How popular is the baby name Sommers in the United States right now? How popular was it historically? Use the popularity graph and data table below to find out! Plus, see all the blog posts that mention the name Sommers.

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Popularity of the baby name Sommers

Posts that mention the name Sommers

Interesting one-hit wonder names in the U.S. baby name data

single flower

They came, they went, and they never came back!

These baby names are one-hit wonders in the U.S. baby name data. That is, they’ve only popped up once, ever, in the entire dataset of U.S. baby names (which accounts for all names given to at least 5 U.S. babies per year since 1880).

There are thousands of one-hit wonders in the dataset, but the names below have interesting stories behind their single appearance, so these are the one-hits I’m writing specific posts about. Just click on a name to read more.














  • (none yet)


As I discover (and write about) more one-hit wonders in the data, I’ll add the names/links to this page. In the meanwhile, do you have any favorite one-hit wonder baby names?

Image: Adapted from Solitary Poppy by Andy Beecroft under CC BY-SA 2.0.

[Latest update: Apr. 2024]

Where did the baby name Sommers come from in 1977?

Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman
Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman

The name Sommers was a one-hit wonder in the U.S. baby name data in 1977:

  • 1979: unlisted
  • 1978: unlisted
  • 1977: 7 baby girls named Sommers [debut]
  • 1976: unlisted
  • 1975: unlisted

What put Sommers on the map?

The popular TV show The Bionic Woman (1976-1978), which featured a main character named Jaime Sommers (played by Lindsay Wagner).

The character originated on an episode of The Six Million Dollar Man* called “The Bionic Woman.” In that episode, Jaime was severely injured in a skydiving accident. She ended up with bionic legs, a bionic right arm, and a bionic right ear that gave her superhuman speed, strength, and hearing.

In the spin-off series, she put her new abilities to use by going on dangerous missions for the government.

The more common names Jaime and Lindsay (and sound-alikes Jamie, Lindsey, etc.) also saw much higher usage while the show was on the air. The rise of Jaime (as a girl name) was particularly dramatic:

  • 1978: 4,002 baby girls named Jaime [rank: 71st]
  • 1977: 5,906 baby girls named Jaime [rank: 46th]
  • 1976: 7,836 baby girls named Jaime [rank: 29th]
  • 1975: 915 baby girls named Jaime [rank: 263rd]
  • 1974: 260 baby girls named Jaime [rank: 606th]

In fact, I remember quoting a person named after Jaime Sommers in name quote post a few years ago.

So what are your thoughts on the rare name Sommers? Would you use it? (How about the slightly more common Summers?)

Sources: The Bionic Woman – Wikipedia, The Bionic Woman –

*See Taneha.