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Popularity of the baby name Cullen

Posts that mention the name Cullen

Popular baby names in Casper (Wyoming), 2020

In 2020, the Wyoming Medical Center in Casper welcomed 892 babies. The names of about 620 of these babies were shared online via the hospital’s website. A few days ago, the hospital “mined those announcements for our most popular names list for 2020,” finding that the most frequently occurring names for girls was Paisley and for boys was Jackson.

I don’t usually post rankings from non-governmental sources, but, in this case, there were just so many names in comparison to the size of the city (about 58,000 residents) that I decided to go ahead and publish the full list…

10 babies named:

  • Jackson (Jaxen, Jaxon, Jaxson, Jaxxon)

7 babies named:

  • Logan
  • Oliver
  • Paisley (Paizlee, Paizleigh)

6 babies named:

  • Adaline (Adeline, Adalyn, Adalynn, Addilynn)
  • Amelia (Emelia, Emilia)
  • Emma
  • Grayson
  • Reilly (Rieleigh, Riely, Riley, Ryleigh)
  • Sawyer

5 babies named:

  • Cooper
  • Everlee (Everleigh, Everly)
  • Oakleigh (Oakley)
  • Theodore

4 babies named:

  • Addison (Addyson)
  • Asher
  • Ava
  • Benjamin
  • Caysen (Kasen, Kason)
  • Charlie (Charlee, Charles)
  • Everette
  • Isabella (Izabella, Izzabella)
  • Kinsleigh (Kinsley)
  • Nathan
  • Wyatt

3 babies named:

Adrian, Alexander, Ashton (Ashtyn), Aspen, Aurora, Bennett, Blake (Blayke), Bristol, Brixley (Brixleigh, Brixli), Brooklyn, Carter, Christian, David, Declan (Deklynn), Elijah, Elizabeth, Ella, Ellie, Ethan, Ezra, Grace, Hunter, Holden, Jack, Layla, Leo, Liam, Lyla (Lilah), Lincoln, Lorenzo, Lydia, Lyra, Mason, Noah, Olivia, Owen, Richard, Rilynn (Ryelin, Ryelynn), Rowan (Rowen), Ryker, Skyla, Sophia (Sofia)

2 babies named:

Aiden/Aidyn, Allison/Alyson, Amara, Annabelle, Arya, Aubriella, Averie/Avery, Barrett, Bentley, Bodhi/Bodie, Braxton, Bryar/Bryor, Brynlee, Caroline, Carson/Karson, Catherine/Katherine, Colt, Colten/Colton, Damian, Daniel, Daxton, Dayton, Dylan, Eli, Eliana, Elliot, Emerson/Emersyn, Emery/Emory, Evelyn, Finley, Gabriella, Gentry, Harmony, Harper, Harrison, Haven/Hayven, Hayden, Hazel, Hazely/Hazleigh, Henry, Hudson, Ian, Isaac, Isaiah, Islah/Islla, Jasper, Jaxtyn, Jayden, Joel, Julian, Julius, Justin, Kaiser/Kaizer, Kamara, Kaysen/Kayson, Kellen, Kennedi/Kenydee, Kenzlee/Kenzleigh, Kinley/Kynleigh, Kyran/Kyren, Leighton/Leyten, Lenix/Lennox, Levi, Lorelai/Lorelei, Madeline/Madelyn, Malachi, Malaya/Maleah, Maria/Meriah, Maverick, Maya, Mila, Miles, Millie, Naomi, Natalia, Nevaeh, Parker, Paul, Penelope, Rachael/Rachel, Rae/Rey, Raylan, Ronan, Ryder, Samantha, Samuel, Sara/Sarah, Savanna/Savannah, Scarlett, Sebastian, Silas/Sylias, Skylar/Skyler, Spencer, Sydney/Sidney, Tenslee/Tensley, Theo, Weston/Westin, Violet, Zachary, Zoey

1 baby named:

  • Abel, Abraham, Ace, Adam, Adonis, Aeris, Adrian, Aiden, Aksel, Aleassia, Alexandria, Alianna, Allen, Ambrose, Amias, Amiya, Anderson, Angel, Anika, Annalynn, Annie, Anson, Antonina, Archer, Ariella, Ariya, Armando, Arrow, Ashlyn, Athena, Aubree, August, Augustus, Avaianna, Aynslee, Azariah, Azayla
  • Bailey, Baylor, Beau, Becklynn, Bella, Berklie, Bethany, Bonnie, Bradley, Braitton, Branson, Brantley, Braxley, Brayden, Braylee, Brennan, Brexton, Brian, Briggson, Brittany, Brixon, Brock, Broden, Bronx, Brooks, Brylee, Burke
  • Caelan, Cain, Callie, Callum, Calvin, Cameron, Cannon, Carilina, Case, Cash, Charisma, Chasyn, Chloe, Christopher, Ciella, Claire, Cody, Colby, Collyn, Colter, Cree, Crew, Cullen, Cuyler
  • Dailyn, Dakota, Dani, Dean, Delilah, Destin, Diesel, Divine, Douglas, Draco, Draeden
  • Ebony, Eccho, Edison, Eleanor, Elias, Elivia, Ellen, Ellis, Ember, Emily, Emmanuel, Emmie, Emmitt, England, Etta, Evan, Evander, Ezmae
  • Felix, Francis, Fredrick, Freya
  • Genevieve, George, Gideon, Graham, Grey, Griffin
  • Hodassah, Haddie, Hadley, Hailey, Harlan, Harley, Harlow, Harris, Harvey, Hayes, Hendrix, Henleigh
  • Icelynn, Ily, Isabelle, Isaias, Ivan, Ivy, Iylah
  • Jaden, Jaime, Jalin, James, Jameson, Jase, Javier, Jayce, Jaycee, Jayson, Jeremiah, Jessica, Jessie, Jett, JJ, Joanna, John, Jojo, Jolie, Jonah, Jonathan, Josephine, Josie, Joyce, Jude, Julie, June
  • Kade, Kaelyn, Kaiden, Kaii, Kaleah, Kamari, Kambry, Kambryn, Kamdyn, Kane, Karalynn, Kaspian, Kaylee, Kaylynn, Keaton, Keenston, Keira, Kenai, Kendrey, Kevin, Keylin, Khaos, Kieran, Killian, Kimber, Kimora, Kit, Klarke, Kodah, Koen, Kolby, Kole, Korah, Korbyn, Koy, Kyara, Kyden, Kylie, Kyson
  • Lainey, Lakelyn, Lance, Laramie, Laura, Layne, Legend, Lennon, Leopold, Lillian, Lilliean, Lillyanna, Lily, Lola, Londyn, Lorraine, Luca, Lucius, Luke, Lynlee, Lyvie
  • Macie, Macklin, Maddison, Maddox, Mae, Maevelyn, Maggie, Maisey, Mandy, Marceline, Margaret, Mario, Marisa, Marisol, Marleigh, Mary, Mateo, Matthias, Mavis, Maxwell, Mazikeen, Mckenzie, Meadow, Melia, Melody, Merrik, Merritt, Meyer, Mia, Michael, Michelle, Miklo, Milo, Mira, Montana, Myra
  • Nancy, Nash, Natalie, Nathaneil, Naylin, Nehemiah, Nicholas, Nolen, Nora, Nova, Nylin
  • Oaks, Onyx, Oraya, Orian, Orin, Ostara
  • Paxton, Persephone, Presley, Pyper
  • Quincy
  • Rableen, Raeleah, Raven, Reed, Relik, Remi, Remington, Renato, Revi, Rhett, Riatta, Riggs, Rodolfo, Rogan, Roman, Rosalee, Rosemarie, Rowdy, Roxas, Roy, Ruby, Ryann, Ryatt, Ryott
  • Sadie, Sage, Sandra, Saphira, Seraphina, Serenah, Serenity, Shadow, Shelby, Sheridan, Shyanne, Simon, Skadi, Skylynn, Solveig, Sophie, Sorin, Stella, Sterling, Stetley, Storey, Sturgis, Sutton, Sylar, Sylvia
  • Tala, Talia, Tareyn, Tate, Tavin, Taylee, Teagan, Tennyson, Tess, Tessin, Theotis, Thomas, Tillie, Tinlee, Titan, Tobin, Travis, Trenton, Trexton, Tripp, Turner
  • Vada, Vanessa, Vera, Vincent
  • Walker, Watson, Waylon, Westley, Wilder, Wiley, William
  • Xavier, Xia, Xililah, Ximena
  • Yianeli
  • Zachariah, Zaydin, Zayne, Zeppelin, Zinnia, Zoe

Source: Casper’s most popular baby names, 2020 – Wyoming Medical Center (via

Numerology: Baby names with a value of 4

Baby names with a numerological value of 4

If you’re on the hunt for baby names with a numerological value of 4, you’re in luck! Because today’s post features hundreds of 4-names.

Before we get to the names, though — how do we know that they’re “fours” in numerology?

Turning names into numbers

Here’s how to calculate the numerological value of a name.

First, for each letter, come up with a number to represent that letter’s position in the alphabet. (Letter A would be number 1, letter B would be number 2, and so forth.) Then, add all the numbers together. If the sum has two or more digits, add the digits together recursively until the result is a single digit. That single digit is the name’s numerological value.

For instance, the letters in the name Willow correspond to the numbers 23, 9, 12, 12, 15, and 23. The sum of these numbers is 94. The digits of 94 added together equal 13, and the digits of 13 added together equal 4 — the numerological value of Willow.

Baby names with a value of 4

Below you’ll find the most popular 4-names per gender, according to the latest U.S. baby name data. I’ve further sub-categorized them by total sums — just in case any of those larger numbers are significant to anyone.

4 via 13

The letters in the following baby names add up to 13, which reduces to four (1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 13)Boy names (4 via 13)
Cai, Eh, Cia, Gea, AabhaCade, Cai, Cj, Eh, Jc

4 via 22

The letters in the following baby names add up to 22, which reduces to four (2+2=4).

Girl names (4 via 22)Boy names (4 via 22)
Kaia, Lia, Ila, Giada, Ali, AichaAli, Lee, Dale, Akai, Hadi, Mace, Dael, Bane

4 via 31

The letters in the following baby names add up to 31, which reduces to four (3+1=4).

Girl names (4 via 31)Boy names (4 via 31)
Blake, Demi, Macie, Kara, Miah, Aliah, Janae, Delia, Echo, Haddie, Ayda, Gina, Cedar, Effie, Koda, Candace, HaliaJacob, Blake, Kaleb, Cash, Kane, Koda, Ahmed, Gian, Cedar, Gio, Mael, Adiel, Taj, Ved, Cree, Dev, Koe, Elam, Gene, Echo, Calan, Aahil

4 via 40

The letters in the following baby names add up to 40, which reduces to four (4+0=4).

Girl names (4 via 40)Boy names (4 via 40)
Maya, Angela, Kiara, Lola, Alaya, Megan, Linda, Kenia, Aadhya, Maleah, Tara, Hailee, Akira, Chiara, Kit, Joan, Kaira, Leni, Camden, Jude, Amya, Emmi, Danika, Nya, Elin, Melia, Skai, Janna, Aayla, Akari, Calani, AyalaDavid, Diego, Jude, Camden, Lucca, Zaid, Eliam, Neil, Dilan, Allan, Boden, Teo, Adler, Joan, Kenai, Abner, Kaine, Kit, Benaiah, Benji, Alder, Obadiah, Nile, Nate, Abdul, Kaeden, Jasai, Haze, Jacobi, Akari, Izaac, Jaciel, Bleu, Calian, Audie, Fateh, Blue, Akira, Halen, Jahkai, Kaidan, Elden, Tadhg, Amiel

4 via 49

The letters in the following baby names add up to 49, which reduces to four (4+9=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 49)Boy names (4 via 49)
Emilia, Athena, Jayla, Logan, Oaklee, Kyla, Isabela, Dallas, Milan, Amayah, Aliza, Gwen, Jianna, Harlee, Araceli, Billie, Alaiya, Jaycee, Reya, Mirha, Karen, Amiya, Ehlani, Emilee, Annabel, Ayva, Brisa, Coral, Luana, Niya, Johana, Carol, Tiara, Zaila, Ellamae, Kamani, Maiya, Auri, Aalayah, Islah, Fannie, Anora, BrigidLogan, Luke, Aaron, Jose, Milo, Adriel, Ayden, Dallas, Crew, Niko, Milan, Dariel, Bruce, Hamza, Clyde, Kenji, Brock, Ahmir, Carlo, Mazi, Eitan, Demir, Oaklee, Mahir, Jru, Hiram, Klay, Eydan, Aviel, Braeden, Sahil, Eziah, Jaycee, Ayub, Calix, Bennie, Atom, Kirk, Penn, Jahdiel, Kion, Rahim, Fares, Ason

4 via 58

The letters in the following baby names add up to 58, which reduces to four (5+8=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 58)Boy names (4 via 58)
Lily, Natalia, Liliana, Josie, Daisy, Arianna, Ariella, Milani, Nicole, Aniyah, Daniella, Ryan, Lylah, Kylee, Emerald, Kimber, Robin, Avayah, Magdalena, Paloma, Nyra, Indigo, Joyce, Jaylee, Amyra, Sonia, Elayna, Aleyna, Lailani, Ziva, Jalayah, Marlie, Mayra, Elyana, Sedona, Natalee, Fatimah, Karis, Oriana, Pippa, Toni, Star, Mariel, Linden, Hayes, Keely, Melinda, Inayah, Tova, Illiana, Ivanka, Janeth, Sianna, Haniya, Ezri, Anvika, Berklee, Marlei, Charis, Kayli, Mayar, MelodiMiles, Nathan, Ryan, Jesse, Hayes, Holden, Pedro, Isaias, Kieran, Roy, Danny, Albert, Alvin, Robin, Brendan, Brecken, Harold, Dangelo, Ezrah, Ignacio, Kolt, Teddy, Oakland, Archibald, German, Indigo, Oaklen, Clint, Linden, Jakhari, Shiv, Zacari, Donte, Jaron, Fredy, Fenix, Nyjah, Daxon, Finnan, Coast, Rune, Brigham, Marko, Harlen, Keandre, Selim, Harland, Kamran, Aiyden, Abelardo, Jaycen, Mykah, Daquan, Jeter, Branden, Hillel, Wayde, Hashim

4 via 67

The letters in the following baby names add up to 67, which reduces to four (6+7=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 67)Boy names (4 via 67)
Gabriella, Ruth, Michelle, Lyric, Aurelia, Paislee, Kaliyah, Zoya, Jessie, Brylee, Maisy, Kimora, Lyanna, Cordelia, Jillian, Jaelyn, Honey, Valencia, Angeline, Tillie, Isadora, Sybil, Ester, Suri, Zhavia, Italy, Evelin, Charly, Jules, Catarina, Delylah, Anayeli, Zayna, Manuela, Karly, Jaylen, Azura, Tracy, Jensen, Gretel, Sahasra, Elvira, Jinora, Bradley, Timber, Kyndal, Jamiyah, Aubriana, EliyanaJulian, Dominic, Miguel, Jensen, Jaylen, Bradley, Marcelo, Julio, Lionel, Rayden, Carmelo, Brycen, Zamir, Kylen, Cullen, Lyric, Zayan, Jessie, Caysen, Maddux, Monte, Elvis, Pharaoh, Oziel, West, Finnian, Carver, Percy, Jules, Yazan, Riyan, Ishmael, Maykel, Urijah, Ayven, Zakaria, Marlin, Maxon, Syre, Yechiel, Kyland, Manny, Jeziel, Soul, Kylar, Timber, Andrey, Kevon, Pryce, Rahmir, Ezrael, Finlay, Charly, Cyril, Neftali, Zhaire

4 via 76

The letters in the following baby names add up to 76, which reduces to four (7+6=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 76)Boy names (4 via 76)
Rory, Lorelei, Emory, Kinley, Zendaya, Kataleya, Hayley, Georgina, Nyomi, Winona, Emmeline, Ansley, Kathleen, Addisyn, Taliyah, Evaluna, Sidney, Martina, Eliette, Pepper, Theresa, Samiyah, Amberly, Skylah, Arlett, Nariyah, Dawson, Naylani, Jailyne, Starr, Everlie, Keylin, Shreya, Wynn, Zaniya, Juanita, Vianey, Raniyah, AnnamarieThomas, Emmett, Dawson, Jeremy, Louis, Rory, Sylas, Dexter, Nixon, Alonso, Jerry, Nathanael, Emory, Mordechai, Kruz, Jethro, Torin, Sidney, Kymir, Woods, Neymar, Gurbaaz, Khyrie, Tylen, Wynn, Yusef, Herbert, Waylan, Kolsen, Royale, Jacques, Adonnis, Keyler, Welles

4 via 85

The letters in the following baby names add up to 85, which reduces to four (8+5=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 85)Boy names (4 via 85)
Anastasia, Gracelyn, Brinley, Ainsley, Sevyn, Madisyn, Aubrielle, Artemis, Paityn, Ripley, Margaux, Rayleigh, Finnley, Shoshana, Tinley, Rivky, Storm, Yamilet, Shannon, Julieth, Karoline, Alitzel, Hillary, Rosabella, Lively, Vesper, Mallorie, RyleySteven, Kayson, Franklin, Donovan, Finnley, Boston, Sevyn, Jovanni, Ulises, Rowdy, Korbyn, Lucius, Zackary, Kyzer, Octavio, Rodolfo, Kendrix, Wolfgang, Storm, Xavion, Artemis, Devonte, Ripley, Tymir, Myron, Gryffin, Theodor, Broderick, Hyrum, Octavian, Kipton, Hawkins, Omarion, Raylon, Ryley, Shannon

4 via 94

The letters in the following baby names add up to 94, which reduces to four (9+4=13; 1+3=4).

Girl names (4 via 94)Boy names (4 via 94)
Willow, Genevieve, Harmony, Evangeline, Alessandra, Antonella, Stormi, Elowyn, Lakelynn, Emberlyn, Kinsleigh, Bernadette, Milagros, Constance, Madisson, Josette, Everest, Aislynn, Lourdes, Jaqueline, RosaleighBraxton, Everest, Dutton, Jaxtyn, Jiovanni, Brayson, Reynaldo, Sebastien, Trevon, Alexandro, Tayson, Gregorio, Suleiman, Santhiago, Riyansh

4 via 103

The letters in the following baby names add up to 103, which reduces to four (1+0+3=13).

Girl names (4 via 103)Boy names (4 via 103)
Scarlette, Princess, Roslyn, Valkyrie, Merritt, Nicolette, Rosemarie, Violett, Quinley, JustyceGreyson, Solomon, Yisroel, Zeppelin, Jettson, Perseus, Marquise, Maziyon, Merritt, Younis, Tiberius, Everhett, Yitzchak, Jaxston, Trevion, Nicodemus

4 via 112

The letters in the following baby names add up to 112, which reduces to four (1+1+2=4).

Girl names (4 via 112)Boy names (4 via 112)
Brooklyn, Emmersyn, Divinity, Weslynn, VictoryStetson, Valentino, Houston, Guillermo, Zayvion, Augustin, Brooklyn, Ollivander

4 via 121

The letters in the following baby names add up to 121, which reduces to four (1+2+1=4).

Girl names (4 via 121)Boy names (4 via 121)
Persephone, Courtney, Tiaraoluwa, Luxury, KierstynMorrison, Courtney, Kristofer, Christofer, Quintus

Number 4: Significance and associations

What does the number four mean in numerology?

There’s no definitive answer, unfortunately, because various numerological systems exist, and each one has its own interpretation of the number four. That said, if we look at a couple of modern numerology/astrology websites, we see 4 being described as “hardworking,” “practical,” “stable,” “trustworthy,” and “detail-oriented.”

We can also look at associations, which are a bit more concrete. Here are some things that are associated with the number 4:

  • Seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
  • Cardinal directions (north, south, east, west)
  • States of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma)
  • Original Greek classical elements (water, earth, air, fire)
  • Moon phases (new, half-moon waxing, full, half-moon waning)
  • Suits of playing cards (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades)
  • Suits of tarot cards (cups, coins, wands, swords)
  • Limbs (2 arms and 2 legs)
  • Baseball (4 bases)
  • Violin (4 strings)
  • Common time in music (4 beats per measure)
  • Arithmetic (4 basic operations)
  • Furniture (most furniture has four legs)

What does the number 4 mean to you? What are your strongest associations with the number?

P.S. To see names with other numerological values, check out the posts for the numbers one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, and nine.

Sources: SSA, Numerology – Cafe Astrology, The meaning of the numbers 1 – 9 – World Numerology, 4 – Wikipedia

[Latest update: Jan. 2024]

Biggest changes in boy name popularity, 2012

Which boy names rose the most from 2011 to 2012?

And which ones fell?

We just looked at the girl names, so now let’s check out the boy names.

Here are the differences between the two “increases” and “decreases” lists–

My list, on the left, looks at the raw number differences between the 2011 names and the 2012 names. My analysis covers all 14,162 boy names on the 2012 list.

The SSA’s list, on the right, looks at the ranking differences between the 2011 names and the 2012 names. Their analysis covers approximately the top 500 boy names on the 2012 list.

Biggest Increases

The baby boy names that saw the biggest popularity increases from 2011 to 2012 were…

Nancy’s list (raw numbers)SSA’s list (rankings)
  1. Liam, +3,286 babies [rank: 15th to 6th]
  2. Gael, +2,044 babies [rank: 408th to 146th]
  3. Brantley, +1,583 babies [rank: 321st to 158th]
  4. Jaxon, +1,539 babies [rank: 86th to 66th]
  5. Jace, +962 babies [rank: 106th to 86th]
  6. Ethan, +911 babies [rank: 7th to 3rd]
  7. Damian, +844 babies [rank: 138th to 97th]
  8. Eli, +814 babies [rank: 58th to 44th]
  9. Henry, +795 babies [rank: 57th to 43rd]
  10. Iker, +763 babies [rank: 379th to 230th]
  11. Hudson, +761 babies [rank: 112th to 93rd]
  12. Grayson, +744 babies [rank: 97th to 85th]
  13. Colton, +739 babies [rank: 74th to 65th]
  14. Lincoln, +726 babies [rank: 178th to 132nd]
  15. Dominic, +725 babies [rank: 76th to 70th]
  16. King, +699 babies [rank: 389th to 256th]
  17. Jaxson, +684 babies [rank: 140th to 106th]
  18. Jase, +667 babies [rank: 562nd to 304th]
  19. Hunter, +633 babies [rank: 55th to 45th]
  20. Mateo, +626 babies [rank: 171st to 138th]
  1. Major, +505 (988th to 483rd)
  2. Gael, +262 (408th to 146th)
  3. Jase, +258 (562nd to 304th)
  4. Messiah, +246 (633rd to 387th)
  5. Brantley, +163 (321st to 158th)
  6. Iker, +149 (379th to 230th)
  7. King, +133 (389th to 256th)
  8. Rory, +118 (599th to 481st)
  9. Ari, +73 (508th to 435th)
  10. Maverick, +72 (428th to 356th)
  11. Armani, +70 (502nd to 432nd)
  12. Knox, +66 (434th to 368th)
  13. Gianni, +66 (515th to 449th)
  14. Zayden, +63 (292nd to 229th)
  15. August, +62 (395th to 333rd)
  16. Barrett, +61 (436th to 375th)
  17. Remington, +58 (479th to 421st)
  18. Kasen, +58 (526th to 468th)
  19. Zaiden, +56 (489th to 433rd)
  20. Orion, +52 (471st to 419th)

Looks like the movie Lincoln influenced a lot of parents last year.

Here are last year’s raw number jumps and last year’s ranking jumps.

Biggest Decreases

The baby boy names that saw the biggest popularity decreases from 2011 to 2012 were…

Nancy’s list (raw numbers)SSA’s list (rankings)
  1. Jacob, -1,370 babies [rank: 1st to 1st]
  2. Justin, -1,238 babies [rank: 59th to 74th]
  3. Tyler, -1,178 babies [rank: 38th to 50th]
  4. Christopher, -1,168 babies [rank: 21st to 23rd]
  5. Joshua, -1,162 babies [rank: 14th to 17th]
  6. Anthony, -1,117 babies [rank: 11th to 15th]
  7. Hayden, -1,068 babies [rank: 90th to 109th]
  8. Daniel, -1,063 babies [rank: 10th to 11th]
  9. Jaden, -994 babies [rank: 100th to 140th]
  10. Jonathan, -925 babies [rank: 31st to 35th]
  11. Jayden, -913 babies [rank: 4th to 7th]
  12. Nicholas, -908 babies [rank: 42nd to 49th]
  13. Gabriel, -850 babies [rank: 24th to 24th]
  14. Brandon, -795 babies [rank: 47th to 56th]
  15. Gavin, -789 babies [rank: 36th to 40th]
  16. Evan, -776 babies [rank: 40th to 47th]
  17. Jose, -762 babies [rank: 65th to 72nd]
  18. Christian, -747 babies [rank: 30th to 33rd]
  19. David, -743 babies [rank: 18th to 19th]
  20. Ashton, -735 babies [rank: 109th to 141st]
  1. Braeden, -105 (476th to 581st)
  2. Yahir, -85 (429th to 514th)
  3. Kieran, -82 (474th to 556th)
  4. Cullen, -79 (472nd to 551st)
  5. Brayan, -73 (426th to 499th)
  6. Jalen, -70 (400th to 470th)
  7. Amare, -70 (425th to 495th)
  8. Trey, -69 (324th to 393rd)
  9. Casey, -62 (424th to 486th)
  10. Payton, -60 (398th to 458th)
  11. Jakob, -60 (335th to 395th)
  12. Randy, -57 (356th to 413th)
  13. Zackary, -56 (451st to 507th)
  14. Eddie, -56 (488th to 544th)
  15. Jerry, -53 (394th to 447th)
  16. Jaylen, -51 (206th to 257th)
  17. Ernesto, -50 (491st to 541st)
  18. Devon, -46 (351st to 397th)
  19. Braylon, -46 (233rd to 279th)
  20. Braden, -45 (258th to 303rd)

Here are last year’s raw number drops and last year’s ranking drops.

Source: SSA’s Change In Popularity From 2011 To 2012

Biggest changes in baby name popularity, 2009

Just like there were some ups and downs in the stock market yesterday, there were some ups and downs in baby name popularity between 2008 and 2009.

The SSA has published a handy pair of tables showing changes in baby name popularity. Only names that cracked the top 500 during either 2008 or 2009 were included, but still it’s a lot of useful information. Here are the biggest winners and losers in the group:

Boys Girls
Gains Cullen, +297
Jax, +266
King, +248
Emmett, +215
Colt, +164
Maliyah, +342
Isla, +273
Caylee, +251
Kinley, +214
Arabella, +209
Losses Alvin, -133
Marc, -106
Jonas, -105
Isiah, -91
Brett, -80
Marely, -517
Mylee, -420
Jaslene, -294
Allisson, -197
Haylie, -145

The numbers show the difference in ranking from 2008 to 2009. Cullen ranked 297 spots higher, for instance, so it became much more popular (no doubt thanks to Twilight). Alvin ranked 133 spots lower, on the other hand, so it became a lot less popular.