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Popular baby names in Slovenia, 2023

Flag of Slovenia
Flag of Slovenia

Last year, the Central European country of Slovenia (not to be confused with the Central European country of Slovakia) welcomed 16,989 babies: 8,312 girls and 8,677 boys.

What were the most popular names among these babies? Ema and Luka.

Here are Slovenia’s top 50+ girl names and top 50 boy names of 2023:

Girl names

  1. Ema, 180 baby girls
  2. Hana, 179
  3. Zala, 177
  4. Mia, 156
  5. Julija, 147
  6. Sofija, 144
  7. Ela, 134
  8. Ajda, 125 – means “buckwheat” in Slovene.
  9. Vita, 123
  10. Mila, 118
  11. Lina, 117
  12. Eva, 114
  13. Lana, 113
  14. Zoja, 109
  15. Lara, 103
  16. Neža, 99 (tie)
  17. Nika, 99 (tie)
  18. Maša, 96
  19. Ana, 95
  20. Sofia, 92
  21. Sara, 91
  22. Zarja, 86
  23. Gaja, 81
  24. Iva, 79
  25. Brina, 77
  26. Pika, 74 – means “dot” in Slovene. In Slovenia, Pippi Longstocking’s first name is Pika.
  27. Klara, 69
  28. Lucija, 67
  29. Lia, 61
  30. Lili, 58
  31. Alina, 57 (tie)
  32. Ula, 57 (tie)
  33. Tinkara, 55
  34. Olivija, 51 (3-way tie)
  35. Ota, 51 (3-way tie)
  36. Tara, 51 (3-way tie)
  37. Olivia, 48
  38. Aurora, 47 (4-way tie)
  39. Iza, 47 (4-way tie)
  40. Maja, 47 (4-way tie)
  41. Zara, 47 (4-way tie)
  42. Naja, 46
  43. Asja, 45
  44. Kaja, 44
  45. Nina, 43
  46. Elena, 42 (tie)
  47. Manca, 42 (tie)
  48. Ava, 41
  49. Živa, 40
  50. Aria, 38 (tie)
  51. Mija, 38 (tie)

Boy names

  1. Luka, 198 baby boys
  2. Nik, 195
  3. Filip, 185
  4. Jakob, 175
  5. Mark, 173
  6. Lovro, 145
  7. Liam, 134
  8. Tim, 132
  9. Lan, 129 (tie)
  10. Oskar, 129 (tie)
  11. Oliver, 124
  12. Maj, 114
  13. Maks, 101 (tie)
  14. Žan, 101 (tie)
  15. Teo, 100
  16. Jan, 94
  17. Vid, 92
  18. Gal, 89
  19. Bine, 84
  20. Jaka, 80
  21. Leo, 77
  22. David, 75 (tie)
  23. Nace, 75 (tie)
  24. Leon, 74
  25. Izak, 71
  26. Aleks, 69
  27. Brin, 67
  28. Anže, 59 (3-way tie)
  29. Val, 59 (3-way tie)
  30. Vito, 59 (3-way tie)
  31. Lukas, 58
  32. Adam, 54 (3-way tie)
  33. Tine, 54 (3-way tie)
  34. Žiga, 54 (3-way tie)
  35. Anej, 53
  36. Svit, 50 – means “dawn” in Slovene.
  37. Nejc, 49
  38. Bor, 48 (4-way tie) – means “pine tree” in Slovene. It’s also a short form of bor- names, like Boris.
  39. Erik, 48 (4-way tie)
  40. Mateo, 48 (4-way tie)
  41. Matic, 48 (4-way tie)
  42. Aleksej, 47 (tie)
  43. Jon, 47 (tie)
  44. Lenart, 46 (tie)
  45. Matija, 46 (tie)
  46. Lev, 44
  47. Benjamin, 42
  48. Erazem, 41
  49. Tian, 40
  50. Teodor, 39

The girls’ top 100 included Loti (60th), Nuša (86th), Nikolina (90th), and Inja (94th).

The boys’ top 100 included Ožbej (70th), Tilen (73rd), Nai (95th), and the vowelless Crt (97th) — though that “C” should have a caron (which signifies a ch sound).

I didn’t post about Slovenia’s top baby names of 2022, but here are Slovenia’s 2021 rankings.

Sources: Top 100 baby names in 2023 – Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Births, 2023 – Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Behind the Name

Image: Adapted from Flag of Slovenia (public domain)

Popular baby names in Slovenia, 2021

Flag of Slovenia
Flag of Slovenia

The country of Slovenia is located in Central Europe and bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia.

Last year, Slovenia welcomed almost 19,000 babies — over 9,000 girls and nearly 10,000 boys.

What were the most popular names among these babies? Ema and Filip.

Here are Slovenia’s top 50 girl names and top 50 boy names of 2021:

Girl Names

  1. Ema, 248 baby girls
  2. Zala, 219
  3. Mia, 202
  4. Julija, 188
  5. Hana, 178
  6. Sofija, 159
  7. Ajda, 145 (tie)
  8. Vita, 145 (tie)
  9. Lana, 135
  10. Neža, 130 (tie)
  11. Nika, 130 (tie)
  12. Mila, 129 (tie)
  13. Sara, 129 (tie)
  14. Ela, 124
  15. Ana, 118 (tie)
  16. Eva, 118 (tie)
  17. Maša, 117
  18. Zoja, 116
  19. Zarja, 114
  20. Lara, 108
  21. Iva, 99
  22. Sofia, 97
  23. Brina, 96
  24. Iza, 94
  25. Lina, 92
  26. Gaja, 90
  27. Klara, 84
  28. Kaja, 78
  29. Ula, 72
  30. Tara, 66
  31. Alina, 59 (tie)
  32. Lia, 59 (tie)
  33. Lili, 55 (tie)
  34. Nina, 55 (tie)
  35. Mija, 54
  36. Neja, 53 — a diminutive of Jerneja
  37. Lucija, 52
  38. Maja, 51
  39. Tinkara, 50
  40. Inja, 48
  41. Sia, 47 (tie)
  42. Živa, 47 (tie)
  43. Pia, 46
  44. Ava, 45 (3-way tie)
  45. Naja, 45 (3-way tie)
  46. Ota, 45 (3-way tie)
  47. Manca, 43 (3-way tie)
  48. Olivija, 43 (3-way tie)
  49. Viktorija, 43 (3-way tie)
  50. Tia, 41

Boy Names

  1. Filip, 264 baby boys
  2. Luka, 239 — had been the #1 name for 22 consecutive years before slipping in 2021
  3. Nik, 217
  4. Mark, 211
  5. Jakob, 197
  6. Liam, 191
  7. Lan, 173
  8. Oskar, 165 (tie)
  9. Tim, 165 (tie)
  10. Lovro, 139
  11. Žan, 128
  12. Maks, 127
  13. Jaka, 124
  14. Gal, 123 (tie)
  15. Vid, 123 (tie)
  16. Jan, 114
  17. Maj, 111
  18. Oliver, 110
  19. Bine, 92
  20. David, 89
  21. Leon, 88
  22. Anže, 85
  23. Val, 83
  24. Žiga, 81
  25. Brin, 76 (tie)
  26. Matija, 76 (tie)
  27. Nejc, 69 — a diminutive of Jernej
  28. Adam, 68 (3-way tie)
  29. Bor, 68 (3-way tie)
  30. Teo, 68 (3-way tie)
  31. Anej, 67 (3-way tie)
  32. Izak, 67 (3-way tie)
  33. Lukas, 67 (3-way tie)
  34. Erik, 66
  35. Nace, 65
  36. Lev, 64
  37. Matic, 63
  38. Patrik, 62
  39. Leo, 60
  40. Aleks, 56
  41. Tine, 55
  42. Vito, 54
  43. Lenart, 52 (3-way tie)
  44. Matevž, 52 (3-way tie)
  45. Miha, 52 (3-way tie)
  46. Aleksej, 51 (tie)
  47. Aljaž, 51 (tie)
  48. Benjamin, 49 (3-way tie)
  49. Kris, 49 (3-way tie)
  50. Tilen, 49 (3-way tie)

Overall, about 1,300 girl names and about 1,300 boy names were bestowed in Slovenia last year. Roughly 60% of these names were used just once.

I didn’t blog about Slovenia’s 2020 rankings, but I did post the 2019 rankings, which were topped by Zala and Luka.

Sources: Top 100 baby names in 2021 – Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia; Births, 2021 – Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Image: Adapted from Flag of Slovenia (public domain)

Anagram baby names (3 letters long)

Anagram baby names (3 letters)

Looking for a set of baby names with something in common? If so, here are some 3-letter anagram names for you to check out!

Anagrams are words that contain the same set of letters, but not in the same sequence. For instance, the words “pot,” “opt,” and “top” are all anagrams of one another.

Anagram names can be a neat option for siblings — particularly multiples (like twins and triplets). They’re also a clever way to connect a baby name to the name of an older relative (e.g., grandpa Ole, grandson Leo).

Below are hundreds of three-letter names (collected from the SSA’s huge database of U.S. baby names) that happen to be anagrams of other names.

Three-letter anagram names

  • Ani, Ian, Ina, Nai, Nia
  • Eno, Eon, Neo, Noe, Oen
  • Ame, Ema, Mae, Mea
  • Ami, Iam, Mai, Mia
  • Amy, May, Mya, Yma
  • Ari, Ira, Rai, Ria
  • Ary, Ray, Rya, Yar
  • Azi, Iza, Zai, Zia
  • Ade, Dea, Eda
  • Adi, Dia, Ida
  • Aki, Kai, Kia
  • Ali, Ila, Lia
  • Alo, Loa, Ola
  • Ase, Esa, Sae
  • Ave, Eva, Vea
  • Avi, Iva, Via
  • Ean, Ena, Nea
  • Era, Rae, Rea
  • Eri, Ire, Rei
  • Ero, Reo, Roe
  • Ion, Nio, Oni
  • Isa, Sai, Sia
  • Ita, Tai, Tia
  • Kao, Koa, Oak
  • Nay, Nya, Yan
  • Ori, Rio, Roi
  • Abe, Bea
  • Abi, Bia
  • Aby, Bay
  • Aly, Lya
  • Anh, Han
  • Ann, Nan
  • Anu, Una
  • Aum, Uma
  • Avy, Yva
  • Bao, Oba
  • Cam, Mac
  • Caz, Zac
  • Dev, Ved
  • Dez, Zed
  • Dre, Red
  • Duy, Udy
  • Ela, Lea
  • Emi, Mei
  • Eve, Vee
  • Eze, Zee
  • Gem, Meg
  • Guy, Yug
  • Hal, Lah
  • Ike, Kei
  • Ivo, Ovi
  • Jai, Jia
  • Jak, Kaj
  • Jet, Tej
  • Jio, Joi
  • Kal, Kla
  • Kam, Mak
  • Kay, Kya
  • Kaz, Zak
  • Keo, Koe
  • Koy, Kyo
  • Lam, Mal
  • Lav, Val
  • Len, Nel
  • Leo, Ole
  • Lin, Nil
  • Lio, Oli
  • Lua, Ula
  • Lys, Sly
  • Mio, Omi
  • Miu, Umi
  • Naz, Zan
  • Niv, Vin
  • Noa, Ona
  • Nas, San
  • Ora, Roa
  • Oya, Yao
  • Rey, Rye
  • Roy, Ryo
  • Rui, Uri
  • Rut, Tru
  • Tae, Tea
  • Tao, Toa
  • Zae, Zea
  • Zay, Zya
  • Zeo, Zoe
  • Zio, Zoi
  • Ziv, Zvi

Which pairing/group do you like best? Let me know in the comments!

To see anagram names of other lengths, check out these lists of 4-letter anagram names, 5-letter anagram names, 6-letter anagram names, 7-letter anagram names, and 8-letter anagram names.

[Latest update: April 2023]

Baby names that reached the U.S. top 1,000 just once

mountain peak



Many baby names have only managed to rank among the most popular in the U.S. a single time.

Here are all of the top 1,000’s single-appearance names so far (1880-2005), grouped by decade. If I’ve written an explanatory post about the name, I’ve added a link to the post.

(Please note that the rankings from earliest decades are based on data that isn’t very reliable. So, most of those names didn’t make the top 1,000 for any particular reason — they’re mostly just statistical anomalies.)


Girl Names, 1880-89Boy Names, 1880-89
Adina, Almyra, Chanie, Chrissie, Clemie, Cordella, Dayse, Delina, Delle, Elmire, Elzada, Estie, Fronnie, Lovisa, Lucina, Manerva, Manervia, Minervia, Neppie, Nolie, Orilla, Rillie, Sybilla, Tella, Thursa, Achsah, Ala, Alabama, Amey, Chestina, Chloie, Crissie, Daisye, Dema, Dollye, Eithel, Mila, Senora, Siddie, Sylvania, Tiney, Zilpah, Affie, Arah, Artelia, Birdella, Cathern, Cilla, Elizbeth, Fannye, Francina, Genevra, Iza, Jerusha, Loda, Lucetta, Lucindy, Luda, Mahalie, Modena, Nanna, Nelie, Olena, Sinda, Vicy, Almina, Argie, Beatrix, Cappie, Caro, Cloe, Deetta, Dorathea, Ermine, Felicie, Icey, Junia, Lovey, Marianita, Mattye, Pearla, Simona, Alzina, Annice, Georganna, Leala, Lurana, Milly, Nealy, Olivine, Oney, Savilla, Sussie, Theodocia, Violetta, Aurilla, Dosia, Emmy, Essa, Ica, Ilma, Lolla, Medora, Octa, Alwilda, Angele, Betha, Clytie, Ermina, Hilah, Louisiana, Metha, Oline, Pricilla, Alwine, Anice, Clemma, Eppie, Gustie, Octavie, Orelia Francies, Margretta, Orra, Pairlee, Pallie, Chessie, Erla, Herma, Lulah, NoemieAgustus, Baldwin, Candido, Ceylon, Clemente, Firman, Friend, Hays, Hence, Hunt, Isam, Jabez, Obed, Rafe, Redden, Salomon, Sannie, Tilden, Ambers, Cas, Casimiro, Dixon, Elonzo, Emry, Erving, Esequiel, Manly, Marius, Marrion, Mercer, Obe, Philo, Primus, Prosper, Pryor, Roll, Wiliam, Wing, York, Alanzo, Alby, Alcee, Auguste, Caswell, Clabe, Ell, Greene, Hansford, Lone, Marsh, Pearley, Wenzel, Blanchard, Bose, Charle, Emett, Grove, Hanson, Jep, Jeptha, Linzy, Lute, Milas, Thurlow, Blain, Bowman, Bunk, Donaciano, Ebenezer, Ignatz, Odin, Oley, Osborn, Shep, Vollie, Drury, Elon, Fielding, Fleet, Fount, Lark, Lim, Nim, North, Orvis, Reason, Virge, Worley, Zenas, Acey, Algernon, Amasa, Amil, Calhoun, Colbert, Elby, Fuller, Ham, Lilburn, Lovett, Pratt, Ruffin, Bliss, Dorr, Ethelbert, Gilford, Gilman, Graves, Hillery, Shepherd, Benjman, Celestino, Hart, Hilmer, Le, Liston, Lott, Nils, Vere, Abie, Alver, Anatole, Boone, Branch, Bush, Claiborne, Edw, Fed, Governor, Hjalmar, Levin, Redmond


Girl Names, 1890-99Boy Names, 1890-99
Ethie, Fleeta, Jessye, Jetta, Sibbie, Idabelle, Lulla, Olar, Sylva, Versa, Allena, Cannie, Cliffie, Clotilda, Elmyra, Josefita, Lurena, Elfreda, Adel, Alleen, Trilby, Zela, Zeta, Manilla, Vara, IrvaAlmus, Conard, Guilford, Neely, Polk, Rance, Red, Algot, Alphons, Barnard, Burk, Berkley, Iverson, Job, Powell, Vick, Burleigh, Con, Ebert, Murdock, Nolen, Willaim, Aubra, Avon, Bolden, Link, Thorwald, Alston, Audy, Donat, Emmons, Erby, Esley, Hebert, Hezzie, Hughey, Oddie, Vinton, Zed, Alwin, Evander, Gaither, Grafton, Guthrie, Ovila, Acy, Aloys, Arthor, Boysie, Cam, Hale, Lisle, Offie, Silver, Virgel, Willy, Dabney, Adams, Arba, Collie, Ewart, Gladstone, Schley, Shafter, Baker, Bynum, Colvin, Elizah, Griffith


Girl Names, 1900-09Boy Names, 1900-09
Luvinia, Dagny, Ethyle, Augustina, Girtha, Edris, Vernia, Beadie, Ilda, Neola, Orma, Vela, Clydie, Rosabelle, Theta, Arnetta, Clementina, Launa, Azalee, MacelGoebel, Tallie, Ancil, Buren, Erland, Esco, Mathews, Pate, Doll, Ivor, Victoriano, Beckham, Lenon, Ozzie, Teddie, Arbie, Council, Duard, Harm, Severo, Tobie, Fredie, Graydon, Jiles, Benard, Harrold, Delmus, Delphin, Gilmer, Ogden, Oland, Samie, Esker, Levie, Robley, Othel


Girl Names, 1910-19Boy Names, 1910-19
Arietta, Loree, Blanchie, Felice, Maebell, Orene, Cleone, Lahoma, Rosaria, Idamae, Lavelle, Michelina, Victory, HarukoAmerigo, Gennaro, Hymen, Melbourne, Geno, Gilmore, Saverio, Arvo, Berlin, Gerhardt, Hughes, Tatsuo, Orvin, Foch, Laddie, Metro, Therman


Girl Names, 1920-29Boy Names, 1920-29
Arlyne, Venice, Vernelle, Enriqueta, Lorrayne, Ailene, Illa, Kazuko, Felicitas, Joline, SydellHarden, Shoji, Fidencio


Girl Names, 1930-39Boy Names, 1930-39
Charlsie, Belia, Thomasina, Monna, Nira, Marcelina, Darlyne, Shirleyann, Vernetta, Larae, Jonell, Noreta, Noretta, Shelvie, Helaine, Dotty, KarelDerl, Darl, Orlin, Marland, Darwyn, Delwin, Harlon, Ronal


Girl Names, 1940-49Boy Names, 1940-49
Phyliss, Jerrilyn, Carlyn, Rozanne, Michaele, Lyndia, Regena, ShirleenWendel, Wilkie, Eusebio, Lucky, Cornel


Girl Names, 1950-59Boy Names, 1950-59
Rhona, Sharleen, Debera, Ellyn, Jacqulyn, Pandora, Doretta, Denese, Valinda, Debroah, Jeryl, Melodee, Sheilah, Sheryll, Gaylene, Kathey, Nilda, Lanita, Perri, Tambra, TariDanniel, Deryl, Erasmo, Mikeal, Kennard, Rahn, Ricci, Kem


Girl Names, 1960-69Boy Names, 1960-69
Jeanmarie, Daneen, Denine, Djuana, Djuna, Caprice, Denita, Inger, Sonji, Sunday, Tatia, Wende, Melissia, CinnamonDwyane, Tal, Destry, Anthoney, Jemal


Girl Names, 1970-79Boy Names, 1970-79
Dyan, Tisa, Treena, Camisha, Keena, Brande, Tamisha, Pepper, Chaka, Shandra, Torie, Corie, Kamilah, Shawnna, Shawnte, Ariane, Kindra, Somer, ShareeAbelardo, Diallo, Jabbar, Mauro, Toma, Kareen, Dimitrios, Hakim, Jerimy, Torry, Amin, Demetric, Kinte, Kunta, Shalon, Hasan


Girl Names, 1980-89Boy Names, 1980-89
Renada, Tai, Evita, Joi, Latoyia, Martine, Nereida, Tashina, Cristen, Jenilee, Tenika, Dwan, Grisel, Shenna, Teela, Shira, Violeta, Britta, Cherrelle, Kyrie, Sable, Shardae, Sharde, Sharday, Shatara, Diandra, Grecia, Jalissa, Taja, Alexandr, Audriana, Audrianna, Brittnay, Christin, Elizabet, Katherin, StephaniHoracio, Adalberto, Marchello, Hung, Huy, Trumaine, Tavaris, Cordaro, Joseluis, Brantley, Geraldo, Christop, Alexande


Girl Names, 1990-99Boy Names, 1990-99
Alannah, Kanesha, Ieshia, Miesha, Miriah, Shaquana, Tiesha, Brianda, Shaniece, Shawnee, Coraima, Crysta, Deyanira, Jasmyne, Kalene, Kaylene, Shannen, Adilene, Clarisa, Meranda, Nohely, Iridian, Keanna, Daijah, Jaycie, Yamilex, Baylie, Julisa, Micayla, Yulisa, Yulissa, Shae, Kyara, TatyannaMykel, Dijon, Keifer, Colter, Davonta, Devaughn, Khari, Shyheim, Tyrin, Damarcus, Dustyn, Rashaan, Keion, Raquan, Coleton, Jajuan, Keandre, Kenan, Christion, Jacquez, Jelani, Miguelangel, Tavian, Tyrik, Arman, Tyreese, Tyreke

2000s (so far)

Girl Names, 2000-05Boy Names, 2000-05
Dariana, Maiya, Neha, Yamilet, Beyonce, Dafne, Keila, Mikaila, Nallely, Nayely, Taina, Kiya, Rianna, Arly, Karyme, Gwyneth, Heidy, Treasure, Anneliese, Arleth, Jolette, Mikalah, MontserratDayne, Daunte, Jaheem, Jaquez, Lisandro, Luc, Osbaldo, Yousef, Ajay, Jahir, Mordechai, Andon, Jayvon, Koda, Trenten, Adin, Damari, Makhi

P.S. Here’s a list of the names that reached the top 1,000 just twice.

Image: Adapted from Pointe de Nantaux 05 by Krzysztof Golik under CC BY-SA 4.0.