How popular is the baby name Allan in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Allan.

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Popularity of the baby name Allan

Posts that mention the name Allan

Palindromic name-pairs: Allen/Nella, Iris/Siri, Leon/Noel

duck and reflection

Looking for a pair of baby names that are mirror images of one another? If so, check out this long list of palindromic name pairings.

What’s a palindrome? It’s a word or phrase that can be read the same way in either direction, i.e., both forwards and backwards. For instance, the words “level,” “refer” and “pop” are all palindromes.

Each of the hundreds of pairings below features two names that contain the same sequence of letters, just written in opposite directions. (Nearly all of these names were collected from the SSA’s huge database of U.S. baby names.)

Palindrome name-pairs

  • Aaila & Aliaa
  • Aala & Alaa
  • Aalya & Aylaa
  • Aari & Iraa
  • Aaron & Noraa
  • Aava & Avaa
  • Aayah & Hayaa
  • Aayla & Alyaa
  • Abeera & Areeba
  • Abel & Leba
  • Abem & Meba
  • Abira & Ariba
  • Acire & Erica
  • Adama & Amada
  • Adel & Leda
  • Aden & Neda
  • Adi & Ida
  • Adia & Aida
  • Adila & Alida
  • Ador & Roda
  • Adya & Ayda
  • Aela & Alea
  • Aeva & Avea
  • Afra & Arfa
  • Ahri & Irha
  • Aiana & Anaia
  • Aidah & Hadia
  • Aidan & Nadia
  • Aidyn & Nydia
  • Aila & Alia
  • Ailah & Halia
  • Ailana & Analia
  • Ailed & Delia
  • Aileen & Neelia
  • Ailen & Nelia
  • Aili & Ilia
  • Ailyn & Nylia
  • Aima & Amia
  • Aimar & Ramia
  • Aina & Ania
  • Aira & Aria
  • Airam & Maria
  • Airi & Iria
  • Airys & Syria
  • Aisa & Asia
  • Aiva & Avia
  • Aiyla & Alyia
  • Aiza & Azia
  • Ajna & Anja
  • Akila & Alika
  • Akim & Mika
  • Akina & Anika
  • Akira & Arika
  • Akire & Erika
  • Alan & Nala
  • Alana & Anala
  • Alaya & Ayala
  • Aleciram & Maricela
  • Aleema & Ameela
  • Aleen & Neela
  • Alegna & Angela
  • Aleina & Aniela
  • Alena & Anela
  • Alex & Xela
  • Aleya & Ayela
  • Aleyna & Anyela
  • Ali & Ila
  • Aliana & Anaila
  • Alim & Mila
  • Alima & Amila
  • Alin & Nila
  • Alina & Anila
  • Alis & Sila
  • Alix & Xila
  • Aliz & Zila
  • Allan & Nalla
  • Allen & Nella
  • Allena & Anella
  • Alli & Illa
  • Alma & Amla
  • Alona & Anola
  • Alya & Ayla
  • Alyah & Hayla
  • Alyana & Anayla
  • Alyna & Anyla
  • Alyne & Enyla
  • Alyn & Nyla
  • Alys & Syla
  • Alyx & Xyla
  • Alyza & Azyla
  • Amal & Lama
  • Amar & Rama
  • Ame & Ema
  • Ameelah & Haleema
  • Amel & Lema
  • Amen & Nema
  • Amil & Lima
  • Amilah & Halima
  • Amin & Nima
  • Amir & Rima
  • Amor & Roma
  • Amos & Soma
  • Amri & Irma
  • Anaaya & Ayaana
  • Anael & Leana
  • Anaeli & Ileana
  • Anaelle & Elleana
  • Anab & Bana
  • Anah & Hana
  • Anahi & Ihana
  • Anahis & Sihana
  • Anai & Iana
  • Anaid & Diana
  • Anaira & Ariana
  • Anais & Siana
  • Anaisa & Asiana
  • Anaiya & Ayiana
  • Anaiz & Ziana
  • Anali & Ilana
  • Analya & Aylana
  • Anam & Mana
  • Anan & Nana
  • Anar & Rana
  • Anavi & Ivana
  • Anavrin & Nirvana
  • Anaya & Ayana
  • Anayat & Tayana
  • Anayra & Aryana
  • Ande & Edna
  • Anel & Lena
  • Aneli & Ilena
  • Anelle & Ellena
  • Aneri & Irena
  • Anes & Sena
  • Angel & Legna
  • Ani & Ina
  • Anilah & Halina
  • Anime & Emina
  • Anira & Arina
  • Anis & Sina
  • Anisah & Hasina
  • Annaelle & Elleanna
  • Annah & Hanna
  • Annais & Sianna
  • Anne & Enna
  • Annel & Lenna
  • Anni & Inna
  • Anova & Avona
  • Anu & Una
  • Anum & Muna
  • Anya & Ayna
  • Arale & Elara
  • Arami & Imara
  • Aramis & Simara
  • Aranya & Aynara
  • Aras & Sara
  • Arav & Vara
  • Araya & Ayara
  • Areen & Neera
  • Aren & Nera
  • Ares & Sera
  • Arev & Vera
  • Ari & Ira
  • Arial & Laira
  • Ariam & Maira
  • Arian & Naira
  • Ariday & Yadira
  • Arie & Eira
  • Ariel & Leira
  • Arik & Kira
  • Arin & Nira
  • Aris & Sira
  • Ariv & Vira
  • Ariya & Ayira
  • Ariza & Azira
  • Aron & Nora
  • Arya & Ayra
  • Aryam & Mayra
  • Aryan & Nayra
  • Aryn & Nyra
  • Arys & Syra
  • Ase & Esa
  • Aseret & Teresa
  • Aset & Tesa
  • Asli & Ilsa
  • Aslin & Nilsa
  • Asya & Aysa
  • Avah & Hava
  • Ave & Eva
  • Aven & Neva
  • Avey & Yeva
  • Avi & Iva
  • Aviv & Viva
  • Avon & Nova
  • Avram & Marva
  • Avy & Yva
  • Avya & Ayva
  • Axel & Lexa
  • Ayaan & Naaya
  • Ayah & Haya
  • Ayame & Emaya
  • Ayan & Naya
  • Ayanah & Hanaya
  • Ayani & Inaya
  • Ayanni & Innaya
  • Ayat & Taya
  • Ayaz & Zaya
  • Aydah & Hadya
  • Aydan & Nadya
  • Ayen & Neya
  • Aylen & Nelya
  • Ayme & Emya
  • Ayo & Oya
  • Ayza & Azya
  • Azar & Raza
  • Biel & Leib
  • Cam & Mac
  • Caz & Zac
  • Dair & Riad
  • Dame & Emad
  • Denisse & Essined
  • Dev & Ved
  • Dez & Zed
  • Diar & Raid
  • Divan & Navid
  • Eavan & Navae
  • Eilah & Halie
  • Eilyn & Nylie
  • Eivan & Navie
  • Ekin & Nike
  • Elbert & Treble
  • Eliah & Haile
  • Eliam & Maile
  • Elin & Nile
  • Ellah & Halle
  • Ellen & Nelle
  • Elyn & Nyle
  • Emit & Time
  • Eneri & Irene
  • Eon & Noe
  • Eric & Cire
  • Eriel & Leire
  • Erik & Kire
  • Eris & Sire
  • Eron & Nore
  • Eryk & Kyre
  • Etan & Nate
  • Esli & Ilse
  • Eziah & Haize
  • Flor & Rolf
  • Gem & Meg
  • Guy & Yug
  • Haelyn & Nyleah
  • Haeven & Neveah
  • Haevyn & Nyveah
  • Hailyn & Nyliah
  • Haiven & Neviah
  • Haizen & Neziah
  • Hakim & Mikah
  • Hali & Ilah
  • Halyn & Nylah
  • Haram & Marah
  • Hari & Irah
  • Hasset & Tessah
  • Haven & Nevah
  • Hayat & Tayah
  • Heaven & Nevaeh
  • Helen & Neleh
  • Heran & Nareh
  • Ian & Nai
  • Iman & Nami
  • Imar & Rami
  • Imer & Remi
  • Inez & Zeni
  • Inzo & Ozni
  • Irais & Siari
  • Iram & Mari
  • Iris & Siri
  • Isom & Mosi
  • Issam & Massi
  • Ivan & Navi
  • Ivar & Ravi
  • Ives & Sevi
  • Ivo & Ovi
  • Izak & Kazi
  • Jak & Kaj
  • James & Semaj
  • Jesus & Susej
  • Jet & Tej
  • Kam & Mak
  • Kavon & Novak
  • Kaz & Zak
  • Kedar & Radek
  • Keem & Meek
  • Kerem & Merek
  • Kevin & Nivek
  • Kiram & Marik
  • Kroy & York
  • Lain & Nial
  • Lam & Mal
  • Lamar & Ramal
  • Leam & Mael
  • Lean & Nael
  • Lemar & Ramel
  • Leon & Noel
  • Leor & Roel
  • Leroy & Yorel
  • Leunam & Manuel
  • Liav & Vail
  • Liban & Nabil
  • Lin & Nil
  • Linus & Sunil
  • Lukan & Nakul
  • Mairim & Miriam
  • Mar & Ram
  • Mihan & Nahim
  • Milas & Salim
  • Miles & Selim
  • Mizan & Nazim
  • Mohan & Nahom
  • Naeco & Ocean
  • Nahin & Nihan
  • Nahir & Rihan
  • Nahsir & Rishan
  • Nalin & Nilan
  • Nalo & Olan
  • Nas & San
  • Naveen & Neevan
  • Navin & Nivan
  • Navon & Novan
  • Navy & Yvan
  • Nay & Yan
  • Naz & Zan
  • Nazar & Razan
  • Nero & Oren
  • Nilo & Olin
  • Noir & Rion
  • Nomar & Ramon
  • Norris & Sirron
  • Nylo & Olyn
  • Omer & Remo
  • Ray & Yar
  • Vinay & Yaniv

It’s also possible to come up with your own palindromic pairs by flipping traditional names to create brand new names, just as Ramon and Helen were flipped to create the modern names Nomar and Neleh.

Which palindromic name-pair do you like best?

(And, did you know that individual names can be palindromes as well?)

Image: Adapted from Male northern pintail at Llano Seco by Frank Schulenburg under CC BY-SA 4.0.

[Latest update: Apr. 2023]

Name quotes #93: Kenai, Via, Annette

Letter about baby Kenai (via Rocky Mountain NP’s IG)

From a handwritten letter sent to Rocky Mountain National Park from “Shawn in Texas”:

My wife and I got to take our baby boy named Kenai (named after Kenai Fjords National Park) on his first National Park trip to Rocky Mountain National Park just right before the fires. This was a special trip for us seeing that this would make his first adventure before the many to come.

(The baby name Kenai has become increasingly popular recently. I don’t know what year this particular baby was born, but over 10% of the Kenais born in 2019 were also from Texas.)

From an article in the New York Post about the “Via Getty” confusion on social media:

Lefties fired up over protesters storming the US Capitol Building mistakenly believed one caught-on-camera rioter was named “Via Getty” — because of a photo credit for the media firm Getty Images.

Politico reporter Ryan Lizza had posted a photo on Twitter with the message “Via Getty, one of the rioters steals a podium from the Capitol.”

But online critics embarrassingly assumed “Via Getty” was the guy’s name — instead of attribution for one of the world’s largest visual media companies.

(Usage of the baby name Via is rising pretty swiftly right now — anyone know why? I’m stumped.)

From a New York Times article about parents looking for “positive” baby names:

Some parents-to-be have been so distracted by the pandemic that they’ve skipped the deliberation and quickly picked a name. Amanda Austin of Erie, Pa., owner of an e-commerce store specializing in dollhouse miniatures, came up with her daughter’s name on a whim. “It was in March, when the whole world was shutting down,” she said. “Covid terrified me. My husband and his dad own a construction company and Pennsylvania had banned construction work.”

The name “Annette” popped suddenly into her mind. “I shared it with my husband and he loved it,” Austin said. “His reaction is a far cry from my other daughter’s naming process, where we went back and forth for months. I think we had so much going on with the pandemic that we didn’t have the mental bandwidth to dig deeper.” The name also reminded the couple of the 1950s, a “less complicated” time.

From a 1979 People article about the “eerie similarities” between two Ohio men who discovered, at age 39, that they were twins separated at birth:

Curiously, both had been christened James by their adoptive parents [who lived 40 miles apart]. As schoolboys, both enjoyed math and carpentry — but hated spelling. Both pursued similar adult occupations: Lewis is a security guard at a steel mill, and Springer was a deputy sheriff (though he is now a clerk for a power company). Both married women named Linda, only to divorce and remarry — each a woman named Betty. Both have sons: James Alan Lewis and James Allan Springer.

From the New York Times Magazine essay “Celebrate Your Name Day” by Linda Kinstler:

My family had chosen “Linda” in part because it sounded incontrovertibly American to their Soviet ears, practically an idiom of assimilation unto itself. According to a 2018 study, it is the “trendiest” name in U.S. history, having experienced a sharp rise and precipitous fall in popularity amid the postwar baby boom. By naming me Linda, my parents hoped they were conferring an easy American life upon me, a life free of mispronunciations and mistakes. For them, such a life would be forever out of reach.


Most of the Lindas I have encountered in my age group are also millennial daughters of immigrants; our name is a reminder of our parents’ aspirations and of the immense promise with which our name is laden.

For more quotes about names, check out the name quotes category.

Popular male names in England, 1560-1621

Merton College (University of Oxford)
Merton College (University of Oxford)

A while back, I stumbled upon a register of people associated with Oxford University from the mid-16th century to the early 17th century.

Interestingly, the editor of the register decided to include a section dedicated to first names and surnames. That section included a long list of male forenames and their frequency of occurrence from 1560 to 1621.

The editor claimed that, for several reasons, these rankings were “probably…more representative of English names than any list yet published” for that span of time. One reason was that the names represented men from “different grades of English society” — including peers, scholars, tradesmen, and servants.

So, are you ready for the list?

Here’s the top 100:

  1. John, 3,826 individuals
  2. Thomas, 2,777
  3. William, 2,546
  4. Richard, 1,691
  5. Robert, 1,222
  6. Edward, 957
  7. Henry, 908
  8. George, 647
  9. Francis, 447
  10. James, 424
  11. Nicholas, 326
  12. Edmund, 298
  13. Anthony, 262
  14. Hugh, 257
  15. Christopher, 243
  16. Samuel, 227
  17. Walter, 207
  18. Roger, 195
  19. Ralph, 182
  20. Peter (and Peirs/Pers), 175
  21. Humphrey, 168
  22. Charles, 139
  23. Philip, 137
  24. David, 129
  25. Matthew, 116
  26. Nathaniel, 112
  27. Michael, 103
  28. Alexander, 98 (tie)
  29. Arthur, 98 (tie)
  30. Laurence, 90
  31. Giles, 88
  32. Stephen, 86
  33. Simon, 83
  34. Daniel, 79
  35. Joseph, 78 (tie)
  36. Lewis, 78 (tie)
  37. Andrew, 69
  38. Roland, 65
  39. Griffith (and Griffin), 60
  40. Evan, 55
  41. Abraham, 54 (tie)
  42. Leonard, 54 (tie)
  43. Owen, 53
  44. Gilbert, 52
  45. Morris (and Maurice), 51
  46. Bartholomew, 46 (3-way tie)
  47. Oliver, 46 (3-way tie)
  48. Timothy, 46 (3-way tie)
  49. Morgan, 45
  50. Martin, 44 (tie)
  51. Rice, 44 (tie)
  52. Gabriel, 41
  53. Benjamin, 40
  54. Jeffrey/Geoffrey, 38
  55. Ambrose, 36
  56. Adam, 35
  57. Toby (and Tobias), 34
  58. Jerome, 33
  59. Ellis, 30
  60. Paul, 29
  61. Bernard, 28 (3-way tie)
  62. Gregory, 28 (3-way tie)
  63. Isaac, 28 (3-way tie)
  64. Jasper (and Gaspar), 26 (3-way tie)
  65. Josiah (and Josias), 26 (3-way tie)
  66. Randall (and Randolph), 26 (3-way tie)
  67. Miles, 24
  68. Lancelot, 23
  69. Austin (and Augustine), 22 (tie)
  70. Jarvis (and Gervase), 22 (tie)
  71. Brian, 21
  72. Matthias, 20 (tie)
  73. Reginald (and Reynold), 20 (tie)
  74. Jeremy, 19
  75. Theophilus, 19
  76. Joshua 18 (3-way tie)
  77. Marmaduke, 18 (3-way tie)
  78. Valentine, 18 (3-way tie)
  79. Fulke, 17 (tie)
  80. Sampson (and Samson), 17 (tie)
  81. Clement, 16 (4-way tie)
  82. Ferdinando, 16 (4-way tie)
  83. Herbert, 16 (4-way tie)
  84. Zachary, 16 (4-way tie)
  85. Cuthbert, 15 (3-way tie)
  86. Emanuel, 15 (3-way tie)
  87. Vincent, 15 (3-way tie)
  88. Adrian, 14 (3-way tie)
  89. Elias, 14 (3-way tie)
  90. Jonah (and Jonas), 14 (3-way tie)
  91. Tristram, 13
  92. Allan, 12 (6-way tie)
  93. Ames, 12 (6-way tie)
  94. Barnaby (and Barnabas), 12 (6-way tie)
  95. Gerard (and Garret), 12 (6-way tie)
  96. Lionel, 12 (6-way tie)
  97. Mark, 12 (6-way tie)
  98. Abel, 11 (3-way tie)
  99. Erasmus, 11 (3-way tie)
  100. Roderic, 11 (3-way tie)

Did the relative popularity of any of these names surprise you?

The editor did note that “the more common names occur more frequently than they ought to…from the tendency to confuse less common names with them.”

For example, a person called ‘Edmund,’ if he is frequently mentioned in the Register, is almost certain to be somewhere quoted as ‘Edward,’ ‘Gregory’ as ‘George,’ ‘Randall’ or ‘Raphael’ as ‘Ralph,’ ‘Gilbert’ as ‘William,’ and so on.

Now here are some of the less-common names, grouped by number of appearances in the register:

10 appearancesIsrael, Luke
9 appearancesCadwalader, Jenkin, Percival
8 appearancesBennet/Benedict, Godfrey, Howell, Jonathan, Raphael, Theodore
7 appearancesBaldwin, Gawen/Gavin, Hercules, Job, Kenelm, Meredith, Silvester, Solomon, Watkin
6 appearancesAlban, Basil, Caleb, Cornelius, Dennis, Guy, Jacob, Patrick
5 appearancesDudley, Edwin, Eustace, Ezechias/Hezekiah, Ezekiel, Hannibal, Joel, Moses, Peregrine, Simeon, Thurstan, Zacchaeus
4 appearancesFelix, Maximilian, Phineas
3 appearancesAaron, Abdias, Amos, Arnold, Baptist, Barten, Devereux, Diggory, Eleazer, Elisha, Ely, Ephraim, Euseby, German, Hamnet, Hilary, Hopkin, Jevan (“a form for Evan”), Justinian, Lemuel, Osmund, Pexall, Shakerley, Swithin
2 appearancesAngell, Audley, Avery, Bruin, Caesar, Calcot, Carew, Carr, Cecil, Cheyney, Clare, Collingwood, Conon/Conan, Darcy, Dominic, Elkanah, Emor, Ethelbert, Fitz-William, Frederic, Gamaliel, Gideon, Gifford, Goddard, Gray, Hamlet, Hammond, Harvey, Hastings, Hatton, Hector, Isaiah, Jethro, Joscelyn, Julius, Knightley, Mordecai, Morton, Nathan, Nevell, Obadiah, Otho, Pascho, Philemon, Polydor, Price, Raleigh, Raymond, Reuben, Rouse, Sabaoth, Sebastian, Seth, Silas, Silvanus, Tertullian, Umpton, Warren, Wortley, Zouch

Finally, lets check out some of the single-appearance names.

Over 250 names were in the register just once. I won’t include all of them, but here are about half:

  • Accepted, Aegeon, Albinus, Alford, Algernon, Ammiel, Arcadius, Arundel, Atherton, Aubrey, Aunstey, Aymondesham*
  • Bamfield, Beauforus, Bezaliel, Blaise, Bulstrod, Burgetius
  • Cadoc, Calvin, Candish, Cannanuel, Chiddiock, Chilston, Chrysostom, Conrad (“probably a foreigner”), Cosowarth, Creswell, Cyprian
  • Dabridgcourt, Darby, Delvus, Deodatus, Dier, Donwald, Dunstan
  • Elihu, Erisy, Esdras, Everard
  • Fernand, Fettiplace, Fines, Florice, Fogge, Fulbert
  • Geraint, Gerald, Glidd, Gourneus, Granado, Grange, Gratian
  • Hattil, Haut, Hercius, Hodges
  • Jarniot, Jephson, Jerameel, Jeremoth, Jolliffe
  • Kelamus, Killingworth, Kingsmell
  • Lambard, Leoline, Levinus, Leyson, Livewell
  • Maior, Maniewe, Marchadine, Mardocheus, Mattathias, Moyle
  • Nargia, Nizael, Norwich, Noye
  • Ogier, Olliph, Otwell
  • Pancras, Peleger, Periam, Person, Phatnell, Poynings, Purify
  • Renewed, Rheseus (“a Latinism for Rice”), Rimprum, Rollesley, Rotheram, Rumbold
  • Sabinus, Scipio, Sefton, Slaney, Snappe, Southcot, St. John, Stockett, Stukeley
  • Tanfield, Thekeston, Thrasibulus, Timoleon, Tournie, Tupper
  • Ulpian, Utred
  • Wallop, Walsingham, Warian, Warnecombe, Whorwood, Willgent
  • Yeldard
  • Zorobabel

*Could “Aymondesham” be a typo for Agmondesham?

Which of these uncommon names do you find the most intriguing?

Source: Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2, part 4, edited by Andrew Clark, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889.

Image: Merton College from Merton Field by Jonas Magnus Lystad under CC BY-SA 4.0.

[Latest update: Dec. 2022]

Numerology: Baby names with a value of 4

Baby names with a numerological value of 4

If you’re on the hunt for baby names with a numerological value of 4, you’re in luck! Because today’s post features hundreds of 4-names.

Before we get to the names, though — how do we know that they’re “fours” in numerology?

Turning names into numbers

Here’s how to calculate the numerological value of a name.

First, for each letter, come up with a number to represent that letter’s position in the alphabet. (Letter A would be number 1, letter B would be number 2, and so forth.) Then, add all the numbers together. If the sum has two or more digits, add the digits together recursively until the result is a single digit. That single digit is the name’s numerological value.

For instance, the letters in the name Willow correspond to the numbers 23, 9, 12, 12, 15, and 23. The sum of these numbers is 94. The digits of 94 added together equal 13, and the digits of 13 added together equal 4 — the numerological value of Willow.

Baby names with a value of 4

Below you’ll find the most popular 4-names per gender, according to the latest U.S. baby name data. I’ve further sub-categorized them by total sums — just in case any of those larger numbers are significant to anyone.

4 via 13

The letters in the following baby names add up to 13, which reduces to four (1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 13)Boy names (4 via 13)
Cai, Eh, Cia, Gea, AabhaCade, Cai, Cj, Eh, Jc

4 via 22

The letters in the following baby names add up to 22, which reduces to four (2+2=4).

Girl names (4 via 22)Boy names (4 via 22)
Kaia, Lia, Ila, Giada, Ali, AichaAli, Lee, Dale, Akai, Hadi, Mace, Dael, Bane

4 via 31

The letters in the following baby names add up to 31, which reduces to four (3+1=4).

Girl names (4 via 31)Boy names (4 via 31)
Blake, Demi, Macie, Kara, Miah, Aliah, Janae, Delia, Echo, Haddie, Ayda, Gina, Cedar, Effie, Koda, Candace, HaliaJacob, Blake, Kaleb, Cash, Kane, Koda, Ahmed, Gian, Cedar, Gio, Mael, Adiel, Taj, Ved, Cree, Dev, Koe, Elam, Gene, Echo, Calan, Aahil

4 via 40

The letters in the following baby names add up to 40, which reduces to four (4+0=4).

Girl names (4 via 40)Boy names (4 via 40)
Maya, Angela, Kiara, Lola, Alaya, Megan, Linda, Kenia, Aadhya, Maleah, Tara, Hailee, Akira, Chiara, Kit, Joan, Kaira, Leni, Camden, Jude, Amya, Emmi, Danika, Nya, Elin, Melia, Skai, Janna, Aayla, Akari, Calani, AyalaDavid, Diego, Jude, Camden, Lucca, Zaid, Eliam, Neil, Dilan, Allan, Boden, Teo, Adler, Joan, Kenai, Abner, Kaine, Kit, Benaiah, Benji, Alder, Obadiah, Nile, Nate, Abdul, Kaeden, Jasai, Haze, Jacobi, Akari, Izaac, Jaciel, Bleu, Calian, Audie, Fateh, Blue, Akira, Halen, Jahkai, Kaidan, Elden, Tadhg, Amiel

4 via 49

The letters in the following baby names add up to 49, which reduces to four (4+9=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 49)Boy names (4 via 49)
Emilia, Athena, Jayla, Logan, Oaklee, Kyla, Isabela, Dallas, Milan, Amayah, Aliza, Gwen, Jianna, Harlee, Araceli, Billie, Alaiya, Jaycee, Reya, Mirha, Karen, Amiya, Ehlani, Emilee, Annabel, Ayva, Brisa, Coral, Luana, Niya, Johana, Carol, Tiara, Zaila, Ellamae, Kamani, Maiya, Auri, Aalayah, Islah, Fannie, Anora, BrigidLogan, Luke, Aaron, Jose, Milo, Adriel, Ayden, Dallas, Crew, Niko, Milan, Dariel, Bruce, Hamza, Clyde, Kenji, Brock, Ahmir, Carlo, Mazi, Eitan, Demir, Oaklee, Mahir, Jru, Hiram, Klay, Eydan, Aviel, Braeden, Sahil, Eziah, Jaycee, Ayub, Calix, Bennie, Atom, Kirk, Penn, Jahdiel, Kion, Rahim, Fares, Ason

4 via 58

The letters in the following baby names add up to 58, which reduces to four (5+8=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 58)Boy names (4 via 58)
Lily, Natalia, Liliana, Josie, Daisy, Arianna, Ariella, Milani, Nicole, Aniyah, Daniella, Ryan, Lylah, Kylee, Emerald, Kimber, Robin, Avayah, Magdalena, Paloma, Nyra, Indigo, Joyce, Jaylee, Amyra, Sonia, Elayna, Aleyna, Lailani, Ziva, Jalayah, Marlie, Mayra, Elyana, Sedona, Natalee, Fatimah, Karis, Oriana, Pippa, Toni, Star, Mariel, Linden, Hayes, Keely, Melinda, Inayah, Tova, Illiana, Ivanka, Janeth, Sianna, Haniya, Ezri, Anvika, Berklee, Marlei, Charis, Kayli, Mayar, MelodiMiles, Nathan, Ryan, Jesse, Hayes, Holden, Pedro, Isaias, Kieran, Roy, Danny, Albert, Alvin, Robin, Brendan, Brecken, Harold, Dangelo, Ezrah, Ignacio, Kolt, Teddy, Oakland, Archibald, German, Indigo, Oaklen, Clint, Linden, Jakhari, Shiv, Zacari, Donte, Jaron, Fredy, Fenix, Nyjah, Daxon, Finnan, Coast, Rune, Brigham, Marko, Harlen, Keandre, Selim, Harland, Kamran, Aiyden, Abelardo, Jaycen, Mykah, Daquan, Jeter, Branden, Hillel, Wayde, Hashim

4 via 67

The letters in the following baby names add up to 67, which reduces to four (6+7=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 67)Boy names (4 via 67)
Gabriella, Ruth, Michelle, Lyric, Aurelia, Paislee, Kaliyah, Zoya, Jessie, Brylee, Maisy, Kimora, Lyanna, Cordelia, Jillian, Jaelyn, Honey, Valencia, Angeline, Tillie, Isadora, Sybil, Ester, Suri, Zhavia, Italy, Evelin, Charly, Jules, Catarina, Delylah, Anayeli, Zayna, Manuela, Karly, Jaylen, Azura, Tracy, Jensen, Gretel, Sahasra, Elvira, Jinora, Bradley, Timber, Kyndal, Jamiyah, Aubriana, EliyanaJulian, Dominic, Miguel, Jensen, Jaylen, Bradley, Marcelo, Julio, Lionel, Rayden, Carmelo, Brycen, Zamir, Kylen, Cullen, Lyric, Zayan, Jessie, Caysen, Maddux, Monte, Elvis, Pharaoh, Oziel, West, Finnian, Carver, Percy, Jules, Yazan, Riyan, Ishmael, Maykel, Urijah, Ayven, Zakaria, Marlin, Maxon, Syre, Yechiel, Kyland, Manny, Jeziel, Soul, Kylar, Timber, Andrey, Kevon, Pryce, Rahmir, Ezrael, Finlay, Charly, Cyril, Neftali, Zhaire

4 via 76

The letters in the following baby names add up to 76, which reduces to four (7+6=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 76)Boy names (4 via 76)
Rory, Lorelei, Emory, Kinley, Zendaya, Kataleya, Hayley, Georgina, Nyomi, Winona, Emmeline, Ansley, Kathleen, Addisyn, Taliyah, Evaluna, Sidney, Martina, Eliette, Pepper, Theresa, Samiyah, Amberly, Skylah, Arlett, Nariyah, Dawson, Naylani, Jailyne, Starr, Everlie, Keylin, Shreya, Wynn, Zaniya, Juanita, Vianey, Raniyah, AnnamarieThomas, Emmett, Dawson, Jeremy, Louis, Rory, Sylas, Dexter, Nixon, Alonso, Jerry, Nathanael, Emory, Mordechai, Kruz, Jethro, Torin, Sidney, Kymir, Woods, Neymar, Gurbaaz, Khyrie, Tylen, Wynn, Yusef, Herbert, Waylan, Kolsen, Royale, Jacques, Adonnis, Keyler, Welles

4 via 85

The letters in the following baby names add up to 85, which reduces to four (8+5=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 85)Boy names (4 via 85)
Anastasia, Gracelyn, Brinley, Ainsley, Sevyn, Madisyn, Aubrielle, Artemis, Paityn, Ripley, Margaux, Rayleigh, Finnley, Shoshana, Tinley, Rivky, Storm, Yamilet, Shannon, Julieth, Karoline, Alitzel, Hillary, Rosabella, Lively, Vesper, Mallorie, RyleySteven, Kayson, Franklin, Donovan, Finnley, Boston, Sevyn, Jovanni, Ulises, Rowdy, Korbyn, Lucius, Zackary, Kyzer, Octavio, Rodolfo, Kendrix, Wolfgang, Storm, Xavion, Artemis, Devonte, Ripley, Tymir, Myron, Gryffin, Theodor, Broderick, Hyrum, Octavian, Kipton, Hawkins, Omarion, Raylon, Ryley, Shannon

4 via 94

The letters in the following baby names add up to 94, which reduces to four (9+4=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 94)Boy names (4 via 94)
Willow, Genevieve, Harmony, Evangeline, Alessandra, Antonella, Stormi, Elowyn, Lakelynn, Emberlyn, Kinsleigh, Bernadette, Milagros, Constance, Madisson, Josette, Everest, Aislynn, Lourdes, Jaqueline, RosaleighBraxton, Everest, Dutton, Jaxtyn, Jiovanni, Brayson, Reynaldo, Sebastien, Trevon, Alexandro, Tayson, Gregorio, Suleiman, Santhiago, Riyansh

4 via 103

The letters in the following baby names add up to 103, which reduces to four (1+0+3=13).

Girl names (4 via 103)Boy names (4 via 103)
Scarlette, Princess, Roslyn, Valkyrie, Merritt, Nicolette, Rosemarie, Violett, Quinley, JustyceGreyson, Solomon, Yisroel, Zeppelin, Jettson, Perseus, Marquise, Maziyon, Merritt, Younis, Tiberius, Everhett, Yitzchak, Jaxston, Trevion, Nicodemus

4 via 112

The letters in the following baby names add up to 112, which reduces to four (1+1+2=4).

Girl names (4 via 112)Boy names (4 via 112)
Brooklyn, Emmersyn, Divinity, Weslynn, VictoryStetson, Valentino, Houston, Guillermo, Zayvion, Augustin, Brooklyn, Ollivander

4 via 121

The letters in the following baby names add up to 121, which reduces to four (1+2+1=4).

Girl names (4 via 121)Boy names (4 via 121)
Persephone, Courtney, Tiaraoluwa, Luxury, KierstynMorrison, Courtney, Kristofer, Christofer, Quintus

Number 4: Significance and associations

What does the number four mean in numerology?

There’s no definitive answer, unfortunately, because various numerological systems exist, and each one has its own interpretation of the number four. That said, if we look at a couple of modern numerology/astrology websites, we see 4 being described as “hardworking,” “practical,” “stable,” “trustworthy,” and “detail-oriented.”

We can also look at associations, which are a bit more concrete. Here are some things that are associated with the number 4:

  • Seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
  • Cardinal directions (north, south, east, west)
  • States of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma)
  • Original Greek classical elements (water, earth, air, fire)
  • Moon phases (new, half-moon waxing, full, half-moon waning)
  • Suits of playing cards (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades)
  • Suits of tarot cards (cups, coins, wands, swords)
  • Limbs (2 arms and 2 legs)
  • Baseball (4 bases)
  • Violin (4 strings)
  • Common time in music (4 beats per measure)
  • Arithmetic (4 basic operations)
  • Furniture (most furniture has four legs)

What does the number 4 mean to you? What are your strongest associations with the number?

P.S. To see names with other numerological values, check out the posts for the numbers one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.

Sources: SSA, Numerology – Cafe Astrology, The meaning of the numbers 1 – 9 – World Numerology, 4 – Wikipedia

[Latest update: Jan. 2024]