, Sawyer, Phoenix, Matthias, Johnathan, Cassius, Taylor, Yousef, Agustin, Zymir, Payton, Uzziah, Hussain, Hudsyn, Rivers, Nestor, Zuriel, Kaiyzen, Leyton, Patricio, Siddharth, Witten, Llewyn, Scottie, Zyheir, Chozyn

1 via 100

The letters in the following baby names add up to 100, which reduces to one (1+0+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 100)Boy names (1 via 100)
Presley, Vivienne, Clementine, Brynleigh, Taytum, Austyn, Yaritza, Joselyn, Paulette, Jordynn, Temperance, Wednesday, Collyns, Henrietta, LillyannaMaximus, Ezequiel, Quentin, Presley, Zaxton, Everette, Shivansh, Yunus, Quinten, Ignatius, Austyn, Avyukt, Taytum, Heriberto

1 via 109

The letters in the following baby names add up to 109, which reduces to one (1+0+9=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 109)Boy names (1 via 109)
Sutton, Brittany, Raylynn, Zipporah, Sunshine, Hennessy, JoslynnKingston, Sutton, Westley, Rigoberto, Khristian, Tristin, Rayshawn

1 via 118

The letters in the following baby names add up to 118, which reduces to one (1+1+8=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 118)Boy names (1 via 118)
Rosalynn, Shaylynn, Westlyn, Sharlotte, KynzleyDemitrius, Anastasios, Barrington, Jatavious, Quinntin

1 via 127

The letters in the following baby names add up to 127, which reduces to one (1+2+7=10; 1+0=1).

Girl names (1 via 127)Boy names (1 via 127)
Quetzaly, Karrington, Lillyrose, Rosselyn, RoselynneStratton, Odysseus, Maksymilian, Muhammadumar, Chukwuebuka

Number 1: Significance and associations

What does the number one mean in numerology?

There’s no definitive answer, unfortunately, because various numerological systems exist, and each one has its own interpretation of the number one. That said, if we look at a couple of modern numerology/astrology websites, we see 1 being described as “leader,” “independent,” “determined,” “creative,” and “self-assured.”

We can also look at associations, which are a bit more concrete. Here are a few things that are associated with the number 1:

  • Unity
  • Uniqueness
  • First place (as in sports)
  • Unicorn
  • Monolith

I kept the list short because you can associate the number 1 with just about anything. It’s universal, you might say. (See what I did there?)

What does the number 1 mean to you? What are your strongest associations with the number?

P.S. To see names with other numerological values, check out the posts for the numbers two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.

Sources: SSA, Numerology – Cafe Astrology, The meaning of the numbers 1 – 9 – World Numerology, 1 – Wikipedia

[Latest update: Jan. 2024]

Baby names from Pullman cars?

train engine

Years ago I posted about Livonia, a baby both born on and named after a Pullman car. Recently I wondered: What other Pullman car names would have made good baby names?

So I downloaded a big spreadsheet of over 12,000 Pullman car names from The Pullman Project and was slightly surprised to see that thousands of them could have been baby names, if we allow for the splitting of compound car names (like Fort Miley, Glen Norman, Meredith College, and West Willow).

Here are a handful of examples. On the left are relatively common/familiar names, and on the right are some unexpected choices.

Alana, Archer, ArnoldAdriatha, Arundel, Arvonia
Baxter, Becket, BradleyBantry, Bellonia, Besco
Calvin, Catalina, ClydeCadesia, Clarnie, Clymer
Dana, Deborah, DwightDarlow, Dathema, Dodona
Edith, Eileen, ElmoEdminster, Emalinda, Etherley
Finley, Flavia, FloydFithian, Flaxton, Florilla
Gary, Georgette, GraysonGavarnie, Gilia, Gloxinia
Harper, Harriet, HectorHarista, Humela, Hythe
Iona, Isabella, IvanIrvona, Isleta, Ixion
Jessica, Jordan, JuliaJacelia, Jathniel, Justitia
Kara, Keith, KennethKeinath, Kenia, Kittson
Laurel, Lewis, LindenLauveta, Leolyn, Lysander
Madison, Marco, MaudeMardonia, Mayence, Morganza
Nicola, Noel, NoraNarinda, Nasby, Norlina
Olivia, Omar, OtisOaklyn, Olanda, Oxus
Parker, Perry, PhilippaPenlyn, Pipila, Pixley
Rebecca, Riley, RonaldRexis, Risley, Ruxton
Sarah, Scott, SusanneSalphrona, Sarver, Sibley
Thora, Tracy, TylerTascott, Tilden, Tisonia
Vanessa, Vernon, VictoriaVarick, Vinora, Vivita
Wesley, Wilson, WrenWelby, Wescott, Wexford

Which of the names above do you like best?

Image: Adapted from O&W Engine #143 (public domain)

What gave the baby name Janice a boost (twice)?

The book "Janice Meredith" (1899) by Paul Leicester Ford.
The book “Janice Meredith”

The name Janice returned to the U.S. baby name data (after a short absence) in 1899. The next year, It nearly tripled in usage:

  • 1901: 34 baby girls named Janice (rank: 525th}
  • 1900: 37 baby girls named Janice (rank: 572nd)
  • 1899: 13 baby girls named Janice (rank: 920th)
  • 1898: unlisted
  • 1897: unlisted

Data from the Social Security Death Index reveals an even steeper rise:

  • 1901: 125 people named Janice
  • 1900: 122 people named Janice
  • 1899: 56 people named Janice
  • 1898: none
  • 1897: 4 people named Janice

Why this sudden interest in the name Janice?

Because of the novel Janice Meredith: A Story of the American Revolution by Paul Leicester Ford.

It was originally published serially in Collier’s Weekly (starting in late January, 1899). The same year, it was released as a standalone book. It went on to became the seventh-best selling novel of 1899.

Here’s how one contemporary reviewer described the story (which was set in colonial New Jersey):

Janice Meredith, a fair maiden of exceptional beauty, is the daughter of a testy, old Tory landowner. She is wooed by numerous gallants — the boorish son of a neighbouring landowner; the bond-servant who is really a man of noble birth; Lord Clowes, a British spy and afterwards commissary-general to H.M. forces; Joe Bagby, a rising young revolutionist, afterwards a member of Congress. Her story runs parallel with the varying fortunes of the two armies; sometimes one lover is in favour, sometimes another.

The name “Janice” wasn’t coined by the author, but he certainly brought it to people’s attention with Janice Meredith.

Speaking of “Janice Meredith,” many of the people named Janice around this time were also given the middle name Meredith. Some examples:

Lobby card for the movie "Janice Meredith" (1924)
Lobby card for “Janice Meredith

Roughly a generation later, Janice Meredith was made into a silent film starring actress Marion Davies. The motion picture critic for the New York Times was enthusiastic about the 2.5-hour movie:

No more brilliant achievement in ambitious motion pictures dealing with historical romances has ever been exhibited than Marion Davies’s latest production, “Janice Meredith,” which was presented last night before a notable and enthusiastic gathering in the Cosmopolitan Theatre. […] The audience was often thrilled, constantly interested and frequently amused during the projection of this photoplay, which has taken more than eight months to produce and has cost a fabulous sum.

The movie was released in December of 1924, and here’s how it affected the usage of the baby name Janice:

  • 1926: 1,467 baby girls named Janice (rank: 159th)
  • 1925: 1,510 baby girls named Janice (rank: 157th)
  • 1924: 1,175 baby girls named Janice (rank: 187th)
  • 1923: 787 baby girls named Janice (rank: 233rd)
  • 1922: 745 baby girls named Janice (rank: 239th)

Interestingly, neither the book nor the film had much influence on Meredith as a first name.

What are your thoughts on the baby name Janice? (Do you like it more or less than Meredith?)


[Latest update: April 2023]