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Popularity of the baby name Benhur

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Interesting one-hit wonder names in the U.S. baby name data

single flower

They came, they went, and they never came back!

These baby names are one-hit wonders in the U.S. baby name data. That is, they’ve only popped up once, ever, in the entire dataset of U.S. baby names (which accounts for all names given to at least 5 U.S. babies per year since 1880).

There are thousands of one-hit wonders in the dataset, but the names below have interesting stories behind their single appearance, so these are the one-hits I’m writing specific posts about. Just click on a name to read more.














  • (none yet)


As I discover (and write about) more one-hit wonders in the data, I’ll add the names/links to this page. In the meanwhile, do you have any favorite one-hit wonder baby names?

Image: Adapted from Solitary Poppy by Andy Beecroft under CC BY-SA 2.0.

[Latest update: Apr. 2024]

How has the game show “Jeopardy!” influenced U.S. baby names?

Title of the TV game show "Jeopardy!" (1984-)

Last week, Becca commented with some interesting Jeopardy! contestant names (e.g., Hobie, Dorcas) and mentioned J! Archive, which lists tens of thousands of Jeopardy! contestants going back to 1984, when the show premiered.

I skimmed through all the contestants from 1984 to 2015 (as we don’t have baby name data for 2016 yet) and spotted hundreds of unusual names. And it looks like at least two of them got a boost thanks to the show.


The name Alancia was a one-hit wonder that popped up in the U.S. baby name data in 2000:

  • 2002: unlisted
  • 2001: unlisted
  • 2000: 9 baby girls named Alancia [debut]
  • 1999: unlisted
  • 1998: unlisted

One-time player Alancia Wynn, a family practice physician from Virginia, was on Jeopardy! in October of 1999.


The name Brannon saw an increase in usage in 1998:

  • 2000: 116 baby boys named Brannon
  • 1999: 118 baby boys named Brannon
  • 1998: 158 baby boys named Brannon [peak]
  • 1997: 113 baby boys named Brannon
  • 1996: 114 baby boys named Brannon

One-time player Brannon Denning, a graduate student from Connecticut, was on Jeopardy! in September of 1998. (Looks like Brannon Denning is now a law professor at Samford University.)

Alaric & Ezgi …?

These two names may have gotten a slight boost as well, though it’s hard to tell.

  • Alaric, in 2005. One-time player Alaric Smith was on the show in October of 2005.
  • Ezgi, in 2015. One-time player Ezgi Ustundag was on the show in October of 2015.

Ezgi is a female name that means “melody” in Turkish.

Anjali (false positive)

“Kids Week” contestant Anjali Tripathi was on the show in September of 1999. The same year, the baby name Anjali more than doubled in usage:

  • 2001: 222 baby girls named Anjali
  • 2000: 230 baby girls named Anjali
  • 1999: 202 baby girls named Anjali
  • 1998: 93 baby girls named Anjali
  • 1997: 80 baby girls named Anjali

But this was a suspiciously steep rise. And it was accompanied by the debut of an alternate spelling (Anjalie). And usage didn’t drop back to normal levels the next year, as one would expect. These facts pointed me to something more high-profile than a Jeopardy! contestant.

Turns out the very successful Hindi coming-of-age romantic comedy Kuch Kuch Hota Hai had been released in 1998. The movie featured not one but two main characters named Anjali.

More names!

Here are the rest of the names that caught my eye, sorted by year:

  • 2015: Chandreyi, Dava-Leigh, Desta, Ezgi, Kynan, Mags, Praggya, Rook, Tiombi
  • 2014: Ben-Hur, Dinu, FeiFei, Gudrun, Ilissa, Kenesha, LaWanda, Leszek, Mariusz, Myfanwy, Osei, Shloka, Sirena
  • 2013: Arne, Berek, Diva, Kelton, Kinu, Nilai, Nishanth, Ramsin, Rhea, Salvo, Shuli, Sonrisa, Tahne, Twyla, Waymond, Xan, Yellowlees
  • 2012: Anshika, Benton, Bing, Deniz, Injee, Jessamine, Jia-Rui, Mithun, Pian, Shaanti,
    Vamsi, Vinayak
  • 2011: Bhibha, Boomie, Cosi, Gabor, Gitta, Idrees, Karawan, LuEllen, Milind, Raphie
  • 2010: Huat, Kemi, Marianthe, Raghuveer, Shaama, Surabhi
  • 2009: Ariella, Claxton, Cyn, Daphna, Drusha, Hayes, Henok, Jove, Lysette, Nirav, Ranjan, Seyi, Shyra, Tui, Wright
    • Tui Sutherland (first name pronounced TOO-ee) is a fiction writer. She was named after the tui bird of New Zealand.
  • 2008: Anurag, Babatope, Delano, Elza, Gilah, Kew, Murtaza, Naren, Srinivas, Vibin, Zia
  • 2007: Arlynda, Bethlehem, Clé, Haritha, Khoa, Kai-Ning, Kizzle, Lateefah, Lenzy, Marvene, Mehrun, Ssezi, Tigger, Toho, Tope
  • 2006: Dianisbeth, Iddoshe, Karmie, Lizard, Nemanja, Nissan, Oz, Ozgun, Papa, Pinki, Raena, Reda, Sioux, Tawney
  • 2005: Alaric, Corinth, Jayanth, Kem, Kingslea, LeeAundra, Ruchi, Ruvani, Vanamali
  • 2004: Denele, Kermin, M’Liss, Nithya
  • 2003: Alicen, Amasa, Eok, Freya, Nulty, Snowden, Vane
  • 2002: Anagha, Dileep, Gadi, Hikma, Jara, Kirik, Kunle, Manoj, Muzy (MYOO-zee), Omid, Quyen, Rafi, Seveen, Shasa, Tana, Umiko
  • 2001: Aki, Babu, Gosia, Marek, Mittie, Neha, Ulhas, Vinita
  • 2000: Akshai, Arrington, Celiane, Cinnamon, Iyesatu, Jeeks, Manx, Meri-Jane, Mitali, Sabin, Tarun
  • 1999: Ajuan, Alancia, Anjali, Chacko, Davine, Happy, Mihee, Seale, Wellington, Yancy, Yoni
  • 1998: Ardys, Brannon, Creswell, Kemp, Melizza, Sinan
  • 1998: Boze, Jolyn, Rokshana
  • 1997: Akiva, Atish, Breck, Brick, Davia, Girish, Mita, Murat, Pooja, Sahir, Tanis, Vartan, Zinie
  • 1996: Myretta, Rima, Ulf, Vandana
  • 1995: Albina
  • 1994: Graydon
  • 1993: Bronwyn, Ferris, Leif
  • 1991: India, Kareem
  • 1990: Ardwight, Avrom, Murdock, Peji
  • 1989: Darbi, Ouida
  • 1988: Blaze, Cigus, Doak, Scooter
  • 1987: JoFrannye
  • 1986: Chub, Zanete

Which of the above names do you like best?

P.S. Thanks again, Becca!

Popular and unique baby names in Portugal, 2015

Flag of Portugal
Flag of Portugal

According to data from the Instituto dos Registos e Notariado (IRN), the most popular baby names in Portugal in 2015 were Maria and João.

Here are Portugal’s top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2015:

Girl Names

  1. Maria, 5,324 baby girls
  2. Leonor, 1,999
  3. Matilde, 1,889
  4. Beatriz, 1,268
  5. Carolina, 1,228
  6. Mariana, 1,205
  7. Ana, 1,060
  8. Inês, 1,001 (Agnes)
  9. Margarida, 989
  10. Sofia, 950

Boy Names

  1. João, 1,932 baby boys
  2. Martim, 1,778
  3. Rodrigo, 1,666
  4. Santiago, 1,632
  5. Francisco, 1,593
  6. Afonso, 1,439
  7. Tomás, 1,409
  8. Miguel, 1,271
  9. Guilherme, 1,187
  10. Gabriel, 1,143

In the boys’ top ten, Gabriel replaced Duarte (a version of Edward).

The girls’ top ten includes the same ten names.

At the other end of the spectrum, some of the baby names used only once last year:

Unique Girl NamesUnique Boy Names
Billca, Djenyfer, Excel, Foricusa, Hadriela, Hedviges, Iok, Jannatul, Joelma, Krutgna, Leninha, Lwezzy, Moana, Muen, Nayuca, Otchali, Otchaly, Ruixiao, Suncar, Svenya, Tchawi, Tesla, Txissola, Uhenia, Urwa, Valcikleny, WilfaniaAnass, Bambo, Barack, Ben-Hur, Cleidir, Creation, Cheikh, Djassy, Djemo, Duarth, Eurilucio, Fredynilson, Gonzaga, Guto, Habacuque, Hetwik, Lukenny, Man, Mojo, Neculai, Otchali, Petko, Ruzgyar, Skyllen, Tcherstney, Tuttondele, Vanilson

Here are the 2014 rankings for Portugal.

Source: Borja-Santos, Romana. “No país da Maria e do João, a Luana e o Diego estão a ganhar terreno.” Público 5 Jan. 2016.

Image: Adapted from Flag of Portugal (public domain)

The top boy-name debuts of 2010

lotus bud

Below are the boy name debuts of 2010.

The “boy name debuts” are the boy names that never appeared on the Social Security Administration’s baby name list before 2010. That is, boy names that were never given to more than 5 baby boys in any single year on record (1880-2009).

  1. Vadhir, 55 baby boys – from actor Vadhir Derbez
  2. Jeffren, 28 – from soccer player Jeffrén
  3. Brees, 22 – from football player Drew Brees
  4. Neymar, 19 – from soccer player Neymar
  5. Dastan, 17 – from Prince of Persia character Dastan (h/t Julie)
  6. Kaisyn, 15
  7. Kiaan, 15
  8. Coopar, 14
  9. Khaidyn, 13
  10. Koli, 13 – from Biggest Loser contestant Koli Palu (h/t Angela)
  11. Miking, 12
  12. Oluwadarasimi, 12
  13. Avyan, 11
  14. Gurtaj, 11
  15. Yanuel, 11
  16. Hezeki, 10
  17. Jaxxen, 10
  18. Krosby, 10
  19. Riaan, 10 – Not a debut! My mistake.
  20. Rilynn, 10
  21. Robben, 10 – Another false positive.
  22. Weylyn, 10

Given to 9 baby boys:
Abem, Ayce, Aydain, Baze, Beckhem, Caysin, Haaziq, Jadyen, Jaedynn, Kyryn, Liel, Nox, Pistol, Poseidon, Raizo, Shaddix, Srihaas, Talent

Given to 8 baby boys:
Adrianno, Axil, Beckum, Benhur, Bentlei, Bradynn, Breaker, Child, Colsten, Devarsh, Farzan, Goodluck, Graesyn, Jaasir, Jahmell, Jairden, Jayrell, Khonor, Koldyn, Kyier, Makua, Ozil, Sahibdeep, Smayan, Teagyn, Tenor, Yoann, Zamaurion

Given to 7 baby boys:
Aceyn, Ahmire, Alameen, Arihaan, Aws, Ayiden, Baize, Bavly, Bemnet, Bentleigh, Bentlie, Braham, Cadian, Carmell, Cashmir, Cayvion, Chaysten, Cormari, Daimarion, Demire, Deriel, Devaj, Dradyn, Eastan, Elysia, Erdi, Feliks, Graysin, Guilian, Hastings, Izekiel, Jahniel, Jaizen, Jaydean, Jaydem, Jefren, Jemir, Jozyah, Jvontae, Kabel, Kartel, Kayston, Khloe, Kipten, Kiptin, Knolan, Lakhi, Lealan, Leim, Mauer, Mytrell, Navell, Nikkoli, Nyzair, Nyzere, Pragyan, Rajab, Rhyley, Riott, Roony, Ryerson, Shaemus, Shahzain, Silis, Skyden, Suheb, Suheyb, Suyog, Tayem, Traigh, Trax, Trelynn, Zaelon, Zameir, Zarious, Zevyn, Ziel

Given to 6 baby boys:
Aarib, Abdelrhman, Acheron, Ahanu, Ahian, Aidanjames, Alhasan, Alizander, Altay, Amiliano, Aoi, Arson, Ashdyn, Aviraj, Awesome, Aydric, Aymeric, Azarious, Bayze, Beowulf, Bodhin, Bohan, Brekkin, Breontae, Brom, Cadrian, Casden, Cena, Chezkel, Coreyion, Coyer, Cung, Daidrian, Demajae, Demilade, Derringer, Draeson, Draycen, Draysen, Dreydin, Eliason, Elnatan, Elyn, Ethanjohn, Ethanpaul, Finau, Gambit, Gersain, Hadin, Haruma, Haydar, Henos, Het, Ilyjah, Izaeh, Jacks, Jaetyn, Jagjot, Jahvel, Jaisal, Jakier, Jakov, Jankarlo, Javare, Jaydhen, Jaylaun, Jaymani, Jaymez, Jazavion, Jeckson, Jenzel, Jesai, Jette, Jexiel, Jiho, Jmir, Joacim, Josyiah, Juelez, Kahir, Kaigan, Kailo, Kajetan, Kaspian, Kavya, Kaycin, Kayeden, Kayro, Keair, Keating, Kevari, Kharter, Kojiro, Korrion, Krishang, Kristiano, Kyaw, Laderian, Lanxton, Laterrion, Lejend, Levii, Liamm, Liav, Lukyan, Macks, Mahsiah, Majok, Malyke, Marcjacob, Masonjames, Mekko, Mouctar, Myion, Nasri, Neer, Nidhish, Nikali, No, Noahh, Norbu, Nubaid, Paramveer, Paxtin, Phinn, Princejohn, Princton, Radford, Rawly, Rigg, Rylund, Samonte, Samvit, Serious, Seyon, Shloke, Shoumik, Siale, Sidak, Statham, Syedmuhammad, Syier, Syree, Tahan, Tamare, Taraj, Tesher, Traeshon, Traydon, Trezden, Trippton, Turki, Vishak, Xael, Xzayden, Xzayvian, Yadon, Yohel, Yosniel, Yuriah, Yuva, Zaedon, Zaevian, Zerrion, Zevi, Zhaiden, Zhayden, Zihan, Zuriah

Given to 5 baby boys (a few highlights from a much longer list):
Attis, Bhargava, Brookston, Eternal, Kingsolomon, Motley, Mykl, Sparrow, Yahweh, Zzyzx

(See the top girl name debuts of 2010.)

Source: SSA

Image: Adapted from LotusBud0048a (public domain) by Frank “Fg2” Gualtieri