How popular is the baby name Diesel in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Diesel.

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Popularity of the baby name Diesel

Posts that mention the name Diesel

Popular baby names in Casper (Wyoming), 2020

In 2020, the Wyoming Medical Center in Casper welcomed 892 babies. The names of about 620 of these babies were shared online via the hospital’s website. A few days ago, the hospital “mined those announcements for our most popular names list for 2020,” finding that the most frequently occurring names for girls was Paisley and for boys was Jackson.

I don’t usually post rankings from non-governmental sources, but, in this case, there were just so many names in comparison to the size of the city (about 58,000 residents) that I decided to go ahead and publish the full list…

10 babies named:

  • Jackson (Jaxen, Jaxon, Jaxson, Jaxxon)

7 babies named:

  • Logan
  • Oliver
  • Paisley (Paizlee, Paizleigh)

6 babies named:

  • Adaline (Adeline, Adalyn, Adalynn, Addilynn)
  • Amelia (Emelia, Emilia)
  • Emma
  • Grayson
  • Reilly (Rieleigh, Riely, Riley, Ryleigh)
  • Sawyer

5 babies named:

  • Cooper
  • Everlee (Everleigh, Everly)
  • Oakleigh (Oakley)
  • Theodore

4 babies named:

  • Addison (Addyson)
  • Asher
  • Ava
  • Benjamin
  • Caysen (Kasen, Kason)
  • Charlie (Charlee, Charles)
  • Everette
  • Isabella (Izabella, Izzabella)
  • Kinsleigh (Kinsley)
  • Nathan
  • Wyatt

3 babies named:

Adrian, Alexander, Ashton (Ashtyn), Aspen, Aurora, Bennett, Blake (Blayke), Bristol, Brixley (Brixleigh, Brixli), Brooklyn, Carter, Christian, David, Declan (Deklynn), Elijah, Elizabeth, Ella, Ellie, Ethan, Ezra, Grace, Hunter, Holden, Jack, Layla, Leo, Liam, Lyla (Lilah), Lincoln, Lorenzo, Lydia, Lyra, Mason, Noah, Olivia, Owen, Richard, Rilynn (Ryelin, Ryelynn), Rowan (Rowen), Ryker, Skyla, Sophia (Sofia)

2 babies named:

Aiden/Aidyn, Allison/Alyson, Amara, Annabelle, Arya, Aubriella, Averie/Avery, Barrett, Bentley, Bodhi/Bodie, Braxton, Bryar/Bryor, Brynlee, Caroline, Carson/Karson, Catherine/Katherine, Colt, Colten/Colton, Damian, Daniel, Daxton, Dayton, Dylan, Eli, Eliana, Elliot, Emerson/Emersyn, Emery/Emory, Evelyn, Finley, Gabriella, Gentry, Harmony, Harper, Harrison, Haven/Hayven, Hayden, Hazel, Hazely/Hazleigh, Henry, Hudson, Ian, Isaac, Isaiah, Islah/Islla, Jasper, Jaxtyn, Jayden, Joel, Julian, Julius, Justin, Kaiser/Kaizer, Kamara, Kaysen/Kayson, Kellen, Kennedi/Kenydee, Kenzlee/Kenzleigh, Kinley/Kynleigh, Kyran/Kyren, Leighton/Leyten, Lenix/Lennox, Levi, Lorelai/Lorelei, Madeline/Madelyn, Malachi, Malaya/Maleah, Maria/Meriah, Maverick, Maya, Mila, Miles, Millie, Naomi, Natalia, Nevaeh, Parker, Paul, Penelope, Rachael/Rachel, Rae/Rey, Raylan, Ronan, Ryder, Samantha, Samuel, Sara/Sarah, Savanna/Savannah, Scarlett, Sebastian, Silas/Sylias, Skylar/Skyler, Spencer, Sydney/Sidney, Tenslee/Tensley, Theo, Weston/Westin, Violet, Zachary, Zoey

1 baby named:

  • Abel, Abraham, Ace, Adam, Adonis, Aeris, Adrian, Aiden, Aksel, Aleassia, Alexandria, Alianna, Allen, Ambrose, Amias, Amiya, Anderson, Angel, Anika, Annalynn, Annie, Anson, Antonina, Archer, Ariella, Ariya, Armando, Arrow, Ashlyn, Athena, Aubree, August, Augustus, Avaianna, Aynslee, Azariah, Azayla
  • Bailey, Baylor, Beau, Becklynn, Bella, Berklie, Bethany, Bonnie, Bradley, Braitton, Branson, Brantley, Braxley, Brayden, Braylee, Brennan, Brexton, Brian, Briggson, Brittany, Brixon, Brock, Broden, Bronx, Brooks, Brylee, Burke
  • Caelan, Cain, Callie, Callum, Calvin, Cameron, Cannon, Carilina, Case, Cash, Charisma, Chasyn, Chloe, Christopher, Ciella, Claire, Cody, Colby, Collyn, Colter, Cree, Crew, Cullen, Cuyler
  • Dailyn, Dakota, Dani, Dean, Delilah, Destin, Diesel, Divine, Douglas, Draco, Draeden
  • Ebony, Eccho, Edison, Eleanor, Elias, Elivia, Ellen, Ellis, Ember, Emily, Emmanuel, Emmie, Emmitt, England, Etta, Evan, Evander, Ezmae
  • Felix, Francis, Fredrick, Freya
  • Genevieve, George, Gideon, Graham, Grey, Griffin
  • Hodassah, Haddie, Hadley, Hailey, Harlan, Harley, Harlow, Harris, Harvey, Hayes, Hendrix, Henleigh
  • Icelynn, Ily, Isabelle, Isaias, Ivan, Ivy, Iylah
  • Jaden, Jaime, Jalin, James, Jameson, Jase, Javier, Jayce, Jaycee, Jayson, Jeremiah, Jessica, Jessie, Jett, JJ, Joanna, John, Jojo, Jolie, Jonah, Jonathan, Josephine, Josie, Joyce, Jude, Julie, June
  • Kade, Kaelyn, Kaiden, Kaii, Kaleah, Kamari, Kambry, Kambryn, Kamdyn, Kane, Karalynn, Kaspian, Kaylee, Kaylynn, Keaton, Keenston, Keira, Kenai, Kendrey, Kevin, Keylin, Khaos, Kieran, Killian, Kimber, Kimora, Kit, Klarke, Kodah, Koen, Kolby, Kole, Korah, Korbyn, Koy, Kyara, Kyden, Kylie, Kyson
  • Lainey, Lakelyn, Lance, Laramie, Laura, Layne, Legend, Lennon, Leopold, Lillian, Lilliean, Lillyanna, Lily, Lola, Londyn, Lorraine, Luca, Lucius, Luke, Lynlee, Lyvie
  • Macie, Macklin, Maddison, Maddox, Mae, Maevelyn, Maggie, Maisey, Mandy, Marceline, Margaret, Mario, Marisa, Marisol, Marleigh, Mary, Mateo, Matthias, Mavis, Maxwell, Mazikeen, Mckenzie, Meadow, Melia, Melody, Merrik, Merritt, Meyer, Mia, Michael, Michelle, Miklo, Milo, Mira, Montana, Myra
  • Nancy, Nash, Natalie, Nathaneil, Naylin, Nehemiah, Nicholas, Nolen, Nora, Nova, Nylin
  • Oaks, Onyx, Oraya, Orian, Orin, Ostara
  • Paxton, Persephone, Presley, Pyper
  • Quincy
  • Rableen, Raeleah, Raven, Reed, Relik, Remi, Remington, Renato, Revi, Rhett, Riatta, Riggs, Rodolfo, Rogan, Roman, Rosalee, Rosemarie, Rowdy, Roxas, Roy, Ruby, Ryann, Ryatt, Ryott
  • Sadie, Sage, Sandra, Saphira, Seraphina, Serenah, Serenity, Shadow, Shelby, Sheridan, Shyanne, Simon, Skadi, Skylynn, Solveig, Sophie, Sorin, Stella, Sterling, Stetley, Storey, Sturgis, Sutton, Sylar, Sylvia
  • Tala, Talia, Tareyn, Tate, Tavin, Taylee, Teagan, Tennyson, Tess, Tessin, Theotis, Thomas, Tillie, Tinlee, Titan, Tobin, Travis, Trenton, Trexton, Tripp, Turner
  • Vada, Vanessa, Vera, Vincent
  • Walker, Watson, Waylon, Westley, Wilder, Wiley, William
  • Xavier, Xia, Xililah, Ximena
  • Yianeli
  • Zachariah, Zaydin, Zayne, Zeppelin, Zinnia, Zoe

Source: Casper’s most popular baby names, 2020 – Wyoming Medical Center (via

Numerology: Baby names with a value of 9

Baby names with a numerological value of 9

If you’re on the hunt for baby names with a numerological value of 9, you’re in luck! Because today’s post features hundreds of 9-names.

Before we get to the names, though — how do we know that they’re “nines” in numerology?

Turning names into numbers

Here’s how to calculate the numerological value of a name.

First, for each letter, come up with a number to represent that letter’s position in the alphabet. (Letter A would be number 1, letter B would be number 2, and so forth.) Then, add all the numbers together. If the sum has two or more digits, add the digits together recursively until the result is a single digit. That single digit is the name’s numerological value.

For instance, the letters in the name Rockwell correspond to the numbers 18, 15, 3, 11, 23, 5, 12, and 12. The sum of these numbers is 99. The digits of 99 added together equal 18, and the digits of 18 added together equal 9 — the numerological value of Rockwell.

Baby names with a value of 9

Below you’ll find the most popular 9-names per gender, according to the latest U.S. baby name data. I’ve further sub-categorized them by total sums — just in case any of those larger numbers are significant to anyone.


The letters in the unisex baby name Ace add up to 9.

9 via 18

The letters in the following baby names add up to 18, which reduces to nine (1+8=9).

Girl names (9 via 18)Boy names (9 via 18)
Lea, Gaia, Ela, Acacia, AddiCan, Adal, Acie, Edi, Jag

9 via 27

The letters in the following baby names add up to 27, which reduces to nine (2+7=9).

Girl names (9 via 27)Boy names (9 via 27)
Leia, Alma, Aleah, Aya, Chana, Adele, Dalia, Elia, Emi, Amal, Eila, Safa, Koa, Daila, AdleeCaden, Koa, Jake, Ahmad, Eddie, Cain, Cian, Job, Geo, Oak, Jeff

9 via 36

The letters in the following baby names add up to 36, which reduces to nine (3+6=9).

Girl names (9 via 36)Boy names (9 via 36)
Malia, Lina, Angie, Kiana, Halo, Anika, Maddie, Vida, Belle, Darla, Zia, Erica, Nila, Reece, Emme, Aoife, Nahla, Lani, Irha, Leen, Sanaa, Coco, Indi, Amila, Maila, Una, Safia, AikoChase, Reid, Jay, Caiden, Reece, Alden, Lian, Kiaan, Kase, Bilal, Davi, Kip, Ilan, Neel, Deegan, Zade, Fidel, Dakoda, Earl, Caelan, Halo, Chet, Luc, Rael, Mick, Chip, Abdias

9 via 45

The letters in the following baby names add up to 45, which reduces to nine (4+5=9).

Girl names (9 via 45)Boy names (9 via 45)
Remi, Arya, Ariel, Fiona, Selah, Raya, Kora, Helena, Emelia, Briana, Yara, Tiana, Kenna, Emmie, Dulce, Amelie, Paola, Ayra, Kacey, Jayde, Eleni, Anita, Zadie, Areli, Nailah, Amilia, Nechama, Delani, Regan, Ahlani, Tania, Cori, Iqra, Makena, Audra, Alaska, Debora, Denali, Minha, Ivie, Jiya, Oona, Cove, Marla, Denim, Auden, Alahni, Kyah, Zen, Avila, Rhema, Luci, Caleigh, Ilani, Camari, Arlie, Kalli, Ilse, MahaliaElijah, Daniel, Luka, Cohen, Clark, Tadeo, Ariel, Kayce, Emir, Ty, Remi, Koen, Enoch, Azael, Damir, Zen, Khalid, Vance, Meir, Fox, Kacey, Keon, Gino, Kenan, Denim, Aydan, Lamar, Cove, Coby, Rico, Jaleel, Aziah, Auden, Camari, Chayce, Saleh, Duane, Jamil, Haider, Kolbe, Lucah, Melo, Rakan, Arya, Ciro, Jakub, Opie, Gohan, Wali, Ojas

9 via 54

The letters in the following baby names add up to 54, which reduces to nine (5+4=9).

Girl names (9 via 54)Boy names (9 via 54)
Elliana, Bailey, Alayna, Alivia, Regina, Marlee, Carmen, Ariya, Zahra, Margo, Melina, Karina, Love, Milena, Keyla, Hadleigh, Zola, Mazie, Melani, Gianni, Zarah, Siya, Lori, Keidy, Sofie, Geneva, Elly, Sheila, Jessa, Tamara, Brenna, Zari, Maura, Bowie, Kaori, Arayah, Emmalee, Inez, Devin, Alyana, Maleni, Elisha, Kamaria, Joann, Kaley, Carrie, Aithana, Malinda, Raiya, Syeda, Nikki, Kolbie, Kiyah, Layana, Runa, JadynMateo, Gabriel, Kairo, Angelo, Gideon, Gianni, Devin, Rocco, Izaiah, Musa, Harlan, Elisha, Jrue, Lyle, Bowie, Jaxen, Eason, Dovid, Ayman, Henri, Azlan, Bailey, Axell, Keoni, Shaya, Hardin, Valen, Camren, Hazen, Lenin, Iver, Diesel, Kainen, Salim, Azir, Lior, Banner, Jadyn, Amaru, Arlin, Keion, Khaleel, Rider, Aeson, Sayed

9 via 63

The letters in the following baby names add up to 63, which reduces to nine (6+3=9).

Girl names (9 via 63)Boy names (9 via 63)
Madeline, Brielle, Olive, Noelle, Miriam, Angelina, Hattie, Fernanda, Zariah, Paris, Beatrice, Reyna, Johanna, Rayne, Meilani, Luella, Kailey, Korra, Kaylie, Imogen, Maizie, Ireland, Kamille, Keeley, Lakyn, Divine, Odessa, Tess, Carleigh, Janyla, Navya, Kyrah, Aliyana, Nyx, Vanya, Asiyah, Goldy, Melodie, Aster, Anissa, Emeline, Landrie, Leylah, Sandy, Atley, Aziza, ElloraMatias, Emilio, Leonel, Saint, Jaziel, Kylo, Nehemiah, Kylan, Otis, Caspian, Gatlin, Azrael, Bridger, Roger, Kaiser, Jones, Rishi, Coleman, Bentlee, Anson, Carmine, Macklin, Zealand, Ranger, Deangelo, Ismail, Shaun, Santi, Chevy, Jhett, Divine, Yohan, Avyan, Amauri, Keller, Mikhail, Reyan, Jeyden, Naftali, Domenic, Nicolai, Konrad, Rayne, Deonte, Paris, Jaylan, Jaidyn, Nikhil, Tyr, Kellin, Mahlon, Kavon, Romel, Mikey

9 via 72

The letters in the following baby names add up to 72, which reduces to nine (7+2=9).

Girl names (9 via 72)Boy names (9 via 72)
Sophie, Aubrey, Valerie, River, Magnolia, Everlee, Holly, Lorelai, Itzel, Jayleen, Mikayla, Charley, Savanna, Jaylani, Lilianna, Judith, Ryann, Soleil, Kynlee, Emmaline, Betty, Jaylene, Kaylin, Mercedes, Karely, Silvia, Kailyn, Cooper, Kenley, Chevelle, Zylah, Saphira, Blakeleigh, Ashanti, Laikyn, Blythe, Izabelle, Rainey, Theadora, Hosanna, Elyanna, Kylani, Karley, Loralei, Maisey, ZemiraCooper, River, Tanner, Kylian, Darius, Mohammed, Rocky, Jordy, Yasir, Tylan, Khyree, Canyon, Dwayne, Aubrey, Phineas, Kamron, Irvin, Charley, Hendrick, Jahaziel, Pranav, Casimir, Lucky, Reyes, Deshaun, Clement, Broly, Markell, Brendon, Masyn, Kavion, Syair, Elimelech, Cashmere, Rony

9 via 81

The letters in the following baby names add up to 81, which reduces to nine (8+1=9).

Girl names (9 via 81)Boy names (9 via 81)
Brynlee, Vanessa, Xiomara, Jennifer, Malaysia, Louise, Jenesis, Sariyah, Arlette, Yasmin, Aubriella, Tiffany, Lottie, Elisabeth, Ruthie, Jaelynn, Nathaly, Lavender, Venus, Tenley, Maisyn, Gitty, Karolina, Stori, Vivien, Hudson, Jaslyn, Kalliope, Beatriz, Destinee, Ivette, Taylin, Elisheva, Ramsey, Reilly, Ozzie, Arantza, Twyla, Novella, ElyssaOliver, Hudson, Nicholas, Lawrence, Samson, Jamison, Nikolas, Mustafa, Zavier, Rodney, Aurelio, Rogelio, Ernest, Kolter, Eliyahu, Orson, Ozzie, Ramsey, Jamarion, Dezmond, Kyzen, Taylin, Braylin, Conway, Eliott, Dayvon, Heston, Reilly, Selvin, Alastair, Marius, Jenesis, Timur, Davonte, Prynce, Tavion, Baltazar

9 via 90

The letters in the following baby names add up to 90, which reduces to nine (9+0=9).

Girl names (9 via 90)Boy names (9 via 90)
Autumn, Saylor, Leighton, Skyler, Evangelina, Anderson, Paxton, Bridgette, Honesti, Payson, KensleighTheodore, Sebastian, Matthew, Waylon, Maxwell, Paxton, Clayton, Anderson, Raymond, Westin, Skyler, Leighton, Curtis, Terrell, Aleksander, Reyansh, Atreyu, Gonzalo, Sulaiman, Marcelino, Saylor, Romello, Yonatan, Olivier, Alphonse

9 via 99

The letters in the following baby names add up to 99, which reduces to nine (9+9=18; 1+8=9).

Girl names (9 via 99)Boy names (9 via 99)
Emersyn, Gracelynn, Priscilla, Yoselin, Jupiter, Verity, Yitty, Stormie, Grayson, Presleigh, Swayze, CerenityGrayson, Cristobal, Kassius, Rockwell, Jupiter, Stuart, Jeronimo, Kingsten, Whitten

9 via 108

The letters in the following baby names add up to 108, which reduces to nine (1+0+8=9).

Girl names (9 via 108)Boy names (9 via 108)
Journey, Roselyn, Emberlynn, Violette, Kollyns, Rylynn, Jacquelyn, Gwenivere, Scotlyn, Yatziri, EllingtonAlessandro, Vincenzo, Cristiano, Journey, Fitzgerald, Truitt

9 via 117

The letters in the following baby names add up to 117, which reduces to nine (1+1+7=9).

Girl names (9 via 117)Boy names (9 via 117)
Novalynn, Marguerite, Quinnley, Augustine, RoslynnAugustine, Yitzchok, Treyton, Maximillian, Trystan, Stockton

9 via 126

The letters in the following baby names add up to 126, which reduces to nine (1+2+6=9).

Girl names (9 via 126)Boy names (9 via 126)
Brooklynn, Quinlynn, Tennyson, Quinnlyn, StellaroseTennyson, Dionysus, Marvelous, Artavious, Atharvreddy

Number 9: Significance and associations

What does the number nine mean in numerology?

There’s no definitive answer, unfortunately, because various numerological systems exist, and each one has its own interpretation of the number nine. That said, if we look at a couple of modern numerology/astrology websites, we see 9 being described as “humanitarian,” “tolerant,” “helpful,” “determined,” and “compassionate.”

We can also look at associations, which are a bit more concrete. Here are some things that are associated with the number 9:

  • Pregnancy (9 months long)
  • Baseball (9 players on the field; 9 innings)
  • K-9 (“canine”) police dog units
  • “Cloud nine” (expression)
  • “Nine lives” of a cat (expression)
  • “To the nines” (expression)
  • “The whole nine yards” (expression)

What does the number 9 mean to you? What are your strongest associations with the number?

P.S. To see names with other numerological values, check out the posts for the numbers one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight.

Sources: SSA, Numerology – Cafe Astrology, The meaning of the numbers 1 – 9 – World Numerology, 9 – Wikipedia

[Latest update: Jan. 2024]

Popular baby names in England and Wales (UK), 2014

Flag of the United Kingdom
Flag of the United Kingdom

According to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the most popular baby names in England and Wales last year were Amelia and Oliver.

Here are the top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2014:

Girl NamesBoy Names
1. Amelia, 5,327 baby girls
2. Olivia, 4,724
3. Isla, 4,012
4. Emily, 3,991
5. Poppy, 3,273
6. Ava, 3,171
7. Isabella, 3,022
8. Jessica, 2,995
9. Lily, 2,965
10. Sophie, 2,905
1. Oliver, 6,649 baby boys
2. Jack, 5,804
3. Harry, 5,379
4. Jacob, 5,050
5. Charlie, 4,642
6. Thomas, 4,405
7. George, 4,320
8. Oscar, 4,269
9. James, 4,167
10. William, 4,134

In the girls’ top 10, Lily replaced Mia (now 13th).

The boys’ top 10 includes the same names in a different order.

The ONS report also highlighted a few seasonal favorites, such as…

  • Holly, which ranked 5th in December but 70th in June. Overall, it was 39th.
  • Summer, which ranked 25th in June but 105th in December. Overall, it was 58th.

Here are some of last year’s rare baby names, each given to either 3, 4 or 5 babies:

Rare Girl NamesRare Boy Names
Ambreen, Angharad, Arinola, Arzoo, Astala, Boux, Cagla, Cliodhna, Darasimi, Delyth, Dolsie, Elliw, Eslem, Flourish, Harper-Lee, Heulwen, Heyabel, Honeysuckle, Ilinca, Io, Iris-Rose, Jedidiah, Kitty-Rose, Lili-Haf, Loveday, Luul, L’Wren, Makatendeka, Maxima, Moksha, Morsal, Nainsi, Peach, Poppy-Willow, Ritaj, Sailor, Shailene, Tavleen, Topsy, Tuppence, Uxia, Vaneeza, Venba, Zennor, ZiggyAldion, Alias, Archimedes, Bevon, Boycie, Bright, Buzz, Caelum, Calix, Cloud, Coast, Cove, Crispin, Denley, Diesel, Dipson, Grantas, Gwern, Hanzala, Harrington, Jensen-James, Jolyon, Jonjoe, Jorel, Kebba, Keita, Khattab, Klaidas, Marceau, Metodi, Oaklen, Osazee, Peregrine, Refoel, Re’Kai, Romarni, Sanchez, Seweryn, Sheriff, Stanleigh, Swayley, Timurs, Ugnius, Vasco, Velizar, Ynyr

Finally, here are all of my previous posts on baby names in England and Wales: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2008.

Source: Baby Names, England and Wales, 2014 – ONS

Image: Adapted from Flag of the United Kingdom (public domain)

Vin Diesel named his baby after Paul Walker

Actors Vin Diesel and Paul Walker in the movie "The Fast and the Furious" (2001)
Vin Diesel and Paul Walker

In March, actor Vin Diesel and his girlfriend Paloma Jiménez welcomed their third child.

The baby girl was named Pauline in honor of Diesel’s longtime Fast & Furious co-star Paul Walker, who died in a car crash in November of 2013.

“He was in the [delivery] room,” Diesel recalled. “There’s no other person that I was thinking about as I was cutting this umbilical cord. I just…knew he was there.”

And Diesel decided that Pauline’s name would be a way to make sure Walker would always be there.

“It felt like, you know, a way to keep his memory a part of my family and a part of my world,” he explained.

The fact that Diesel also happens to have a fraternal twin brother named Paul probably made the decision to select “Pauline” that much easier.

His two older children are a daughter named Hania and a son named Vincent.

(His own birth name is Mark Sinclair. The “Vin” part of his stage name comes from his mother’s married name, Vincent, and “Diesel” was a nickname he picked up while working as a bouncer in New York City during college.)

Sources: Vin Diesel Welcomes Daughter Pauline, Vin Diesel reveals his new baby’s very special name, a tribute to Paul Walker, 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Vin Diesel

Image: © 2001 Universal Pictures