How popular is the baby name Ayaan in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Ayaan.

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Popularity of the baby name Ayaan

Posts that mention the name Ayaan

Popular baby names in Gibraltar, 2023

Flag of Gibraltar
Flag of Gibraltar

The British overseas territory of Gibraltar — located at the southern tip of Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, just a few miles away from Northern Africa — is home to roughly 32,700 people

Last year, Gibraltar welcomed 319 babies — 149 baby girls, and 170 baby boys. (My source article said the final tally was 318, but the full list [PDF] included an extra name.)

What were the most popular names among these babies? Ava/Lucia (tie) and Luca.

Here are Gibraltar’s top girl names and top boy names of 2023:

Girl names

  1. Ava and Lucia, 4 baby girls each (tie)
  2. Evie, Lily, Olivia, and Sienna, 3 each (4-way tie)
  3. Alba, Arabella, Brielle, Emma, Esme, Indie, Lena, Luna, Madison, Mia, Noa, Sofia, Sophia, Sophie, Talia, and Valentina, 2 each (16-way tie)

Boy names

  1. Luca, 5 baby boys
  2. Jack, Leon, and Liam, 4 each (3-way tie)
  3. James, Noah, Theo, and William, 3 each (4-way tie)
  4. Aiden, Alexander, Axel, Daniel, Dylan, Evan, Hugo, Jackson, Jake, Joey, Julian, Karim, Leo, Leonardo, Lucas, Matthew, Michael, Mohamed, Rafael, Robin, and Ryan, 2 each (21-way tie)

The rest of the names were each bestowed once. (Except for Reign, which was bestowed twice overall — once for each gender.)

Unique girl names (97)Unique boy names (99)
Aasiyah, Abigail, Adrianna, Alexandra, Alma, Amelia, Amiah, Anastasia, Anoushka, Anya, Aria, Arianna, Arianne, Arna, Avery, Bassma, Blossom, Carla, Charlotte, Chloe, Cole, Cora, Daisy, Daniella, Deborah, Devorah, Eadie, Eleanor, Elena, Eliana, Elie, Ella, Elodie, Elouisa, Elsie, Emilia, Emilie, Emily, Faith, Farah, Gia, Giselle, Grace, Gracie-Rae, Hallie, Hannah, Holly, Irene, Isabella, Isadora, Jawhara, Joudia, Julietta, Kaila, Kylie, Layan, Lia, Lilijana, Lilya, Lorena, Lucie, Lucy, Luella, Maram, Matilda, Maya, Mila, Miral, Molly, Niah, Niv, Nora, Nylah, Ottilie, Paige, Penelope, Reign, Rhea, Ria, Riley-Mae, Rina, Rivka, Ruth, Sabrina, Sage, Sara, Scarlett, Sia, Skye, Souhaila, Sydney, Tania, Teresa, Tillia, Vivienne, Yashu, ZainabAaron, Adonis, Alejandro, Alfei, Anthon, Aries, Ashton, August, Ayaan, Ayman, Brooke, Caleb, Charles, Christian, Cody, Colby, Cory, Elai, Eliyahu, Elliott, Eneko, Eoin, Etienne, Evren, Ezio, Finley, Frederick, Gino, Godred, Grayson, Harvey, Hayden, Hiyaan, Ilan, Indra, Jai, Jamie, Jayce, Jayme, Jesse, Johar, Joseph, Joshua, Jovan, Justin, Kai, Keenan, Kobe, Koen, Laurence, Lawson, Lee, Logan, Louay, Louie, Luke, Mael, Mason, Matteo, Max, Milan, Musa, Nasir, Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Nial, Nicholas, Nicolas, Nikolai, Nolan, Nyle, Oliver, Ori, Owen, Ramy, Raphael, Ray, Refael, Reign, Rex, Rian, Ricardo, River, Romeo, Roux, Ruben, Rylee, Salman, Sam, Samuel, Scott, Stefan, Theodore, Thiago, Yaakov, Yisroel, Zachary, Ziggy

Finally, here are Gibraltar’s 2022 rankings, if you’d like to compare last year to the year before.


Image: Adapted from Flag of Gibraltar (public domain)

Popular baby names in Northern Ireland (UK), 2021

Flag of the United Kingdom
Flag of the United Kingdom

According to the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), the most popular baby names in Northern Ireland last year were Grace and Jack.

Here are the Northern Ireland’s top 50 girl names and top 50+ boy names of 2021:

Girl names

  1. Grace, 182 baby girls
  2. Emily, 150
  3. Fiadh, 149
  4. Olivia, 148
  5. Isla, 138
  6. Sophie, 128
  7. Aoife, 122
  8. Ella, 111
  9. Anna, 106
  10. Sophia, 102
  11. Amelia, 101
  12. Lucy, 100
  13. Charlotte, 98
  14. Lily, 94
  15. Evie, 92 (tie)
  16. Freya, 92 (tie)
  17. Ava, 90
  18. Annie, 87
  19. Mia, 82
  20. Ellie, 80
  21. Erin, 76 (3-way tie)
  22. Molly, 76 (3-way tie)
  23. Rosie, 76 (3-way tie)
  24. Willow, 69
  25. Eabha, 67
  26. Ruby, 64
  27. Poppy, 62
  28. Meabh, 61 (tie)
  29. Niamh, 61 (tie)
  30. Eva, 60
  31. Maisie, 59
  32. Katie, 58
  33. Cora, 56
  34. Hannah, 55 (tie)
  35. Ivy, 55 (tie)
  36. Cara, 54 (tie)
  37. Clodagh, 54 (tie)
  38. Georgia, 52 (4-way tie)
  39. Harper, 52 (4-way tie)
  40. Jessica, 52 (4-way tie)
  41. Zara, 52 (4-way tie)
  42. Chloe, 51 (tie)
  43. Rose, 51 (tie)
  44. Aria, 50
  45. Alice, 49 (3-way tie)
  46. Daisy, 49 (3-way tie)
  47. Mollie, 49 (3-way tie)
  48. Heidi, 48
  49. Saoirse, 45 (tie)
  50. Sienna, 45 (tie)

Boy names

  1. Jack, 193 baby boys
  2. Noah, 191
  3. James, 173
  4. Charlie, 155
  5. Oliver, 131
  6. Theo, 119
  7. Leo, 117
  8. Cillian, 116
  9. Finn, 115
  10. Harry, 114
  11. Oisin, 109 (tie)
  12. Thomas, 109 (tie)
  13. Daniel, 103
  14. Tommy, 101
  15. Freddie, 97
  16. Jacob, 92
  17. Jude, 86
  18. Arthur, 84
  19. Daithi, 83
  20. Darragh, 78 (3-way tie)
  21. Ethan, 78 (3-way tie)
  22. Ronan, 78 (3-way tie)
  23. Jonah, 77
  24. Alfie, 76 (tie)
  25. Archie, 76 (tie)
  26. Caleb, 75
  27. Shea, 73
  28. Conor, 71
  29. Alexander, 69
  30. Patrick, 68
  31. George, 66 (3-way tie)
  32. Isaac, 66 (3-way tie)
  33. Mason, 66 (3-way tie)
  34. Matthew, 65 (tie)
  35. Reuben, 65 (tie)
  36. Conan, 64 (3-way tie)
  37. Fionn, 64 (3-way tie)
  38. Luke, 64 (3-way tie)
  39. Ollie, 63
  40. Jake, 61 (tie)
  41. Joseph, 61 (tie)
  42. Logan, 60 (3-way tie)
  43. Odhran, 60 (3-way tie)
  44. Oscar, 60 (3-way tie)
  45. Liam, 58 (3-way tie)
  46. Lucas, 58 (3-way tie)
  47. Max, 58 (3-way tie)
  48. John, 57
  49. Rory, 56
  50. Joshua, 55 (tie)
  51. Theodore, 55 (tie)

In the girls’ top 10, Aoife and Anna replaced Amelia, Lucy and Freya. (Two replace three because there was a tie for 10th place the previous year.)

In the boys’ top 10, Leo replaced Thomas.

And on the other side of the spectrum…here are some of the names that were given to just 3 babies each in Northern Ireland last year:

Rare girl namesRare boy names
Anais, Betsy, Cliona, Darlah, Eadaoin, Fearne, Gigi, Helena, Indi, Jane, Kelly, Leila, Mallaidh, Nell, Orfhlaith, Rae, Saffron, Tabitha, Vivienne, WinnieAyaan, Brendan, Cabhan, Donncha, Egan, Fearghal, Gareth, Herbie, Jaylen, Koen, Lenny, Millar, Naoise, Paddy, Quinn, Ross, Seanan, Travis, Vinnie, Zachariah

Finally, here are the 2020 rankings for Northern Ireland, if you’d like to compare.

Source: Baby Names – NISRA

Image: Adapted from Flag of the United Kingdom (public domain)

Palindromic name-pairs: Allen/Nella, Iris/Siri, Leon/Noel

duck and reflection

Looking for a pair of baby names that are mirror images of one another? If so, check out this long list of palindromic name pairings.

What’s a palindrome? It’s a word or phrase that can be read the same way in either direction, i.e., both forwards and backwards. For instance, the words “level,” “refer” and “pop” are all palindromes.

Each of the hundreds of pairings below features two names that contain the same sequence of letters, just written in opposite directions. (Nearly all of these names were collected from the SSA’s huge database of U.S. baby names.)

Palindrome name-pairs

  • Aaila & Aliaa
  • Aala & Alaa
  • Aalya & Aylaa
  • Aari & Iraa
  • Aaron & Noraa
  • Aava & Avaa
  • Aayah & Hayaa
  • Aayla & Alyaa
  • Abeera & Areeba
  • Abel & Leba
  • Abem & Meba
  • Abira & Ariba
  • Acire & Erica
  • Adama & Amada
  • Adel & Leda
  • Aden & Neda
  • Adi & Ida
  • Adia & Aida
  • Adila & Alida
  • Ador & Roda
  • Adya & Ayda
  • Aela & Alea
  • Aeva & Avea
  • Afra & Arfa
  • Ahri & Irha
  • Aiana & Anaia
  • Aidah & Hadia
  • Aidan & Nadia
  • Aidyn & Nydia
  • Aila & Alia
  • Ailah & Halia
  • Ailana & Analia
  • Ailed & Delia
  • Aileen & Neelia
  • Ailen & Nelia
  • Aili & Ilia
  • Ailyn & Nylia
  • Aima & Amia
  • Aimar & Ramia
  • Aina & Ania
  • Aira & Aria
  • Airam & Maria
  • Airi & Iria
  • Airys & Syria
  • Aisa & Asia
  • Aiva & Avia
  • Aiyla & Alyia
  • Aiza & Azia
  • Ajna & Anja
  • Akila & Alika
  • Akim & Mika
  • Akina & Anika
  • Akira & Arika
  • Akire & Erika
  • Alan & Nala
  • Alana & Anala
  • Alaya & Ayala
  • Aleciram & Maricela
  • Aleema & Ameela
  • Aleen & Neela
  • Alegna & Angela
  • Aleina & Aniela
  • Alena & Anela
  • Alex & Xela
  • Aleya & Ayela
  • Aleyna & Anyela
  • Ali & Ila
  • Aliana & Anaila
  • Alim & Mila
  • Alima & Amila
  • Alin & Nila
  • Alina & Anila
  • Alis & Sila
  • Alix & Xila
  • Aliz & Zila
  • Allan & Nalla
  • Allen & Nella
  • Allena & Anella
  • Alli & Illa
  • Alma & Amla
  • Alona & Anola
  • Alya & Ayla
  • Alyah & Hayla
  • Alyana & Anayla
  • Alyna & Anyla
  • Alyne & Enyla
  • Alyn & Nyla
  • Alys & Syla
  • Alyx & Xyla
  • Alyza & Azyla
  • Amal & Lama
  • Amar & Rama
  • Ame & Ema
  • Ameelah & Haleema
  • Amel & Lema
  • Amen & Nema
  • Amil & Lima
  • Amilah & Halima
  • Amin & Nima
  • Amir & Rima
  • Amor & Roma
  • Amos & Soma
  • Amri & Irma
  • Anaaya & Ayaana
  • Anael & Leana
  • Anaeli & Ileana
  • Anaelle & Elleana
  • Anab & Bana
  • Anah & Hana
  • Anahi & Ihana
  • Anahis & Sihana
  • Anai & Iana
  • Anaid & Diana
  • Anaira & Ariana
  • Anais & Siana
  • Anaisa & Asiana
  • Anaiya & Ayiana
  • Anaiz & Ziana
  • Anali & Ilana
  • Analya & Aylana
  • Anam & Mana
  • Anan & Nana
  • Anar & Rana
  • Anavi & Ivana
  • Anavrin & Nirvana
  • Anaya & Ayana
  • Anayat & Tayana
  • Anayra & Aryana
  • Ande & Edna
  • Anel & Lena
  • Aneli & Ilena
  • Anelle & Ellena
  • Aneri & Irena
  • Anes & Sena
  • Angel & Legna
  • Ani & Ina
  • Anilah & Halina
  • Anime & Emina
  • Anira & Arina
  • Anis & Sina
  • Anisah & Hasina
  • Annaelle & Elleanna
  • Annah & Hanna
  • Annais & Sianna
  • Anne & Enna
  • Annel & Lenna
  • Anni & Inna
  • Anova & Avona
  • Anu & Una
  • Anum & Muna
  • Anya & Ayna
  • Arale & Elara
  • Arami & Imara
  • Aramis & Simara
  • Aranya & Aynara
  • Aras & Sara
  • Arav & Vara
  • Araya & Ayara
  • Areen & Neera
  • Aren & Nera
  • Ares & Sera
  • Arev & Vera
  • Ari & Ira
  • Arial & Laira
  • Ariam & Maira
  • Arian & Naira
  • Ariday & Yadira
  • Arie & Eira
  • Ariel & Leira
  • Arik & Kira
  • Arin & Nira
  • Aris & Sira
  • Ariv & Vira
  • Ariya & Ayira
  • Ariza & Azira
  • Aron & Nora
  • Arya & Ayra
  • Aryam & Mayra
  • Aryan & Nayra
  • Aryn & Nyra
  • Arys & Syra
  • Ase & Esa
  • Aseret & Teresa
  • Aset & Tesa
  • Asli & Ilsa
  • Aslin & Nilsa
  • Asya & Aysa
  • Avah & Hava
  • Ave & Eva
  • Aven & Neva
  • Avey & Yeva
  • Avi & Iva
  • Aviv & Viva
  • Avon & Nova
  • Avram & Marva
  • Avy & Yva
  • Avya & Ayva
  • Axel & Lexa
  • Ayaan & Naaya
  • Ayah & Haya
  • Ayame & Emaya
  • Ayan & Naya
  • Ayanah & Hanaya
  • Ayani & Inaya
  • Ayanni & Innaya
  • Ayat & Taya
  • Ayaz & Zaya
  • Aydah & Hadya
  • Aydan & Nadya
  • Ayen & Neya
  • Aylen & Nelya
  • Ayme & Emya
  • Ayo & Oya
  • Ayza & Azya
  • Azar & Raza
  • Biel & Leib
  • Cam & Mac
  • Caz & Zac
  • Dair & Riad
  • Dame & Emad
  • Denisse & Essined
  • Dev & Ved
  • Dez & Zed
  • Diar & Raid
  • Divan & Navid
  • Eavan & Navae
  • Eilah & Halie
  • Eilyn & Nylie
  • Eivan & Navie
  • Ekin & Nike
  • Elbert & Treble
  • Eliah & Haile
  • Eliam & Maile
  • Elin & Nile
  • Ellah & Halle
  • Ellen & Nelle
  • Elyn & Nyle
  • Emit & Time
  • Eneri & Irene
  • Eon & Noe
  • Eric & Cire
  • Eriel & Leire
  • Erik & Kire
  • Eris & Sire
  • Eron & Nore
  • Eryk & Kyre
  • Etan & Nate
  • Esli & Ilse
  • Eziah & Haize
  • Flor & Rolf
  • Gem & Meg
  • Guy & Yug
  • Haelyn & Nyleah
  • Haeven & Neveah
  • Haevyn & Nyveah
  • Hailyn & Nyliah
  • Haiven & Neviah
  • Haizen & Neziah
  • Hakim & Mikah
  • Hali & Ilah
  • Halyn & Nylah
  • Haram & Marah
  • Hari & Irah
  • Hasset & Tessah
  • Haven & Nevah
  • Hayat & Tayah
  • Heaven & Nevaeh
  • Helen & Neleh
  • Heran & Nareh
  • Ian & Nai
  • Iman & Nami
  • Imar & Rami
  • Imer & Remi
  • Inez & Zeni
  • Inzo & Ozni
  • Irais & Siari
  • Iram & Mari
  • Iris & Siri
  • Isom & Mosi
  • Issam & Massi
  • Ivan & Navi
  • Ivar & Ravi
  • Ives & Sevi
  • Ivo & Ovi
  • Izak & Kazi
  • Jak & Kaj
  • James & Semaj
  • Jesus & Susej
  • Jet & Tej
  • Kam & Mak
  • Kavon & Novak
  • Kaz & Zak
  • Kedar & Radek
  • Keem & Meek
  • Kerem & Merek
  • Kevin & Nivek
  • Kiram & Marik
  • Kroy & York
  • Lain & Nial
  • Lam & Mal
  • Lamar & Ramal
  • Leam & Mael
  • Lean & Nael
  • Lemar & Ramel
  • Leon & Noel
  • Leor & Roel
  • Leroy & Yorel
  • Leunam & Manuel
  • Liav & Vail
  • Liban & Nabil
  • Lin & Nil
  • Linus & Sunil
  • Lukan & Nakul
  • Mairim & Miriam
  • Mar & Ram
  • Mihan & Nahim
  • Milas & Salim
  • Miles & Selim
  • Mizan & Nazim
  • Mohan & Nahom
  • Naeco & Ocean
  • Nahin & Nihan
  • Nahir & Rihan
  • Nahsir & Rishan
  • Nalin & Nilan
  • Nalo & Olan
  • Nas & San
  • Naveen & Neevan
  • Navin & Nivan
  • Navon & Novan
  • Navy & Yvan
  • Nay & Yan
  • Naz & Zan
  • Nazar & Razan
  • Nero & Oren
  • Nilo & Olin
  • Noir & Rion
  • Nomar & Ramon
  • Norris & Sirron
  • Nylo & Olyn
  • Omer & Remo
  • Ray & Yar
  • Vinay & Yaniv

It’s also possible to come up with your own palindromic pairs by flipping traditional names to create brand new names, just as Ramon and Helen were flipped to create the modern names Nomar and Neleh.

Which palindromic name-pair do you like best?

(And, did you know that individual names can be palindromes as well?)

Image: Adapted from Male northern pintail at Llano Seco by Frank Schulenburg under CC BY-SA 4.0.

[Latest update: Apr. 2023]

Numerology: Baby names with a value of 6

Baby names with a numerological value of 6

If you’re on the hunt for baby names with a numerological value of 6, you’re in luck! Because today’s post features hundreds of 6-names.

Before we get to the names, though — how do we know that they’re “sixes” in numerology?

Turning names into numbers

Here’s how to calculate the numerological value of a name.

First, for each letter, come up with a number to represent that letter’s position in the alphabet. (Letter A would be number 1, letter B would be number 2, and so forth.) Then, add all the numbers together. If the sum has two or more digits, add the digits together recursively until the result is a single digit. That single digit is the name’s numerological value.

For instance, the letters in the name Weston correspond to the numbers 23, 5, 19, 20, 15, and 14. The sum of these numbers is 96. The digits of 96 added together equal 15, and the digits of 15 added together equal 6 — the numerological value of Weston.

Baby names with a value of 6

Below you’ll find the most popular 6-names per gender, according to the latest U.S. baby name data. I’ve further sub-categorized them by total sums — just in case any of those larger numbers are significant to anyone.


The letters in the following baby names add up to 6.

Girl name (6)Boy names (6)
AdaAbba, Baba

6 via 15

The letters in the following baby names add up to 15, which reduces to six (1+5=6).

Girl names (6 via 15)Boy names (6 via 15)
Aida, Alaa, Adia, An, AmaJad, Aadi, Gabe, An, Ej

6 via 24

The letters in the following baby names add up to 24, which reduces to six (2+4=6).

Girl names (6 via 24)Boy names (6 via 24)
Ava, Alaia, Maia, Nia, Hana, Rae, Amia, Dara, Kaci, Edna, Ani, FaigaIan, Dean, Aden, Dane, Kal

6 via 33

The letters in the following baby names add up to 33, which reduces to six (3+3=6).

Girl names (6 via 33)Boy names (6 via 33)
Kali, Mabel, Anahi, Mara, Alena, Shea, Andie, Vaeda, Adira, Aimee, Alara, Adhara, Arie, Daria, Elana, Bracha, Blanca, Hawa, Shae, Avia, Diane, Eira, Leana, Adria, Dasha, Amen, Amaiah, Eman, NahiaAiden, Isaac, Wade, Kobe, Fabian, Sam, Abdiel, Amar, Shea, Don, Said, Fred, Aram, Arie, Alfie, Fabio, Amen, Jin, Eidan, Adair

6 via 42

The letters in the following baby names add up to 42, which reduces to six (4+2=6).

Girl names (6 via 42)Boy names (6 via 42)
Eliana, Maria, Cecilia, Callie, Amira, Lilah, Elaina, Blair, Maggie, Esme, Amari, Anaya, Nola, Jemma, Macy, Emani, Arden, Ayana, Abril, Jhene, Aanya, Meera, Alisa, Rain, Amarah, Alex, Adalina, Maeva, Khalia, Rio, Kaliah, Dawn, Ileana, Katia, Janice, Danni, Nailea, Madina, Analeah, Evan, Cianna, Rian, Teddi, Rebel, Lili, Delta, Eevee, Maira, Neva, Rina, Sima, Lark, Aseel, LeighaAxel, Damian, Evan, Amari, Alex, Joel, Nash, Andre, Odin, Deacon, Jalen, Ayaan, Rio, Ander, Casen, Heath, Ameer, Dion, Eren, Cedric, Rene, Jacari, Aayan, Arden, Rian, Mikah, Cru, Hans, Axle, Karl, Sami, Aamir, Malek, Aven, Makhi, Nakoa, Ansh, Rain, Ori, Blair, Kanaan, Alias, Arin, Damani, Javi, Asim, Bakari, Talha, Azan

6 via 51

The letters in the following baby names add up to 51, which reduces to six (5+1=6).

Girl names (6 via 51)Boy names (6 via 51)
Layla, Delilah, Lydia, Myla, Khloe, Phoebe, Camilla, Charli, Maren, Elora, Nalani, Davina, Haley, Thalia, Irene, Jolie, Paula, Greta, Darcy, Claudia, Aiyana, Dixie, Lianna, Inaaya, Alannah, Caylee, Aubri, Zaina, Eris, Naveah, Tahlia, Amariah, Ameerah, Irina, Amerie, Nariah, Leora, Sidra, Asher, Heidy, Alanni, Flor, Cambrie, Taliah, Jelani, Karli, Emarie, Leanne, Finlee, Kamya, Kalaya, Anaiya, Nomi, Navaeh, Navie, ChanyMichael, Asher, Raiden, Hugo, Jamir, Ledger, Boone, Rome, Issac, Lachlan, Gary, Davian, Deandre, Adrien, Mikael, Gray, Jeriah, Sire, Ansel, Micheal, Lyam, Rashad, Jahseh, Jelani, Darien, Mars, Aariv, Masiah, Denis, Reggie, Ishan, Andrei, Freddie, Kainoa, Kallan, Evian, Omer, Von, Maddex, Rihaan, Robbie, Samael, Amarii, Kyan, Price, Clive, Derian

6 via 60

The letters in the following baby names add up to 60, which reduces to six (6+0=6).

Girl names (6 via 60)Boy names (6 via 60)
Hailey, Millie, Kehlani, Wren, Raven, Matilda, Skye, Nylah, Emely, Averie, Miranda, Selene, Novah, Fallon, Zora, Keziah, Rori, Azul, Maribel, Selina, Mirabel, Petra, Emori, Aashvi, Diamond, Juno, Aryana, Janiya, Judy, Raleigh, Kamiya, Isabell, Abriella, Dayanna, Desire, Eliora, Jannat, Khelani, Hindy, Kayden, Mylee, Camdyn, Nahomi, Aribella, Samaya, Marnie, Zamara, Daliyah, Eliyah, Kavya, Solei, Razan, Corina, Rocio, Maeleigh, Haylie, Caydence, Dakotah, Zenaida, BerlinLandon, Silas, Thiago, Kayden, Enzo, Grant, Bryan, Ibrahim, Ruben, Kason, Moshe, Lucian, Samir, Riggs, Cillian, Devon, Darren, Yahya, Wren, Billy, Benny, Maxim, Nikko, Camdyn, Viraj, Osiel, Lucio, Revan, Kiyan, Aaryan, Carsen, Hernan, Rayaan, Daryl, Aditya, Salman, Bennet, Viggo, Nolen, Genaro, Raleigh, Skye, Shamar, Markel, Emmit, Jahmari, Tobin, Raven, Diamond, Whit, Sven, Kaedyn, Novah, Jibril, Jayse, Cylas, Azaire

6 via 69

The letters in the following baby names add up to 69, which reduces to six (6+9=15; 1+5=6).

Girl names (6 via 69)Boy names (6 via 69)
Riley, Stella, Lillian, Parker, Oakley, Celeste, Harley, Giselle, Rylie, Katalina, Cameron, Maliyah, Addilyn, Laurel, Amoura, Henley, Giavanna, Miller, Janessa, Odette, Sally, Shanaya, Bayleigh, Priya, Zaynab, Audriana, Kaniyah, Saniya, Ziyah, Noura, Samirah, Lenore, Miamor, Jasper, Anastacia, Esty, Ariyana, Ayzel, Zarina, Keisy, Elyza, Ginny, Maevis, LuizaCameron, Jeremiah, Parker, Jasper, Brayden, Riley, Griffin, Malcolm, Hector, Oakley, Marcos, Kaison, Leandro, Miller, Conner, Benson, Kannon, Leonard, Kyro, Alvaro, Joziah, Evander, Castiel, Colten, Rhodes, Harley, Korbin, Darwin, Bishop, Howard, Achilles, Kyaire, Yaseen, Kenny, Tayden, Kalvin, Aston, Vivaan, Smith, Ruger, Linkin, Henley, Kyran, Cordell, Lonnie, Jaydon, Knight, Hendrik, Kory, Aayansh, Neizan, Ulices, Lowen, Croix, Erwin, Azekiel, Ayaansh, Arlow

6 via 78

The letters in the following baby names add up to 78, which reduces to six (7+8=15; 1+5=6).

Girl names (6 via 78)Boy names (6 via 78)
Genesis, Kennedy, Madilyn, Esmeralda, Melissa, Viviana, Scarlet, Julieta, Oaklyn, Kayleigh, Florence, Scout, Leilany, Estelle, Berkley, Harmoni, Jazmine, Leylani, Tilly, Corinne, Avyanna, Aislinn, Montana, Onyx, Harlyn, Louella, Yesenia, Kenzlee, Batsheva, Taryn, Haisleigh, Rylin, Zulema, Karissa, October, Yohanna, Renleigh, Karson, Pauline, Nazly, TaniyahRobert, Emiliano, Tucker, Patrick, Colson, Daxton, Karson, Onyx, Troy, Dominick, Vicente, Shmuel, Genesis, Scout, Shimon, Seamus, Renzo, Antoine, Montana, Kennedy, Darryl, Braulio, Chester, Gerson, Muhammed, Myheir, Rhyder, Domenico, Shulem, Zyir, Shakur, Callaway, Luqman, Oaklyn, Lennix, Bently, Jairus, Kazmir, Romelo

6 via 87

The letters in the following baby names add up to 87, which reduces to six (8+7=15; 1+5=6).

Girl names (6 via 87)Boy names (6 via 87)
Paisley, Everly, Mackenzie, Veronica, Journi, Marlowe, Marisol, Justice, Tallulah, Blessing, Maryjane, Brayleigh, Cattleya, Hermione, Lotus, Ashtyn, Unique, Cosette, Xitlali, Lilyann, Sequoia, Priscila, Layton, Philippa, Lizzie, Grettel, Lynnlee, Yocheved, Roxanna, Truth, Ellarose, Ellory, JaylynVincent, Victor, Joaquin, Stephen, Sonny, Kolton, Braylon, Dustin, Layton, Justice, Junior, Wylder, Maxton, Niklaus, Mayson, Sultan, Truth, Clinton, Truman, Hampton, Ashtyn, Cortez, Artist, Konnor, Geovanni, Matheus, Neythan, Mackenzie, Zavion, Monty, Zaylin, Yasser, Yeison, Jayvon, Javonte, Dempsey, Geoffrey, Yossi, Binyamin, Priest

6 via 96

The letters in the following baby names add up to 96, which reduces to six (9+6=15; 1+5=6).

Girl names (6 via 96)Boy names (6 via 96)
Destiny, Mallory, Blessyn, Shirley, Blakelynn, Kristen, Vivianne, Journii, Kirsten, TrulyWeston, Stanley, Ernesto, Knowledge, Turner, Krishiv, Pierson, Townes, Jayvion, Muhammadali, Allister, Rexton, Sylus, Triton, Nikolaos, Murray, Kolsyn

6 via 105

The letters in the following baby names add up to 105, which reduces to six (1+0+5=6).

Girl names (6 via 105)Boy names (6 via 105)
Wynter, Dorothy, Esperanza, Christine, Huntley, Lovelyn, Viktoria, CypressLorenzo, Maximilian, Gustavo, Xzavier, Tristen, Cypress, Johnathon, Giovonni, Huntley, Tytus

6 via 114

The letters in the following baby names add up to 114, which reduces to six (1+1+4=6).

Girl names (6 via 114)Boy names (6 via 114)
Rosemary, Jazzlyn, Brynnleigh, Treazure, VittoriaWinston, Princeton, Demetrius, Juancarlos, Townsend

6 via 123

The letters in the following baby names add up to 123, which reduces to six (1+2+3=6).

Girl names (6 via 123)Boy names (6 via 123)
Monserrat, Riverlyn, Antoinette, Kimberlynn, QuetzalliGrizzly, Johnthomas, Maxamillion, Lovensky, Timmothy

Number 6: Significance and associations

What does the number six mean in numerology?

There’s no definitive answer, unfortunately, because various numerological systems exist, and each one has its own interpretation of the number six. That said, if we look at a couple of modern numerology/astrology websites, we see 6 being described as “harmonious,” “loving,” “stable,” “compassionate,” and “responsible.”

We can also look at associations, which are a bit more concrete. Here are some things that are associated with the number 6:

  • Snowflake (six-fold symmetry)
  • Beehive (six-sided cells)
  • Guitar (6 strings)
  • Football (6 points for a touchdown)
  • Ice hockey (6 players per side, including the goalie)
  • Cube (six faces)
  • Six degrees of separation (the idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from one other)

What does the number 6 mean to you? What are your strongest associations with the number?

P.S. To see names with other numerological values, check out the posts for the numbers one, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, and nine.

Sources: SSA, Numerology – Cafe Astrology, The meaning of the numbers 1 – 9 – World Numerology, 6 – Wikipedia

[Latest update: Jan. 2024]